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Amazon Prime through Amazon Mom expires in October!! What to do?

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I'm afraid that Amazon's extremely clever marketing is working as designed: We are now fully addicted to Amazon Prime! As a result, it looks like we will need to actually *pay* for the privilege come October when our free year of Prime expires. :glare:


Anyone else in this situation?

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If mine expires, I will just wait until I have $25 worth of things to order. Amazon's shipping is still pretty quick without the two-day shipping. I do almost all my shopping through Amazon, so it's doesn't take long until I need $25 worth of products. There is no way I will ever pay for Amazon Prime, but that is just how I am.



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I can't remember your family situation. Do you have a college student within the U.S.? If so, this might help:


Thanks! Yes, we have two college students in the U.S. However, they have their own accounts and they want to use their free Amazon Prime for themselves. (Rightly so, I will add...)
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If mine expires, I will just wait until I have $25 worth of things to order. Amazon's shipping is still pretty quick without the two-day shipping. I do almost all my shopping through Amazon, so it's doesn't take long until I need $25 worth of products. There is no way I will ever pay for Amazon Prime, but that is just how I am.



Yes, this is the alternative. I was leaning in this direction and then Amazon added streaming video to the pot! They *really* have got our number! ;)
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I'm afraid that Amazon's extremely clever marketing is working as designed: We are now fully addicted to Amazon Prime! As a result, it looks like we will need to actually *pay* for the privilege come October when our free year of Prime expires. :glare:


Anyone else in this situation?


IF it's still as it was, you can share it with 4 others (5 total) So, $20 a year would be quite reasonable ;)

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Thanks! Yes, we have two college students in the U.S. However, they have their own accounts and they want to use their free Amazon Prime for themselves. (Rightly so, I will add...)

Ah. That's too bad!

We all share here, and college-kid doesn't seem to mind. {except for the part where they keep recommending whole-foods cookbooks for him because of purchasing history :D}

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*IF* it is anything like the Amazon Student (which I had) they offered me a renewal at half the Amazon Prime price. So I grabbed it, It was $40 if I remember right.
That would be nice!


One question: Did they only offer this to you AFTER the Prime membership expired, or did they offer it beforehand?

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*IF* it is anything like the Amazon Student (which I had) they offered me a renewal at half the Amazon Prime price. So I grabbed it, It was $40 if I remember right.


This is what happened to my Amazon Student. The week it was set to expire, they offered it half price.


I probably wouldn't pay $80, but $40 was worth it to me considering I probably buy something off Amazon a couple of times a week and they now have the movies/tv shows as well. I love that I can buy something that costs $1 and not have to wait to add anything else to get it.


If you are interested in the half off, Amazon reps are generally extremely helpful. Open a chat and tell them that you heard they offered half off to expiring student accounts and see if they could let you have the offer for your expiring mom account because you want to keep buying off Amazon at the same frequency :001_smile:

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I used to pay the $80 for it, before amazon mom, so I'll just pay again in December. I have three little kids, getting to target is a feat in and of itself. Plus, my older DS has lots of food allergies, and there are foods we can only get on amazon.



Bottom line, I can't live without it. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
I'm afraid that Amazon's extremely clever marketing is working as designed: We are now fully addicted to Amazon Prime! As a result, it looks like we will need to actually *pay* for the privilege come October when our free year of Prime expires. :glare:
Well, it expired on Sunday. :sad: We are suffering from Amazon Prime withdrawal here, but are getting by. :tongue_smilie:


We intend to go ahead and pay for it, but we have a disincentive since we will get a free month of Prime with our Kindle Fire purchase after it arrives in November. But we don't get that if we have paid for it within the last year. So we are *attempting* a small Amazon strike for the next month in hopes that they will offer it for free or half price or $2 off or SOMETHING. So far they have only emailed saying we could sign up again for full price. :glare:

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They didn't warn me when my Amazon Mom expired, and they didn't offer me discounted Prime. But we've been Prime members for years, and I'd always intended to re-subscribe when Amazon Mom expired. We cancelled Netflix at the same time we re-joined Prime, so we still come out ahead money-wise. :)

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On the Amazon student rules it says that if you've already received the amazon mom shipping benefit, that you can't get the amazon student benefit so switching over won't work.


I had paid for prime the previous 2-3 years before amazon mom kicked in and no doubt I'll be getting prime again when my amazon mom benefits expire (in about a week I think). I just think of it as a bonus freebie year that saved me $79. :) I was pretty thrilled. Like the poster above, I have a bunch of kids and it's a huge time saver for me to order what I need from amazon and know it will be here in 2 days rather than hauling everybody to the store. I really think I get my $79 worth.

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What the heck is Amazon Mom?
Here is the Amazon Mom page.


You can get discounted baby supplies using this feature. In addition, you get three months of Amazon Prime for free, which you can extend up to a maximum of 12 months by making $25 or larger purchases from the Amazon Mom store for each additional month.


Our youngest is 7, but this worked on us because we were able to get a GREAT deal on pull-ups delivered to our door! We're still using the service for the savings, even without the Prime benefit.

I just signed up, does the trail include streaming?
Unfortunately, no. Here is a link to the Amazon Mom FAQ.
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Can you still do the 1 month free trial after having Amazon Mom?
Yes. Here is the wording on the Kindle Fire page:
About the free month of Amazon Prime with Kindle Fire

Customers who have not used Prime instant videos over the past year will be given a free month of Amazon Prime when they first activate and register their Kindle Fire. Customers receiving free shipping benefits as an Amazon Mom, Amazon Student or as an invited guest of another Prime member will receive a month of Prime instant videos, if they have also not used the service over the past year. If you're already a paid or free trial member of Prime when you register your device you'll be able to seamlessly use your benefits without interruption or changes to your membership.

If so, that might get you through till your Fire ships.
That would be nice, but the free month (including streaming) with the Kindle Fire is only *after* you receive and register the device:
Starting your free month of Amazon Prime


Your free month of Amazon Prime will start when you first activate and register your Kindle Fire. There is no charge, no credit card required to enjoy the free month.

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waaaaahhhh! I just checked and mine ends today unless I ordered $25 in the baby store yesterday! They didn't even send me a reminder!:glare:


This happened to me, too. For some reason the cloth diapers I ordered did not count (I ordered last month). I went to order a Leap Frog DVD on buy now and the next day I get an email where it gave me an $8 shopping charge. I obviously cancelled the order!!! I wish they would have given us a warning. It wasn't until 5 days after that that I received an email telling me my Amazon Prime Mom was cancelled! I wish they'd offer it half off. I used to pay for Prime, but with Holiday season coming up, it'd be a stretch to pay right now.

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Well, my Amazon Mom just expired, so I was going to have dh sign up for Amazon Mom under his account. You can be a dad or a caregiver, not just a mom.:001_smile: If I get the Fire for Christmas (fingers crossed!!) I will probably sign up for paid Prime to take advantage of the streaming video and cancel Netflix if the offerings are similar.

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