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Dinner or Supper?

Dinner or Supper?  

  1. 1. Dinner or Supper?

    • Dinner
    • Supper
    • Other-please explain (if it's another language, what's the best translation?)

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Hmm. My grandma always called her sofa a davenport.


Also, we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was a bit of a class issue for my mom's family--her mother (not the davenport grandma) didn't like calling it "supper" because that was "crass" and "lower class." Apparently breakfast, dinner and supper were too rural/farmer--breakfast, luncheon, and dinner were "higher class.":001_huh:

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I voted other. I grew up in the south and we always said the following...


Breakfast - morning meal

Brunch - combination of breakfast & lunch

Lunch or Dinner - Lunch if just a small meal. Dinner if it is our big meal of the day.

Supper or Dinner - Supper if just a small meal. Dinner if it is the big meal of the day.


So in a given week we may have any of the above.

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Breakfast, lunch, and supper here. I've never actually heard it called anything else when put in order above.


Dinner is the largest meal of the day as long as that is lunch or supper. Many people go home from church to their dinner (lunch), but also come home from workdays to their dinner (supper).




Generally, "dinner" is the evening meal during the week and the after-church meal on Sunday. So on Sundays, the evening meal (when it is more than just popcorn) becomes supper.


I think this is a southern thing. Living in Missouri, we are kind of on the cusp of the south, the north, and the west. We mix it all up and go with what works.



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6am Breakfast

9 am Second Breakfast

12noon Lunch(eon)

3pm Tea

5pm Dinner

8pm Supper/Bedtime Snack


Lazy Weekends


8am Breakfast

11am Elevenses or Lunch

3pm Tea

5pm Dinner

8pm Supper/Bedtime Snack


Sunday Family Reunions: as above, but Elevenses becomes the main meal, Brunch.

Holidays-- Main meal is Dinner, at noon or 1pm.



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we always used dinner.


my grandmother was from MO and always called it supper - unless it was a big family toodoo and then it was dinner. (and usually earlier in the day.)


very confusing as a child. she also called the refridgerator the "ice box" and I always thought that meant freezer. made sense to me. . .

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6am Breakfast

9 am Second Breakfast

12noon Lunch(eon)

3pm Tea

5pm Dinner

8pm Supper/Bedtime Snack


Lazy Weekends


8am Breakfast

11am Elevenses or Lunch

3pm Tea

5pm Dinner

8pm Supper/Bedtime Snack


Sunday Family Reunions: as above, but Elevenses becomes the main meal, Brunch.

Holidays-- Main meal is Dinner, at noon or 1pm.




Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.

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I call it either one, but both mean the evening meal.


The exception is when we go to my grandmother's house, and then dinner is the big meal and is always eaten at lunchtime. Supper is usually sandwiches or leftovers and eaten in the evening. My kids always get so confused when she starts saying, "Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes," at 11:45 a.m.

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