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s/o internet.....anyone meet their spouse online?

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I was reading through the "when did you first use the internet" thread and I began using it when I was about 17. I made a profile on AOL and would search people's profiles in my area, looking for things we had in common. I saw a profile of this guy, he lived about 30 minutes from me, a Christian, etc. I sent him an instant message and he told me he couldn't talk....he was talking to other girls. :lol: I'm stubborn so I sent him an email the next day. He emailed me back and we began chatting online often through emails and instant messages. He quickly stopped chatting with those other girls. :tongue_smilie:


So that's how I found my future husband on there when I was 17. We chatted on AOL (ugh, I remember how SLOW the connection was and sometimes, when it was busy, I couldn't even connect to talk to him!). Then we would chat on the phone. Then we finally met about a month later. My parents didn't know about me meeting him....my mom said everyone on the internet was probably an axe murderer. :D But I was wise and took a friend and met him in a crowded public area. The rest is history....that was 14 years ago in 1997.


Did anyone else meet their spouse on the internet? And funny thing....my two sisters are dating people right now that they both met on the internet.

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yup! We were one of the first marriages through Digital Equipment Corp's online dating service which was offered only for employees. I met dh and another man and told dh that we could only be friends and dated the other man.:tongue_smilie: Dh knew the night he met me we'd marry, it took me a little longer.:lol: We've been together 24 years, married 22. :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub:

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yep. DH and I met randomly online...we were both of work for 3 months (hes was in a 4wheeler accident and I was really ill) and we happened upon each other playing Spades on Yahoo games. He instant messaged me, as did a million other people, but for some reason I wrote back. we lived 2.5 hours apart and somehow it turned into something and 8 years and 3 kids later...here we are :)

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I was reading through the "when did you first use the internet" thread and I began using it when I was about 17. I made a profile on AOL and would search people's profiles in my area, looking for things we had in common. I saw a profile of this guy, he lived about 30 minutes from me, a Christian, etc. I sent him an instant message and he told me he couldn't talk....he was talking to other girls. :lol: I'm stubborn so I sent him an email the next day. He emailed me back and we began chatting online often through emails and instant messages. He quickly stopped chatting with those other girls. :tongue_smilie:


So that's how I found my future husband on there when I was 17. We chatted on AOL (ugh, I remember how SLOW the connection was and sometimes, when it was busy, I couldn't even connect to talk to him!). Then we would chat on the phone. Then we finally met about a month later. My parents didn't know about me meeting him....my mom said everyone on the internet was probably an axe murderer. :D But I was wise and took a friend and met him in a crowded public area. The rest is history....that was 14 years ago in 1997.


Did anyone else meet their spouse on the internet? And funny thing....my two sisters are dating people right now that they both met on the internet.


It's kind of funny but our story is similar.


In March 1997 I was online in an AOL chat room and noticed a guy that seemed have interesting things to say, so I checked out his profile and noticed his hobby was nuclear engineering, so I just had to find out about him.

We talked through Instant message for a few hours and then he had to go to a friends house for dinner, but asked to message again when he got back. We talked for a few more hours then. We then started chatting online for hours at a time every day. We made plans to meet in person in April, but he lived in RI and I lived in WI, so despite my grandma thinking he was a serial killer posing as a Naval Officer I flew to RI and spent 10 days there. Yep I even stayed at his apartment the whole time. It was really hard to leave after those 10 days were up. In May I got a package in the mail and it was an engagement ring with a little note inside asking me to marry him. I said YES! We were married Friday the 13th of June 1997.


So not only did I meet him online, I married him within 4 months after only being physically in the same state with him for 12 days (the 10 in April and 2 in June before the actual wedding) It's been 14 years of happiness.

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Yes, through Christian Connection in 1999. I had just been teaching in Korea and returned home. My future DH was currently teaching in Korea. We chatted online everyday for 5 months, and when he returned to the states, he asked me to marry him. We were married 6 months later.

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Well, yes and no :001_smile:


I've never met anyone on an online dating site. I did meet my SO online back in 1999. It was a college networking site. We were both college students at the time, different colleges.


As you can see, that was a long time ago! We had an interest in one another but we were in different areas and I was a single mom, not going to move, etc. Anyways, we ended up being best friend for 10 years!


We were both single about one and a half years ago, he moved out here from the midwest and we have been in a relationship ever since. :tongue_smilie:

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I was reading through the "when did you first use the internet" thread and I began using it when I was about 17. I made a profile on AOL and would search people's profiles in my area, looking for things we had in common. I saw a profile of this guy, he lived about 30 minutes from me, a Christian, etc. I sent him an instant message and he told me he couldn't talk....he was talking to other girls. :lol: I'm stubborn so I sent him an email the next day. He emailed me back and we began chatting online often through emails and instant messages. He quickly stopped chatting with those other girls. :tongue_smilie:


So that's how I found my future husband on there when I was 17. We chatted on AOL (ugh, I remember how SLOW the connection was and sometimes, when it was busy, I couldn't even connect to talk to him!). Then we would chat on the phone. Then we finally met about a month later. My parents didn't know about me meeting him....my mom said everyone on the internet was probably an axe murderer. :D But I was wise and took a friend and met him in a crowded public area. The rest is history....that was 14 years ago in 1997.


Did anyone else meet their spouse on the internet? And funny thing....my two sisters are dating people right now that they both met on the internet.




Easter of 1996 my dh & I were bumped into the same new member chat room on AOL. I said "Hi", and he was the only one who responded. He had just set up his new computer and was online for the first time; I had logged on for the first time at home to try and do research for my college sociology class.


We lived in different states, 18 hours apart. In May, we started talking on the phone. In June, we met in a city where his sister lived and where I had a friend. In July, I dropped out of college and moved to his state. In February we were engaged. In May we were married.


We met when long distance still cost a fortune and AOL was $2.95 an hour. I used to joke it was cheaper for me to move out here and give up my scholarship than it was to stay in my home state and have a long distance relationship :lol:.

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Yes, but it was more or less accidental... I'd emailed him (mid 1995) to let him know about a typo in his P. K. Dick website, and things just kinda went from there. We lived thousands of miles apart, so neither of us at first thought we'd even meet. As time went on, however, it became increasingly obvious that we had to.

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I did :) I met DH on a forum for a mutual favorite author, debating philosophy. I was 17 and he was 30 - something that caused my parents no small amount of panic! We talked every chance we got. He flew down to meet me a week after I turned 18 and I knew the second I saw him coming down the stairs at the airport that he was definitely "the one". We were married a little over a year later :)

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Yes, I met my dh online (Christian Connection) back in 1997 when it wasn't a popular thing to do. I received several ax murderer comments from others. We lived thousands of miles apart. We have been happily married for 13 years now:001_smile:

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Not me (James Bond and I met in college back in 1992), but my mom and stepdad met online. I was very skeptical when my mom told me about him (cause there are lots of wackos out there), but I met him after they'd been dating for a few months and really liked him. They dated for about a year and a half and got married in 2001. This Dec they will be married for 10 years. I love my stepdad. He's awesome and treats my mom well, gets along well with me and James Bond and loves my kids. I couldn't ask for more. Heck, he and my dad are even friends, which was weird at first, but now, whatever. To clarify, they did not know each other before stepdad and mom go married, but met afterward and became friends. Fortunately my parents have a god relationship (which makes it so much easier on me and the kids) and stepdad just fit in. He and my dad have built stuff together, fixed things and even golfed together. How weird is that?

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I did. I went on a German chat board just because I was curious. I don't speak German so I have no idea what I was thinking. The rest is history. ;)


:lol::lol: I find that hilarious. My brother met his wife on...I can't remember which dating site. One of them (I think it was Match.com?) returned exactly zero matches, which was incredibly discouraging to him. The other matched him with his wife. The first thing she said to him upon meeting him was, "Wow, you actually ARE taller than 6 feet." She is 5-11 and apparently a lot of guys lie about their height.



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Yes - an LDS dating website.


My mum thought it would be funny to put my profile on there as a joke :001_huh: (she was a member herself).


I got a few emails from guys but they all seemed so weird so I never answered back to them. This was when online dating was new and people who did it were classed as "weirdo's, lameo's" and rightly so for a lot of them. :lol:


My DH sent me an email and I'm not sure why but he seemed so normal to me and even though the email was very basic it grabbed me. I think it was because he was the first guy who didn't send me an email full of brags and claims they were rich and famous and handsome etc etc.


We emailed for a while and then he called me and we just connected.


DH was in Canada and I was in Australia :001_huh: We couldn't have been further apart. He got on a plane and came for a holiday and asked me to marry him before he went back.

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my nephew met his wife online , she was living in the Philipines. He decided to go there to meet her. Her family is very well to do and have several servants. They got married a week later, nephew lived with her family for a year until she could get a visa to come here. They live near us and rest of extended family. They have been married 10 years. and are expecting their 2nd child. We all love her very much, she is a beautiful and kind woman and her and nephew are our partners in our curriculum business.


When he was leaving to go to the Philipines, we teased him that maybe she was really a 45 year old guy posing as a young girl.

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I met my ex bf online. After two great years together, he found an ex gf from 10 years previous online and we went our seperate ways. They've been married now for I think 4 years this year. I met my current SO online as well (of course after I left my ex) and in September it will be 5 years together. I know we'll be together for a long, long time, even if we never get officially married to each other. :)

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A good friend of mine met her husband on-line :)


A guy I used to babysit for met his eventual wife on-line, too. It was 1990 and some pre-Internet chat group thing that seems pretty primitive compared to what we're using here and now. I can't remember what it was called, but it was *the* stuff at the time.


On the other hand, just for poops and giggles one day my husband and I went online (together) to one of the more popular websites to see if we'd get matched together. We weren't, not even when we narrowed our geographical location to a highly limiting pool of possibilities LOL. It made me wonder who successful matches were missing out on, based on the terms of their searches and the results of their personality test questions!

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