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Google Calendar - How does this work for you?

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I haven't used it for my whole family, but I'm enjoying it a whole lot more than any kind of paper calendar/book.


I especially love that I can access it from ANYwhere online, and I appreciate that it emails me my schedule each morning.


I need more practice with the "to do" list portion of it, I haven't figured that out at all yet.



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Because each of us has a Gmail account, we each set up our own calendar and we share them between the four of us. Every person has his own color and it is consistent throughout the four calendars. Every person also has the authority to add or change events on all four calendars.


If we didn't all have our own accounts, I would simply set up four calendars from a single account and color code them in the same way.


Do let me know if you have any specific questions, and I'll try to help. Here is a screen shot of a single week, so you can get some idea of the layout. This is the weekly view, though you could also choose Daily or Monthly at any time.



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I have our main calendar set up on my gmail account with sharing enabled for DH and our sitter - I've color coded things so that we have eight colors - Homeschool, DS Activity, Family Activity, Me, DH, Vacation, Special and Sitter.


DH and I can both add to or modify the calendars, our sitter can see select calendars so she knows if there is something to take DS to while she's working and she can add to or modify her calendar (she puts her hours on the calendar for me to see to pay her).


DH doesn't like inputting things on the calendar, so he usually emails me to add his things....but he does like having access to see what's going on and know what the schedule looks like, so he uses it mainly to see what's up, not make changes or add to it.


We all use calendargoo on our phones and I have it on the iPad too - I really like being able to see the calendar anywhere I am, via the phone or the iPad.

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Here's a question I have. If you use something like this, do you NOT have a family calendar posted in the kitchen? If that's the case, do you have your computer open all the time for everyone to access?


We do not have a paper calendar, and we do have a computer on at all times.

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Here's a question I have. If you use something like this, do you NOT have a family calendar posted in the kitchen? If that's the case, do you have your computer open all the time for everyone to access?


Nope, not kitchen calendar....and the computer isn't always on or open to goggle - if I need to check the calendar I can jump on the computer, check on my phone or turn the iPad on.

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I LOVE the Google calendar!!!!


I invited my mom, dd (she has gmail, so she can sign in,) and dh, and we can all see each other's calendars. I can toggle each of them on and off, so I can either see everyone's or just mine or just some. My mom is beyond happy to be able to see when the kiddos have concerts, games, etc., and I don't have to remember to tell her anymore. And dh can get it at work or on his laptop or netbook when he is out of the office, so he never has to call me anymore to find out what my schedule is.


I have an Ally, which has Android, which is Google. So the calendar on my phone is my Google calendar, and it syncs automatically.

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Here's a question I have. If you use something like this, do you NOT have a family calendar posted in the kitchen? If that's the case, do you have your computer open all the time for everyone to access?


I just pull the calendar up on my phone if I need it.


You could also print it out every week or so and post it.

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I use Google calendar, and while I don't *love* it, it's working pretty well.

I do leave it up on my computer in the kitchen all of the time, because I use a list in Tasks as my shopping list. Everyone in the family knows how to add something to the shopping list, and it shows up on my phone while I'm shopping. I have a...widget? on my phone that shows my to-do list as the very first thing I see when I look at my phone. It's also relatively easy to cross things off the list, delete them altogether, or switch items to a different list. I still have not become proficient (speedy) enough to add things to the calendar from my phone when I'm in a hurry, which is a bit of a bummer.

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I'm looking for an app (or something) that I can access from my iPhone that will help me schedule my days in regards to schooling. Every Monday will be the same, every Tuesday, etc. Would this (and Calengoo, or whatever) work for that? Thanks!


You can definitely repeat things easily on the calendar. For example, if your child has ballet every Monday from 2-3 p.m. You only have to plug it in once and set it to repeat weekly on Mondays from x to y dates. If you have to cancel a date, it does ask you if you want to cancel the series, or just that one date. It syncs nicely with the iPhone.

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I have a gmail account, and so does DH. When I set up Google Calendar, I set it to share with DH, and he can make changes to it also. (Otherwise, it's set to private; he and I should be the only ones who can see it.) Each member of the family has his/her own color, plus there is a color for family events, and a color for birthdays/anniversaries outside of our immediate family (nieces, etc.). Ballet classes, dental appointments, stuff like that go under each person's specific color; playground days with the co-op, visitors coming for the weekend, etc. go under the color for family events. So at any time, either DH or I can look at the calendar and see what's going on and who is affected by a particular event.


I also set it to remind me, via e-mail, anywhere from a day to a week in advance of bills due, appointments, co-op, whatever. I don't have it do reminder e-mails for things that are weekly, like ballet class. And there is room to write notes about location, or stuff I need to bring, as well. I really, really like the Google Calendar.


(I do have a calendar in the kitchen, but we rarely write anything on it; it's mostly just for reference. Sometimes DH and I will discuss a busy upcoming few months and will jot notes on that calendar, since it's right there. At this time, I also don't have a portable calendar, but maybe I will need one in a few years if our schedules become more full.)

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I really like Google Calendar. Right now, I have my account linked to my oldest son's account so we can see each other's stuff. I maintain the family calendar on it, except for his stuff. I can maintain it from my Droid phone or from Google. It also syncs with Outlook. The only thing I am still working on is tasks. I used to use them all the time in Outlook, but I haven't figured out how to sync them with my phone.


If any of my kids are out and need to schedule something, I will print something out for them. When my oldest gets a job, he might get a smart phone so he will be able to maintain his calendar on it on the go. Right now, he uses his netbook, which isn't convenient if he doesn't have WiFi.

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Here's a question I have. If you use something like this, do you NOT have a family calendar posted in the kitchen? If that's the case, do you have your computer open all the time for everyone to access?


I use google calendar but dh somehow linked it to iCal for me. Don't even ask me how. So everything goes into iCal for 3 of the 5 of us. The three drivers. Since I still have to drive the 2 youngest, their stuff goes in my color.


Then there is a paper calendar, but for the pictures :tongue_smilie:, to see the date easily, to post what's for dinner. And yes my computer is on all the time. Anyone who knows my password can get on my computer. And I think they all know my password now. :001_huh: I guess that means I need to change it.

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Each person in our family has a gmail account, even the 7yo.

We also have a family gmail account, specifically to enable the shared calendar.

Each person has access to their own personal calendar and editing access to the family calendar.

If we are doing something that other family members don't need to know about, it goes on our personal calendar so as not to clutter up other peoples calendars. So for instance, an appointment I have, or a trip to the library go on this calendar.

If we are doing something that others need to know about because they are either coming too or need to look after kids or dog, it goes on the family calendar.

DH and I have access to the calendar on our iPhones, J has access on his andriod, C did have access on his iPhone until he lost it so now he uses the computer, M doesn't really need access at the moment but she can access it on the computer. We also have an iPod Touch which I need to find and give to C.


Everytime you access the calendar within wi-fi coverage, it updates all details, so we can all make changes and everyone can see them.

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Can I see the Google calendar offline on my ipad?


ANd then sync it between my computer and my ipad?



Yes, except that you would sync it with the online calender when you were in wifi range. The computer calendar also pulls it from the online calendar, I actually just use the one in my browser.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's a question I have. If you use something like this, do you NOT have a family calendar posted in the kitchen? If that's the case, do you have your computer open all the time for everyone to access?


We do NOT keep a paper calendar up to date at our house any more. Both DH and I have iPads where we can access the calendar. We do all our calendar stuff on the computer now. I love it! We probably have about 8-10 calendars set up.

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Is there a way to easily put the same event on multiple calendars in the family? Would I want to do that?


You can do one of two things:


A) Simply allow multiple people to view the one calendar you place the event on - that way you only have to enter it once and everyone can see it (you can set up how sharing works, from just being able to view, to fully being able to modify or add to the calendar)


B) Once you enter on one calendar and it's saved, click to "edit the details" and then choose "duplicate to ABC-Calendar" in the drop-down menu that gives you options to edit....this is more time consuming and if you can see each different calendar, you'll see each entry for the same event.

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This is exactly how we use it. I also have ours synched to my iTouch through CalenGoo. This way, I can see and update my calendar while I am off-line and it updates as soon as inconnect to the Internet.


I have a gmail account, and so does DH. When I set up Google Calendar, I set it to share with DH, and he can make changes to it also. (Otherwise, it's set to private; he and I should be the only ones who can see it.) Each member of the family has his/her own color, plus there is a color for family events, and a color for birthdays/anniversaries outside of our immediate family (nieces, etc.). Ballet classes, dental appointments, stuff like that go under each person's specific color; playground days with the co-op, visitors coming for the weekend, etc. go under the color for family events. So at any time, either DH or I can look at the calendar and see what's going on and who is affected by a particular event.


I also set it to remind me, via e-mail, anywhere from a day to a week in advance of bills due, appointments, co-op, whatever. I don't have it do reminder e-mails for things that are weekly, like ballet class. And there is room to write notes about location, or stuff I need to bring, as well. I really, really like the Google Calendar.


(I do have a calendar in the kitchen, but we rarely write anything on it; it's mostly just for reference. Sometimes DH and I will discuss a busy upcoming few months and will jot notes on that calendar, since it's right there. At this time, I also don't have a portable calendar, but maybe I will need one in a few years if our schedules become more full.)

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I don't use it for myself. I prefer to keep a written calendar.


But, my DH uses Google Calendar at work, so if there's something I want/need him to know about, particularly if it's going to involve him rearranging his work schedule, I always add it to my Google Calendar, which is linked to his.

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