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Holy Captain Haddock! Tintin, the movie!

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yes, they did, a long time ago, almost in a galaxy far away.



Tintin et les oranges bleues. My brother was thrilled to have the actor's autograph. He was certain it was the real Tintin


It's a shame this isn't available with English subtitles or at least on Netflix. We watch a lot of foreign films, subtitled by preference rather than dubbed, through Netflix, but we aren't up to a full movie only in French when we would have to purchase it for $40 from Amazon. Heck, we even prefer our English-language films to have subtitles---makes it easier to watch when the child is in bed;).

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Fun trivia according to IMDB:


In the early 1980s, Steven Spielberg got the rights from Herge's widow and hired an E.T. writer to draft a Tintin script. When it was in production in 1984, Spielberg wanted Jack Nicholson to play Captain Haddock. (I can't find a reason the project was abandoned though.)


Steven Moffat wrote the first draft of the script but couldn't polish it because he was busy with Doctor Who.


It's Spielberg's first animation film. He enjoyed the virtual camera so much that he did much of the camera work himself.


I love fun facts. :) (at least I'm assuming they are indeed facts)

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Matryoska, isn't Tintin "squid" in German?


Not quite - it's Tintenfisch (ink fish) - Tinte is ink. Maybe they still thought it was too close?? But Tim??? That's not even a German name....


Smurfs in German are Schlümpfe, which I think is better than Smurfs... :D

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Smurfs in German are Schlümpfe, which I think is better than Smurfs... :D


At least Schlümpfe is closer to schtroumpf than smurf. Whoever thought up the word 'smurf' is simple-minded and can't handle long words! Schtroumpf is supposed to be a challenge to read! Not a five letter word!

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I'm sorry, but Tintin should be in French, not in English...


The original is always best...except for those who can't understand it;). Although I suppose English subtitles could be done...making it even more like a live-action comic book! :D

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