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Swimmer's hair

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I know we have a lot of swim team moms on this board. My dds are divers and will start to dive year round. How can I keep my blonde daughter from turning into Shrek? She will not wear a swim cap. She has to keep her hair long for ballet and may not have time to wash after dive so she can rush to ballet. Any weekly treatments that work well?

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Paul Mitchell has a clarifying shampoo that is designed to remove chlorine and other build-up. It's expensive, but a bottle lasts us quite a while. I even use it to remove residue from my hair. My dd uses it once a week. That may work for you guys.

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Ask the pool what chemicals they use. It isn't the chlorine that turns the hair green. It is the chemicals they use to prevent algae and to clarify the water. Those sometimes contain metals like copper and it is those metals that will turn hair green. Having the hair wet before entering the pool helps because the hair won't absorb as many of those chemicals.

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It isn't the chlorine that turns the hair green. It is the chemicals they use to prevent algae and to clarify the water. Those sometimes contain metals like copper and it is those metals that will turn hair green.


:iagree: Many pools have copper in their pipes too.


Wetting the hair is supposed to help, but I think she just needs to take 5 minutes and wash her hair.


OTOH, I had blond hair, swam for years and it never turned green. Bleached blond, yes, but green , no.

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I know you said no cap, but this is the approach that some club swimmers I know use.

1. wet hair in shower

2. coat with conditioner

3. cover with cap (water is still going to get in the cap)


I don't know how it will work without the cap, but you could try.


My dd used to go from swim team to ballet. If you can't take a whole shower you really need to get some rinsing off. Her skin is likely to become seriously itchy otherwise.

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I know you said no cap, but this is the approach that some club swimmers I know use.

1. wet hair in shower

2. coat with conditioner

3. cover with cap (water is still going to get in the cap)


I don't know how it will work without the cap, but you could try.


My dd used to go from swim team to ballet. If you can't take a whole shower you really need to get some rinsing off. Her skin is likely to become seriously itchy otherwise.


Yes, put some conditioner in the hair before swimming along with wetting it first. Then the hair won't soak up the pool water. My younger three are blond and have never had their hair turn green despite daily swimming.

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I've got a swimmer. I use clarifying shampoo and enriched conditioners. These work really well. However, if someone finds a way to kill the smell ...


These are next to try on my list ....


Olive Oil Deep Treatment


Apply 2 tbsp. olive oil to your hair. Massage the oil into your scalp and use a wide-toothed comb to evenly distribute the olive oil. Wrap your hair in a towel for at least 30 minutes. Keep your hair wrapped overnight for a deeper treatment. Rinse and shampoo twice to remove the oil.


Mayonnaise Deep Treatment


Massage 1/2 cup of mayonnaise into your scalp and hair. Allow the mayonnaise to sit for 10 minutes. Rinse and shampoo twice.

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Well, if she won't wear a cap and she won't have time to wash it after swimming, I think you can be pretty sure her hair is going to be pretty damaged, unfortunately.


My daughter has very fine, porous hair and we get it wet and then coat it with a good conditioner before even putting her swim cap on. As soon as she gets done swimming, she shampoos with the Paul Mitchell Clarifying shampoo someone else recommended and then conditions her hair. Then I put it in a bun because we also have to rush off to ballet right after swimming.



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I've started making a fantastic solid conditioner bar for my long haired swimmers.


It is so easy to pack in a swim bag, and there is no excessive packaging.


They put it on before practice, then add more to wet hair as soon as they get out of the pool.


If I could figure out an inexpensive way to ship something small, I'd mail a sample to you.

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Wow, she really, really needs to learn to wear a cap if she is going to be in the pool every week! The chemicals are very bad for her hair over the long haul! Sally's Beauty Supply stores carry swimmers shampoo and conditioner (if you have one of those where you live). But a cap is by far the best thing, long-term, for her. And she really needs to wash that chemical out as soon as she's out of the pool, too, even if it's a rush job!

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I've started making a fantastic solid conditioner bar for my long haired swimmers.


It is so easy to pack in a swim bag, and there is no excessive packaging.


They put it on before practice, then add more to wet hair as soon as they get out of the pool.


If I could figure out an inexpensive way to ship something small, I'd mail a sample to you.


Ahem. Any chance you might be able to post instructions? I have short-haired boys, but I have long hair and swim myself.


I agree that she just has to at least take the time to rinse off. Her hair will surely turn to straw if she doesn't, and the chemicals are so bad for the skin, too.

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I don't know why divers never seem to wear swim caps. She will just to have rinse off before she rushes to ballet. She tends to have overly dry skin as well.


I love the olive oil treatment. I will try that with her when she gets home, well actually not until she goes back to diving again tonight for more practice.


Thanks a bunch!

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I've started making a fantastic solid conditioner bar for my long haired swimmers.


It is so easy to pack in a swim bag, and there is no excessive packaging.


They put it on before practice, then add more to wet hair as soon as they get out of the pool.


If I could figure out an inexpensive way to ship something small, I'd mail a sample to you.


Amy -


Are you selling this? If so, I'd be interested.



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Ahem. Any chance you might be able to post instructions? I have short-haired boys, but I have long hair and swim myself.


I agree that she just has to at least take the time to rinse off. Her hair will surely turn to straw if she doesn't, and the chemicals are so bad for the skin, too.




And if you don't want to, I'd be interested in buying some too!


Thanks for all the advice in this thread. We're just recreational swimmers, but my DD5 has a terrible time with her already dry, super curly hair during pool season. I'm definitely going to be doing a lot of this!

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Here is the deal.


I bought a homemade conditioner bar for myself for Mother's Day, and it was so incredible that I wanted to bathe 6 times a day just to wash my hair.


Here is a link to her shop:




It lasted 6 weeks, but would cost $13.50 apiece for me to buy one for each of my 5 kids and my sister, and my best friend...


So I decided to make my own, and I used the recipe on this blog.




It was an expensive challenge to get all of the ingredients ordered, but actually making them is a cinch. I've been giving out samples at swim team, and every SINGLE person who has tried it, has ordered a $10 bar.


I can not believe how beautiful my girls' hair looks. When I posted about this, before, I couldn't find this picture, but Miss Good found it for me.




Proof that my saying a conditioner has changed my mind is not just hyperbole.


Now, I need to take an "after" picture.

Edited by amy g.
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