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Now it's looking like one of my boys has shingles!

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He woke up with this awful blistery looking rash on his neck and shoulders. I called the dr & she asked me to take a pic and email it to her (we're in a hurricane right now). I googled for pics and it looks just like the shingles pictures. ACK! My poor kids. They're all hacking from the whooping cough, and now this! :(


Any experience with shingles? I'm waiting on a call back from the dr.



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I had Shingles last year so I really feel for your ds. One thing I found out was if I could stay relaxed it was much better. There was one day my stress level was through the roof and I could barely stay out of bed. The next day was looking stressful also but I was able to calm down and the pain was not as severe.


I was able to get meds right away which also helped to lessen the amount of time I had them.


I'm sorry you are all so sick. I can't imagine having whooping cough and shingles at the same time.



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I'm SO sorry. I didn't realize shingles looked like that. We've never had them here. (Knocking on wood . . . . )


Maybe this means your kids are all getting the sickies out of their systems before this fall. They'll ALL have a very healthy winter. That's what I kept telling myself when mine were so sick all summer.

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He woke up with this awful blistery looking rash on his neck and shoulders. I called the dr & she asked me to take a pic and email it to her (we're in a hurricane right now). I googled for pics and it looks just like the shingles pictures. ACK! My poor kids. They're all hacking from the whooping cough, and now this! :(


Any experience with shingles? I'm waiting on a call back from the dr.


Tons of experience --


Use vitamin E from vit E capsules for the itching -- pierce the capsule and apply to the blisters -- liberally.


We think, in hindsight, we would have been wise to avoid the anti-viral prescribed by the doc, and just let the virus get out of our system as opposed to suppressing it.


Stay cool (heat exacerbates the itching), oatmeal baths help, cool baths help, stay calm and rest - ALOT.



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My son had it when he was six. Though the doc at the time said it might recur, I'm thankful he hasn't had it since. I was told not to use cortisone cream because it can make the rash worse.


I hope the doctor calls you back soon. He might tell you to give Advil or Tylenol, use a cold compress, and/or try calamine lotion. Anti-viral drugs can help if you start them early.

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DD had shingles when she was 5 or so, I had it at 9. It is actually easier for the kids to have it than adults from what I understand. I don't remember it too much from when she or I had it, other than I let my then 8 month old ds climb all over her so that he would get chicken pox. ;)


I treated the shingles the same as CP, oatmeal baths, tylenol for any fever etc.

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'Wow, I'm sorry. I had shingles almost exactly a year ago after being sick a couple of times, once with a virus that caused horrible shooting pains in my head. Stress can trigger shingles, which may be why your son got them when he was recovering from whooping cough (assuming that it is shingles).


The nerve pain was much worse than the itchy skin rash. An RN friend advised me to take an amino acid called L-lysine. I also took Vitamin C and I did take anti-viral medication prescribed by my doctor. Shingles usually last around 3 weeks but mine only lasted two, probably because of the meds and supplements.

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My daughter had shingles when she was still a child. It is MUCH easier than in an older adult (when it is more common). she only had a very small rash on her back. I vaguely recall some ointment we put on, and it cleared up without too much difficulty. the ped's comment was she should be happy because she shouldn't ever have another outbreak. don't know how correct that is . . .

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Poor little fellow. I'm assuming he was on antibiotics for whooping cough. If so, that probably stripped away his good bacteria, lowered his white blood cell count, and made him more susceptible to other stuff.


Just try to do whatever you can to keep him from scratching. I recently ended up in the hospital for three days because I got a serious bacterial infection along with shingles. Because I've been on such strong antibiotics, I'm now dealing with other issues.


*I didn't want to scare you, so I came back to add this: Most people don't end up in the hospital with shingles. I'm immunosuppressed, so my situation is different. Do be careful with his scratching, though.

Edited by JudyJudyJudy
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The blisters are drying up and don't seem to be bothering him at all. I'm wondering now if it was a small outbreak of chicken pox? I asked my ped & she still thinks it was shingles, which I guess is close to chicken pox. Anyway... ds feels fine, but is still coughing horribly.


Thank you for asking!


(Now, one of the other boys has a red swollen face from poison ivy! Sigh... never a dull moment!)

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Shingles stinks. I had it last March. Luckily my rash really did not develop fully, but I had a lot of nerve pain. Initially my Dr. thought I was having Gull stones. Has your ds had Chicken Pox before? You can only get Shingles if you have had Chicken Pox previously. Also generally Shingles effects one side of the body at a time in a linear pattern. I hope you all get to feeling better soon.

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