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New bf doll causes controversy

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Oh course the company spokesman doesn't understand the controversy, the company is in Spain. Only in the US do we offer padded bikini tops for 7 year olds and scandalize breastfeeding as lewd.


Why on earth would we want to normalize (as in standardize) bottle feeding in the role playing of young children to the exclusion of dolls that teach otherwise? (this is NOT a rant against bottle feeding. We all have the same information and make our choices based on our own needs)


I could do without the top. Not in the "fake nursing bra" way, but because I don't care for the idea of toys that only work with certain garments. (and, frankly, my hungry nurslings worked with all sort of garments. ;)


People ARE weird.






I've never bought a doll that makes noise but I've thrown away the bottle and pacifier for each doll I've purchased because we don't use them in our house.

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I don't know. I have nothing against breastfeeding, but I don't want any toys pointing out my little girls breasts. It's just not appropriate for that age. When she's old enough to ask what breasts are for, I'll tell her. But I don't want her whipping out a fake nursing bra in public at 7 years old.



But I have no problem with my kids imitating nursing with a regular baby doll.

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My kids have tried to nurse their toys as well, I don't know how they wouldn't know what breasts are used for in a house with nursing babies. I don't like the doll because of the plastic aspect and such and I'm not keen on the pasties either. Kids can manage to pretend without any help, of course if this would help crowd out any of the thousands of bottle feeding dolls then I would be thrilled.

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I think I have the solution.


Ditch the "nursing bra" and substitute a toy laptop. That way little girls can pretend to nurse while they surf the WTM boards and check FB. We'll be RICH!:lol:


And for the "little mommies" who work and can't hs, they can take the laptop with them to "work" and drop the "baby" at the "sitter."


My point being... whether or not this particular doll is worth buying by anyone at any price, the idea that it's "creepy" and "bizarre" for little girls to imitate their mothers in this way strikes me as :001_huh:. Hello?! It's how kids learn almost everything. It's normal human development. Even the Bible talks about copying others' behavior in order to learn. (We don't learn most things by constantly seeing what not to do. It's generally the reverse.)

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Good grief, I know a woman that is making money by making mama/baby nursing dolls...some of them also give birth (aka baby is inside a pooch in the mama's belly and the opening is in the appropriate place). Not a problem in my book. My kids have watched birthing videos with me though also.



Edited by mommaduck
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Good grief, I know a woman that is making money by making mama/baby nursing dolls...some of them also give birth (aka baby is inside a pooch in the mama's belly and the opening is in the appropriate place). Not a problem in my book. My kids have watched birthing videos with me though also.




These dolls are so sweet! (expensive, but sweet)

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I don't think it's creepy for little girls to imitate their mothers this way. I think the set up of the doll with "pasties" on the nursing bra and the noises is creepy.


This is my issue too. I believe in breastfeeding discretely, not drawing attention to yourself and your body parts. This method would not have imitated how I breastfed my babies.

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So it's ok to pretend to shoot people (in the name of it being natural), but it's not ok to pretend to BF? I don't get it.


I find either to be blurring the line between childhood and adulthood. The thread on video games shows that many have no concept of current thinking regarding appropriate modes of childhood development. Killing for fun and breastfeeding" practice" bespeak of desensitizing to violence and completely inappropriate activites developmentally. There are some things that are just creepy and anything that places focus on a childs reproductive and child rearing abilities especially a young girls bosom is gross . Just gross.

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I find either to be blurring the line between childhood and adulthood. The thread on video games shows that many have no concept of current thinking regarding appropriate modes of childhood development. Killing for fun and breastfeeding" practice" bespeak of desensitizing to violence and completely inappropriate activites developmentally. There are some things that are just creepy and anything that places focus on a childs reproductive and child rearing abilities especially a young girls bosom is gross . Just gross.


By that standard little girls shouldn't ever play dolls or house???? HUH?

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I don't think that a little girl pretending to breastfeed is wrong at all. I think having a fake nursing bra with fake flower nipples that my daughter would expose and put a baby to is wrong. Just plain wrong. Let's face it that there ARE pervs out there in the world that would just love to see such a thing. At that age there's just no need for that kind of thing. It's disturbing.

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I don't think that a little girl pretending to breastfeed is wrong at all. I think having a fake nursing bra with fake flower nipples that my daughter would expose and put a baby to is wrong. Just plain wrong. Let's face it that there ARE pervs out there in the world that would just love to see such a thing. At that age there's just no need for that kind of thing. It's disturbing.


What if they wear the special bra under a shirt and nurse discreetly, lol.


And honestly, most of my kid's toys never go in public anyway. In my own home I''m not worried about random perverts.

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Good grief, I know a woman that is making money by making mama/baby nursing dolls...some of them also give birth (aka baby is inside a pooch in the mama's belly and the opening is in the appropriate place). Not a problem in my book. My kids have watched birthing videos with me though also.




I LOVE these!! I wish I had them for my kids when they were little... very sweet.



yeah...the pasty vest is a little odd, but the doll is not a problem for me.

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I LOVE these!! I wish I had them for my kids when they were little... very sweet.



yeah...the pasty vest is a little odd, but the doll is not a problem for me.


I "liked" the crafty mama that did them on FB so I can see what she comes up with. The price is the only thing that keeps me from ordering, but if I had the money, heavens yes! I would definitely get them for my kids as I believe they are worth what she is asking.

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I think it's weird because little girls don't have breasts. Let's not grow up our children long before their time. Feeding a bottle is one thing, my 2 year old can offer a real baby a bottle right now. She can not offer a real baby a breast. She's not equipped yet. When she is married and pregnant I will advocate that she breastfeed. But as a little girl, no, I don't want my child breastfeeding a suckling doll in public with flower nipples. It's just not appropriate.


I am so baffled by this response. Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the product. But this response is so odd. Children' *role play* is just that: role play. Children PLAY at being adult because it is developmentally appropriate to try on different roles, different situations. They *should* play at being moms, dads, CPA's, grocery store clerks, the President, a nurse, a famous artist, a writer.


The above suggests that play be restricted to her current age/ability. This is counter-productive to the very point of play.


I think the doll sounds creepy. I have no problem with a little girl holding a doll up to her chest and pretending it's nursing. The problem I have is the simulated nipples and slupy noises. It's all too real and I'm afraid, in some troubled girls, it might lead to teen pregnancy. These girls want to be loved so badly and that's why they have babies young, having a baby doll play a part in acting out that fantasy may be just the thing needed to push that fantasy further to reality. I was still playing with baby dolls at 12.


I find the bold and what follows to be an extreme leap.

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While I don't have any problems w/little girls (or boys) pretending to breastfeed, I wouldn't buy a special doll for it. I think breastfeeding is natural and beautiful. I am also a proponent of being able to breastfeed in public. So, those are my views and I will bow out of this conversation now.


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While I don't have any problems w/little girls (or boys) pretending to breastfeed, I wouldn't buy a special doll for it. I think breastfeeding is natural and beautiful. I am also a proponent of being able to breastfeed in public. So, those are my views and I will bow out of this conversation now.



Especially since my nipples aren't shaped like flowers.


I don't find anything very wrong with the doll but I don't much care for it either.

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I find either to be blurring the line between childhood and adulthood. The thread on video games shows that many have no concept of current thinking regarding appropriate modes of childhood development. Killing for fun and breastfeeding" practice" bespeak of desensitizing to violence and completely inappropriate activites developmentally. There are some things that are just creepy and anything that places focus on a childs reproductive and child rearing abilities especially a young girls bosom is gross . Just gross.



This answer is bizarre to me. Killing and breastfeeding... ruining childhood as we know it? Hm.


Mimicking Mama IS appropriate childhood development. This is what little girls DO. And should DO.

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