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Feminine Hygiene Products- hopefully not TMI

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Hi All-

I am wondering if anyone uses a sea sponge or other alternative feminine hygiene products and if you have had success even if your cycle is very heavy? I have a Diva cup and have tried to insert it twice without luck. I would like to be able to use it but I am wondering if I would prefer a sea sponge. I am tired of spending money on tampons every month, not to mention the potential health issues. So, I am hoping to get feedback from y'all. Thanks!!

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Well, this is a big leap for people, but I highly recommend cloth pads. And yes, I am a former tampon user. After some post-last-baby issues, I was stuck with disposable pads. After doing some reading, I bought a sample set from http://amysragbag.com and then made up some of my own (with my ZERO sewing skills!!!).


Yes, I dragged my feet for awhile, 'cause...well, it seemed gross;). But, it's NOT!! And, my wonky-since-last-baby cycles have regulated, the duration is short by 2 days, and I no longer have cramps. Yes, I know that sounds crazy. Just reporting the facts as they apply to me:).


As to heaviness of flow, on the really bad days I was having to change a disposable one every 1-2 hours or leak:(. With the cloth ones, I can layer up as needed and certain materials absorb more, so I can go 4-5 hours on those same days now. It's a win-win:).

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I've used cloth pads and still own them but I'll NEVER go back to them if I can help it.


I'm a sea sponge user and have been for 8 months and LOVE it! I can't imagine EVER going to regular tampons or pads again. Not only is it ECONOMICAL, but it's better for the planet as well as your body too. I like that I don't walk around like I've got a mini mama diaper going on which is what I got with cloth pads...because I can't wear a cloth panty liner and survive, I had to wear the medium to heavy flow pads. The sponge is so EASY and it literally FORMS to you! I haven't had ANY problems with any of the sponges and I've gone through 2. I have a brand new set stashed for when I have to toss one out as they do need to be replaced about every 6 months. They aren't hard to clean after each cycle. (warm water and drop of TTO for 15min and air dry)....and when you do need to rinse it's so easy too...if you are out in public it's tricky, unless you are in a bathroom that is single and you have your own sink. You can have intercourse with a sponge in and it's perfectly safe. I honestly love that I can wear ANY of my clothing without the "pad look".


I purchase my sponges through frontier coops and they cost me about $9-$12 depending on the current discount. I own 2 sets of the Jade and Pearl sponges.


If you have any questions just PM me and I'll answer any questions you may have about it.

Edited by mamaofblessings
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I've never heard of a sea sponge for women. I will have to google it!


I have the Diva cup and it has changed my life. I had to fumble around with it a few times before I got comfortable. Just try to move it towards your tailbone and not up. If you need any advice, feel free to PM me or other Diva users.

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I use cloth pads and LOVE them. I've been using them full time for about 6 years. I used a diva before kids, but it doesn't fit well after that whole twin vag birth situation. :( I have sea sponges that I'll use if I have to for swimming or working out when a pad isn't practical, but they saturate REALLY quickly for me, so they are annoying to use for long. Too much changing and washing. I wish I could still wear my diva.

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Okay, this is embarrassing, but I have always worried about "losing" the sponges and not being able to remove them. Maybe I should just give them or a Diva a try. Didn't have a cycle for 8 years (yay, constant pregnancy and nursing) so am just now getting back into the swing of things.

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I use a Diva and cloth pads at the same time on my heaviest days. It took me at least 3-4 months to really get comfortable with my Diva. That was about 5 years ago.


I hope this isn't TMI, but don't try putting it too deep. I did that for a while and always had leakage.

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It took me quite a while to get comfortable with my Diva cup, too. And you might need to cut the stem off.


For me, the Diva cup is really messy, and I can't change it in public unless I'm in a single bathroom with a private sink. My flow is heavy enough to overflow it in as little as an hour at times. When that happens, it leaks so I always pair it with a pad. But at least I can leave the house for short periods.

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I think it takes most women time to adjust with the Diva Cup. Keep trying. Google for tips.


I used sea sponges for years and loved them. Much, much nicer than tampons!


I now use cloth pads 100% of the time. Love them too. I've had the same ones for over 2 years. Can't beat that for saving money.


I can't comment on flow, personally, because mine has been pretty light since the birth of my last son. I've heard great testimonies from others tho.

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I'm another Diva user who *loves* it. I've been using mine for 2-1/2 years. I've had heavier cycles in the last 2-3 years, and the Diva works great for me. I can go 3-4 hours now at my heaviest time where with tampons, I could go through one in an hour. Sometimes (not every period) I have to get up once in the night to empty it, but that was true with tampons, too. I don't wear a pad with my Diva. HTH!

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I have a Keeper cup and it works well but to be honest I really just prefer my cloth pads. I rarely have a very heavy flow and if I do I just change more often- I did have a "flooding" a couple of months back which was interesting- but I was at home so no big deal.


I have a preference for "outflow" rather than somehow holding it in there, if that makes sense. I only use the Keeper at night time if its really important I don't leak (such as when sleeping somewhere other than at home).


I have used sponges and I think they are cool too, but am comfortable with my cloth pads and have a bucket with a lid I toss them in to soak- I have a routine around it and I enjoy it. I am surprised how easily they wash up and I enjoy the ritual of it all.

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Give yourself some time with the Diva cup. I had already been using the Keeper which is shaped the same, but made of latex instead of silicone and still had issues getting adjusted to the Diva. The Keeper was stiffer and would pop open very easily once inserted. For the life of me I could not get my Diva to pop open at first. It took me about three months to get used to it and I still have issues getting it to open up at times. The reason I don't go back to the Keeper is because, once open, the Diva never leaks unless full. My Keeper would leak and be completely empty.


Anyway, the trick I learned was to always make sure you are relaxed and maybe even push just a tiny bit. It seems to relax the muscles and the Diva will open easier.

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I use cloth pads. I would NEVER use disposable pads but the cloth are fabulous. My cycle is actually much lighter & less crampy with the mama cloth than with tampons. I tried the Diva Cup for a while & it wasn't for me. Plus, I could feel my body cramping more the moment I put it in, and the whole time I wore it until I took it out. I think my body doesn't like foreign objects inside & tries to reject them.

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I couldn't use the Diva, but have had great results with Instead; I've used those for about 5 years now. You can google them. I use the same one for an entire cycle...I just wash it really well like you would with the Diva. At the end of the cycle I toss it.


Hope this helps. I've heard that for people who can't get comfy with the Diva, Instead often works well. It certainly has for me.



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I make and sell mama cloth pads (not at the moment though, things are packed as I am moving). My daughter uses them too. The only time I will use a tampon is when I go swimming and sometimes at night when my flow is at it's heaviest. Once you get over the "ick" factor you won't go back to disposables.

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For the life of me I could not get my Diva to pop open at first. It took me about three months to get used to it and I still have issues getting it to open up at times.


Do you try to spin it once it's in? That's helped me a lot with making sure it's open.

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
I couldn't use the Diva, but have had great results with Instead; I've used those for about 5 years now. You can google them. I use the same one for an entire cycle...I just wash it really well like you would with the Diva. At the end of the cycle I toss it.


Hope this helps. I've heard that for people who can't get comfy with the Diva, Instead often works well. It certainly has for me.



Same here. Instead (or whatever it's called now) is SO MUCH more comfortable for me!!! I use Instead on my heavier days with cloth pads for back-up and just cloth pads on my lighter days. I'll never go back to disposable tampons, pads, or panty liners!!!

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