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Baby Names!

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You could ask AnnaMarie. She's good at thinking up names. :leaving:


BTW, I like Gavin. That would maybe have been in the running if I had another boy, but then all my sons would have two-syllable names that end with that sound.


Genevieve is sweet, too.

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If we were to have a girl (which we won't because we are done), I absolutely LOVE the name Adelaide. It's feminine, old-fashioned, and (I think) beautiful.


For a boy, my all-time favorite is Landon. I wanted our youngest to be Landon, but Dh nixed it because a co-worker named their newborn (born 6 weeks before our youngest) this name. I should have fought harder for it.

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I love baby names too. But DH and I don't have the same taste in names so it's really frustrating to see so many awesome names in the books and online and not be able to use them. Especially when DD2 will be here in 9 short weeks! I keep telling DH I'm going to fill out her birth certificate while he's gone getting a drink or food or something. Bwahahahaha! :biggrinjester:

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I'm not sure if I'll get the names I want if we ever have more kids - but right now I love:


Lillian Jay (My g-ma's name and DH's g-ma's maiden name) - nickname: Lilli

Luellen Michelle (I'm not set on the Michelle, but it's the name DH really likes, but I'm not sure about the double 'elle'). nickname: Ellie


Elijah -- no middle name assigned yet (possibly Andrew). nickname: Eli.

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I'm incredibly boring, I know. We have a VERY unusual last name, so my hubby's only request in the baby naming department was that it be a traditional / classic name. So no Dylan's, Julian's, Colby's or Cody's on our lists!








Jonathan (I have one of these!)

Matthew (I have one of these, too!)





Elizabeth (I have one of these!)



Kathryn (I have one of these, too!)





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If I could go back, I would name all my little girls with the middle name ROSE. It just goes with every girl name. Then I'd have a bunch of beautiful roses. I'm trying to bribe them to let me change their names, but they won't.


This is a great thread. I still haven't decided a name for my little girl who is coming in a few weeks. :bigear:

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Jonathan (I have one of these!)

Matthew (I have one of these, too!)





Elizabeth (I have one of these!)



Kathryn (I have one of these, too!)






I love your name choices! (I have an Andrew and a Benjamin, plus a Zachary, and DH is Samuel. You have my brothers' names in there too.)


If we have another son someday, I'm out of names. No, seriously, he'll probably be David, Thomas, John, or maybe Daniel or Jacob. (I love Daniel and Jacob, but they don't fit our theme, sadly.)


Girl names that we have not had the privilege of using yet that I adore:












(Several of those don't fit the theme either, but that's okay.)

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Can I just say, I love the name Guinevere (nickname Gwen) but no one I know likes it.


Just thought I'd throw that out there because I figure someone here has got to like it :tongue_smilie:


ETA: I also like the name Morgan/a but if I had two girls and named 'em Guinevere and Morgan or Morgana, I'd look like a King Arthur freak, so.... :D

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My favorite boy and girl names at the moment are:


Girl - Charlotte Rose


This is one of my dd's names and I get many compliments on it. :)


Current names in the running are:


Juliette Elise

Autumn Elizabeth


Russell Edward

Cory Elliot

Edited by LuvnMySvn
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I just love sitting around playing with the Baby Name Wizard, the Name Mapper and Nymbler. Seriously. I probably need help.

I've always loved names, too. Knowing about those sites is not going to help with my problem either. My husband caught me with a baby name book the other day (we are not expecting any more) and eyed me suspiciously.

Im not pregnant, not from lack of trying, but you know... :glare:


But I love baby names. I would love to hear your favorite names. :D


Here are some of mine














I love the name Natalie, too! We were going to name our first Claire and we also liked Elyse (I changed it to Elise for my username.)

For boys: Anthony, Andrew, Luke, Nicholas

Other girl names: Angelique, Camille, Tara, Caroline, and too many others to list. But all of those were crossed off the list by my dh no matter how many times I put them down.

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Can I just say, I love the name Guinevere (nickname Gwen) but no one I know likes it.


Just thought I'd throw that out there because I figure someone here has got to like it :tongue_smilie:


ETA: I also like the name Morgan/a but if I had two girls and named 'em Guinevere and Morgan or Morgana, I'd look like a King Arthur freak, so.... :D



I like it, but DH doesn't.

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