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I feel left out...


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Are we the only ones starting school after Labor Day? The schools in out area start on the 30th and 31st of August, but way back when I went to school we always started after Labor Day. My kids do not want summer to end, and in a way neither do I. I am glad that my kids are learning and growing, but sometimes it feels like they are growing up to fast. My daughters are going into 6th and 3rd grades in the fall. I am so glad that I have been able to homeschool them and spend much of their growing up years with them.


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To my knowledge the schools in my area don't start till after labor day.


Personally our family is a mix of unschooling and year round schooling. The only important lesson that happens at the start of the official school year is:


Now remember if people ask say, "I'm in grade X".

(Then it is sometimes followed by a long discussion about what big and mortar schools are like. How kids are assigned a grade, ...)

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Well, right now it is 72 and sunny with a perfect blue sky. My girls have their dolls under the shady tree in the front yard. Apparently they are expecting rain in their world today because they're bringing out the umbrellas. We're enjoying every bit of summer we can get.


We don't start until after Labor Day. The local schools started last week. Most homeschoolers I know have started, but I'm hanging on to summer. Enjoy your summer. Homeschooling isn't supposed to be a competitive sport.

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I would have preferred to start after Labor Day, but my kids wanted to start on the same day that the local school started, which was yesterday. However, even though we have started, our Charter School doesn't start until after Labor Day, so we don't even track any of our work until then!

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I agree. I have a homeschool business that goes crazy in August so we couldn't start then anyway. We're starting after Labor Day. Not sure when we'll take our first break.


I think your girls will remember how they felt--happy and peaceful about getting to play longer--more than the fact that they started "late."


You're doing good!

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I remember when I was second grade, we started September 4. Now, schools in this same area start the second week of August.


That said, I'd rather be doing school in August, since it's too hot to play outside. In October when it starts to get temps in the 70s, we'll want to play outside more. :)

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Packing for the beach as I write. We will start the day after labor day, with a canoe ride to discuss our plans. We will start begin Alice in Wonderland as we read and float.


The real work start Wednesday at 8:15 when the math coach arrives. I'm torn between trying to squeeze every last bit out of this glorious summer, and getting all things ready for school. So far the beach is wining out, but I'm paying for it with some late nights.

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Our daughter started Montessori K in NY last year on Sept 6, same as the PS kids. This year we're in PA, and the local PS start back on Aug 29.


We're starting Sept 1st :D.


I agree about feeling left behind, though - I was going to post something similar! :lol:

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We're starting after LD also. My kids have been enjoying the pool during the hot weather and now they're enjoying the shift to cooler, breezy and sunny. They are NEVER bored and there's plenty of time for schoolwork. One of my goals for this year is to :chillpill:.

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We started our new year Aug 1st and schools here just went back last week for the most part. I knew how much I wanted to TRY to cover this year so I penciled in 36 weeks with LOTS of breaks for holidays, vacation, quarter breaks, etc. So almost a year round schedule. We will probably have July off. If the weather here was fabulous, I would delay too... as it is though I'm looking forward to more breaks in the fall.

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Schools here start after Labor Day (but they don't celebrate Labor Day, so officially they start after the first weekend in September). We used to start homeschool a week or two before the schools so that we could have more time off during the school year. Now that my oldest is in ps, we start hs when the ps starts. This year it will be 8th Sept.

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Here in the Northwest we just had our first 90 degree day this weekend!! We always take July & August off. We'd never be able to enjoy the weather if we didn't. I'll take doing school inside when it starts raining again. But our PS also follow this pretty close. They get out about the 3rd week of June and start after Labor Day.


My kids play with neighbor kids a lot, so it works great for us to start when they start because that is when my kids would really start to get bored. :)

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We're actually not getting started until the first week of October :tongue_smilie: .


We have a family vacation planned the last week of September and I just can't see starting up only to leave for vacation two weeks later. I'm thankful for the extra time I'll have to prepare for the trip as well as being a little more available to help my sister out when her new baby comes mid-September!

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We go year round, but there is something special about starting the fall session. Our fall session this year is starting on September 5th. I guess it is because I get all the new, cool school stuff for the fall and just replace things over the rest of the year. The local B&M school goes back on the 31st. Feel sorry for those kids, the weather is just beautiful now.

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Some schools in the city started last week. Most schools in our county started this week, and dd4's Montessori VPK school doesn't start until next week. Dh says might as well start school with ds too and take advantage of dd not interrupting lessons. I have a 6-month baby too. We're planning on starting slowly, with schedule tweaking to suit our needs.


Normally we start the Monday after ds' birthday, which is either Labor Day or the day after.

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I have been ready to start for weeks! My dd12, however, is just not ready for summer to end. After lots of discussion yesterday we have finally come to a compromise and will start on Sept.12. We are going to try the year-round schedule with more frequent breaks. It seems like she forgets too much, and we end up reviewing for too long if we take more than 3 or 4 weeks consecutively off (especially math and Latin). I'm hoping this will help ward off the burnout we used to get in the spring as well. We'll see!!

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We don't start until after Labor Day. We want to enjoy as much of summer as possible since it is so short in Michigan. Not to say we won't sneak off to the beach if we get some warm days in Sept. :001_smile: Not looking forward to the busy schedule that is coming soon as outside activities also start. :tongue_smilie:



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Well, right now it is 72 and sunny with a perfect blue sky. My girls have their dolls under the shady tree in the front yard. Apparently they are expecting rain in their world today because they're bringing out the umbrellas. We're enjoying every bit of summer we can get.


We don't start until after Labor Day. The local schools started last week. Most homeschoolers I know have started, but I'm hanging on to summer. Enjoy your summer. Homeschooling isn't supposed to be a competitive sport.

:iagree:We are not "starting" a minute before Sept 6 at noon (if you don't count what we've done this summer- that's when the "new" stuff comes out).

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Our school system starts after labor day as well, and typically I do the same thing so that I can enjoy summer to the fullest. Truthfully, though, the weather in Western Washington has been less than summer-y this year and I felt motivated to start early. Also, I will be taking a few weeks off in October for the new babe, so I figure that starting a little early will help me not get behind :) But I say, wait if you want!

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