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AI Finale has been worth watching so far (spoilers)...

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How cute was David Cook during the ZZ Top performance? And the ZZ Top guys were so affirming of him.


That was an excellent performance (and yeah... he was cute! He could tour with them. Serious! )


Of course, I'm partial to ZZ Top... hometown boys and all :).

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Okay here are the two commercials:




David Cook




David Archuleta



You beat me to it! I saw David A. on TV, but had to go to YouTube to look up David C.


I prefer briefs tonight. :D

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Whatcha wanna bet Simon said what he said because he knew David C had won, and he didn't want to look like an idiot? That was painfully obvious.


I was wondering the same thing, even before they announced the winner! It sure seemed like backpedaling to me. ;)

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Anybody notice that David C. is missing his drawers (like Tom Cruise) in the commercial, but David A. has shorts on. I know he is a minor, but I thought it funny.


I don't actually think Simon knew that David C. won and was backpeddling. In the past he has reviewed the show and said he was overly harsh to other contestants. I was also really surprised by how happy and excited he looked to have David C. win. He looked really wowed.



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I was SO happy David Cook won! I just couldn't believe it.

As for Simon, Dh said he saw Simon on Letterman or Jay Leno, and Simon mentioned he was cheering for David Cook because DC had "paid his dues."


I'm sure there are several contestants this year who will go on to make albums.

I did notice Jason seemed a little awkward on stage--love that boy, but he did seem to lump around like a big gorilla. Still think he's amazing.


What a fun show! Now only Lost is left for the season. Geez, I hate May. Everything fun in my life ends.


Ok, not really.

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I would have never recognized George Michael.


David C.'s performance with ZZ Top was amazing! That's exactly the kind of music I like to hear him sing. He should record within the southern rock genre.


I've never watched AI before this season. What happens for DC now? I guess he makes a record and goes on tour?


Carrie Underwood was making me feel really bad about giving up my regular exercise program awhile back.

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We were cheering here for David C~:hurray: We were surprised by the announcement, still think David A would get it. He was so genuine and moved by the win.



Dd...love the Jonas Brothers. :drool:





The show was like a mini concert:party:. ZZtop, GMichael, Brian, Carrie...What a line up. Must been some sort of cosmic warm up for those two minutes in heaven, being Wednesday and all.:lol:

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Whatcha wanna bet Simon said what he said because he knew David C had won, and he didn't want to look like an idiot? That was painfully obvious.


I thought that at first too. Then I wondered if he purposefully said what he said to do a little reverse psychology to make Cook supporters vote all the more. I know my husband got on the phone and voted (and usually he doesn't). He did NOT want David A. to win. Just a thought.


Also, when I was about 14, I was in love with George Michael (well sort of!:lol:), but last night, I didn't even recognize him!!! I know he's older, but there's still something so off about him. It was freaky to me.

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Also, when I was about 14, I was in love with George Michael (well sort of!:lol:), but last night, I didn't even recognize him!!! I know he's older, but there's still something so off about him. It was freaky to me.


While I was listening, I just closed my eyes and imagined him back in the eighties.;)

Yes, I had a BIG crush on him back then.:D

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As soon as they announced the winner, our DVR cut off the show! Argh! Why didn't I set it to record slightly after 9:00.




Mine stopped at 20 minutes, but we were watching it about 15 minutes behind, so I was able to pick it up again. THEN, it cut off at 9 because I had it set to record something else at 9. The idiotic thing is that I can record two things at one time, I dunno why it was being so dumb last night.

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Also, when I was about 14, I was in love with George Michael (well sort of!:lol:), but last night, I didn't even recognize him!!! I know he's older, but there's still something so off about him. It was freaky to me.


I thought he looked ill. His voice didn't even sound right.

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I thought he looked ill. His voice didn't even sound right.

I thought that too. He always had such a gorgeous, rich voice. He sounded odd last night. And dude, lose the sunglasses at night. Even Corey Hart isn't doing that anymore.

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Ooops! Really? I missed that. Well hopefully that's the reason....



He did say that to Ryan (though it was barely understandable). The man's also had a rough time (bad choices, publicity, finances) since the Faith era.

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I had about 12 girls in my house all rooting for DC except my best friend (poor thing). Anyway, I served David Cook Cookies, Archuleta Bruschetta and Randy Dawg Pound hotdogs. Oh and Simon Crab dip - he he!


So we had a great time watching it on my DVR and fastforwarding through the commercials. Except when Ryan went to announce the winner, my DVR cut out. My friends thought I was pulling a prank. It was awful.


Thank God for Youtube. My dh quickly found the results posted and played them for us on his IMAC. However, it was a far cry from all the celebratory fanfare that we would have otherwise seen on my bigscreen TV.


I may never live this one down with my friends.


Nevertheless we all went home very pleased with the results.


My question about George Michael - is it me or is he morphing into Elton John. Just because one gets older doesn't mean they have to become unrecognizable...I thought Brian Adams still looks great!

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