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I'm on strike

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Well, your not starting school until Sept. 20 so I'm assuming your on strike from mommy duties? Or, did you just finish school and are on strike until the 20th?




Mommy duties. :glare:



I did 8 loads if laundry today (count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8--- including bedding. ) and I hear


"I have nothing to weeeeeear."


Ummm were your dirty clothes in the laundry room?




ok so what were those 8 loads I just did?? :confused:



Ok, go do your own laundry


Dd: :svengo::svengo:


Me- :toetap05: :glare: ON STRIKE


Want clean dishes?? DO THEM. Want clean laundry?? DO IT. UGh... I will be over it tomorrow I am sure :glare:

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Mommy duties. :glare:



I did 8 loads if laundry today (count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8--- including bedding. ) and I hear


"I have nothing to weeeeeear."


Ummm were your dirty clothes in the laundry room?





Is it dd13 or 9? My 9 year old can do the laundry and run the dishwasher. You might make whichever child it is, do their own for awhile.

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I have never gone on strike, but I Have fully unionised children. They have had sit down strikes, and refused to do schoolwork over some issues. they even tell me that they are having a sit down strike. I haven't exactly worked out how to break a strike, someone on this board once suggested a food lock-down. I told this to my kids and they laughed , ds 15 has to walk through the pantry to get to his room, and all the chest freezers are kept in ds17's room.

Come to think of it, they haven't tried a strike for over a year..

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My mom did this once when I was a young teen and my sisters were preteens. We had to do all our own laundry. Eventually she gets teens doing that anyway so that it's not a new experience when one is out on one's own, but this was basically over our lack of bringing our dirty stuff to the laundry room.


The chores are distributed too much between spouses here for me going on strike to have much effect on DD. Which is good, I think.

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Good for you! Sometimes the family forgets how much you do and need to be taught a lesson.

I did this a few years ago. For almost a week I was on strike. No cooking for the family (except youngest), none of their laundry, and I only cleaned things I needed (and the youngest). I just got fed up with all the whining...even from hubby. They suffered, they apologized, they begged. I caved before the week was out but it worked. Now if things start to get to the whiny phase I just remind them of the strike.

I can still see all their faces as I sat down to dinner one night with baked chicken cooked with cheese and broccoli. They literally were drooling. Before the strike a meal like this would have received comments like "Chicken? Again? ugh", "Gross, broccoli!" and "When are you going to cook something good?"

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Is it dd13 or 9? My 9 year old can do the laundry and run the dishwasher. You might make whichever child it is, do their own for awhile.


Both actually. They do both do their laundry "when they remember". I admit, its my fault because if its not getting done I just do it because it doesn't bother me and they both have abunch of other chores BUT the complaining when they see how much I am doing (mind you, still battling kidney stone, pain is coming and going, it was not bad yesterday or NOTHING would have been done)


Good for you! Sometimes the family forgets how much you do and need to be taught a lesson.

I did this a few years ago. For almost a week I was on strike. No cooking for the family (except youngest), none of their laundry, and I only cleaned things I needed (and the youngest). I just got fed up with all the whining...even from hubby. They suffered, they apologized, they begged. I caved before the week was out but it worked. Now if things start to get to the whiny phase I just remind them of the strike.

I can still see all their faces as I sat down to dinner one night with baked chicken cooked with cheese and broccoli. They literally were drooling. Before the strike a meal like this would have received comments like "Chicken? Again? ugh", "Gross, broccoli!" and "When are you going to cook something good?"


Yes!! Exactly! This is what I am talking about. I am going to stick with this for a while and see what happens. Thank you! Atleast I am not alone!! :grouphug:

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For the first few years of our marriage, I always did a big Sunday brunch.


Then came a Sunday where all I heard was whining. Complaints about how long it was taking. Why wasn't it ready yet? Is it ready yet? On and on and on...and then not a single thank you after they ate.


I announced then and there I would NOT be doing Sunday brunch again. Ever.


I think I've done it 3 or 4 times in the last 5 yrs or so. Too much work to be treated like carp, imo.

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I recently went on strike from housework. No one noticed. I was the only one it bothered. I'm still a bit steamed by that experiment.


:smilielol5: My husband and kids would wade waste-high thru crumbled Doritos before they noticed something wasn't right.

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:smilielol5: My husband and kids would wade waste-high thru crumbled Doritos before they noticed something wasn't right.


I know! I sometimes walk around saying, "What if I died? What would you guys do? Would you live in squalor?"

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If anyone complains about something not being done that person has the honor of doing said chore.


Yep. In my house, it's either, "If you are asking, then you are volunteering to help," or an overly cheery, "Oh, good, I'm so glad you are offering to help!" I don't mind doing meals or whatever, but I resent demands to do things -- I'm not a maid!

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I recently went on strike from housework. No one noticed. I was the only one it bothered. I'm still a bit steamed by that experiment.


Well, the strike has to be about something that will affect them. I would say that many kids don't care if the house is clean or even if their rooms are clean. But if you throw their toys and whatnot back into their room and also their dirty clothes, they will notice there is a problem. If you begin to cook very plain, healthy meals, rather than the favorites, they will notice. If they are fine with the plain simple meals, then think about how much less stress you will have! :tongue_smilie:

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Is it dd13 or 9? My 9 year old can do the laundry and run the dishwasher. You might make whichever child it is, do their own for awhile.



PBI, but that's awesome! Does she load and run the dishwasher? Sort the laundry, put soap in, and everything? I'm always looking out for new skills to teach Rebecca.

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PBI, but that's awesome! Does she load and run the dishwasher? Sort the laundry, put soap in, and everything? I'm always looking out for new skills to teach Rebecca.


Yes. But the laundry esp. was a one-step-at-a-time long time process to learn. At first she helped with sorting whites from the colors. Then she helped with moving the wet stuff into the dryer. Then later she learned what buttons to push etc and how much soap to put in. How much soap to put in was the hardest for her to learn, with me having to re-rinse my clothes in clear water a couple of times to get rid of too much soap.

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