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Juggling homeschooling with "me" time - Couch to 5k


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Any one else ever feel like their life is revolving around other people? I love my children and am extremely grateful to have stumbled my way into the decision to homeschool them. I feel like it filled this huge void that was in my life while just being a stay-at-home mom. It's given us purpose and direction. I love learning alongside my children.


That being said, some days I just want to do something old me would have done. Like go traveling or mountain climbing. Even just an impromptu trip to bookstore (focused on me and not homeschooling) would be nice.


I've been looking into that Couch to 5k fitness thing that some people are doing and thinking it might help. Not only giving me precious me-time but increasing my self esteem as I try to get this body back in shape. Anyone here do it or know someone who has?


How do you juggle fitness time in your schedule. Seems like my only option would be to wake up at 5 or so to give myself time to work out and get showered before my dc wake up. Not so thrilled at the thought of such an early day since that would require me to get to bed even earlier than I already do. I feel like there is a lot of "mom" time in my day but precious few "Kristen" time that doesn't involve researching homeschooling activities and preparing our week.

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I have done Couch to 5K, and I highly recommend it! I felt really good while doing it. It's gentle, yet highly effective. I got up to the last week, then got hit by a respiratory virus that knocked me down for a few weeks, then it was summer and too hot to run during the day. I had to run in the grass, and it was too soggy early in the morning. My DH leaves the house early, so I couldn't go run off-property.


Right now, I'm not running, and I'm just waiting for this season of littles to end. My youngest is 2. In a couple years, I might have more options for exercising on my own time away from home. For now, options are limited, and I'm just enjoying this season of life with littles before they grow up (which happens so fast!).

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I have done Couch to 5K, and I highly recommend it! I felt really good while doing it.


I'm just enjoying this season of life with littles before they grow up (which happens so fast!).


Did you have any website or link in particular that helped you get started?


Also, thanks for the reminder about this season of life. Every so often I am struck by how fast time is going by......its just that sometimes I seem to feel like its stuck in slow motion. But then one kid starts walking or talking or reading- and I think- wow- feels like yesterday they were born.

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I used one of the free podcasts, but you can also find the websites that list the official details. The podcasts are nice because you listen to music, then it tells you when to walk or run. There are also apps that do a voice over while you listen to your own music... At least they exist for ipod/iphone. I haven't checked much since switching to a droid phone. If you just have a regular old mp3 player, the free podcasts will work on those.


I still can't believe how much I could run towards the end though. My knees used to hurt whenever I tried to run as a kid. This program was easy enough that ibuprofen and some knee stretches afterward were all I needed in the beginning. I never hurt while running, which was a first for me!

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When my children were very young, the only time exercise seemed to work was early mornings, before everyone else was up. Mine are now 6 and 8, though, and able to keep themselves occupied while I exercise. Late afternoon, when the boys have their 'free time/screen time' works well now, though I personally prefer early morning (something about getting your day off on the right foot, and taking care of ME first before attending to everyone else's needs). The only other time I had any success with was as soon as hubby got home from work, I'd head out the door with the dog for a walk. Evenings we sometimes do exercise as a family--yoga, Kinect--but it's more for the kids and family bonding than a great workout for me. Good luck!

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I did C25K this winter and then ran a 5k, so it really works. I used a treadmill version I found on-line--try searching for "couch to 5k treadmill". My solution for fitting it into my day is to get up early and use the treadmill in our bedroom. The kids are all still asleep and dh can leave the house to do his exercise. During the 5k that I ran I saw a lot of kids running too. I now have a goal to run a 5k with my girls (one is pretty fast and will beat us all, the other is going to have to walk at some point I think). We are doing C25K together outside now and are up to the 20 min run at the end of week 5. Haven't done it yet--want to try to get to a track so we can all go our own pace. I think it is a great program.

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I walk (I can't run) in the morning at about 6:00, as long as it's light that early. This gives me about an hour by myself, first thing, while DH is still home if DD wakes up and needs him. I'm not sure what I'll do when it's dark really early, though.

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With your kids as young as they are, I don't see anyway around the uber early workouts, unless you have someone you can pay or trade with to watch them at another time. Indoor stuff, like Wii, dvds, treadmill, etc, are more manageable, but walking/running outdoors is a bit harder.


fwiw, it gets ever so much easier when they are older! ;)

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I'm on week 7 of C25K! Yeah! I have to workout early after dh worksout and before he heads to work. I am NOT an early morning person but it is worth it to have some time to myself and lose e baby weight. After I finish C25K, I'll start training for the half marathon I'm running in Nov. I don't even like running but the me time and sense of accomplishment is worth it.


A good website for C25K is http://www.coolrunning.com.

Edited by Dinsfamily
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Ds is really into Taekwondo, so at least once a week he teaches me some moves. Boy, that is a workout! We have membership at the pool, but I haven't made it into the pool myself yet - I have a 4-month-old too.

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I manage to train for and run 3-5 marathons per year, and I really have no help with children watching. It can be done, but it is something that evolved over time.


I had to start running when my dd was about 2, or I would have never made it to her being 7. Parenting her was so intense, and my dh's learning curve was so, er, nearly flat, that the whole adjustment was overwhelming. There's a host of mental benefits that you'll get with getting up and getting out there. Keeping in shape is a side benefit.


Yes, early mornings are it, esp. this time of year anyways. Running in the heat and crowds of the day isn't in my mind sensible. So, I think the summer is a perfect time for you to do the Couch to 5K. It isn't your kids in your way, it's the heat! :lol: So, you can resent them making it impossible to run at reasonable hours in the other seasons, but not the summer. :D


Oh, and it does eventually change. My yr old now runs 1/2 miles with me about 3x a week. And, last week, my dh and ran together for the first time in years. Our former babysitter was in town, so we went for a 6 mile run together.

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My kids are 10 and almost 9 and I am in the process of training to walk a half marathon. I get up at 5:30. It stinks but it's too hot here to walk any later than about 8. Painfully hot. Lately I've been napping while the kids have quiet time and piano practice, but when DH's work schedule stabilizes I'll just be going to bed earlier. My sister is a DIE HARD runner (did Boston last year), 2 kids and works full time. She gets up at 5 and goes to bed by around 9:30 every day.

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Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and your personal stories of making it work. I am feeling very inspired and am looking forward to it.


I'm looking into the websites and apps/podcasts that you all referenced. Thanks for being so motivating!!!


If any of you are blogging about your experience I would love to follow along! Feel free to respond here or PM me with your link. THANKS!!!


Looking forward to my early mornings!


---- And I hadn't even thought about getting my girls involved. My oldest will be 5 in July. When is it okay to start her on some running? Is there a period of time considered too early for their bodies? I mean I wouldn't expect her to go long distances or anything...

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I've started taking Zumba once or twice a week in the evening or on Sat. morning when my husband can watch the girls. I'm usually tired by the evening one but feel great when I get done, and it's wonderful to get out of the house for a bit. It's fun exercise for me, and I don't find much exercise fun. :)



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I tell people it's a cross between any boy band type dance moves you can think of (pop/hip hop), Latin dancing (think Salsa), boxing, and belly dancing. It actually cracks me up while I'm doing it. It moves really fast though, so no one has time to notice what anyone else is doing. One person I know has lost 40 lbs doing it! It is a great workout if you like to dance at all!



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I work out in the morning. I get up around 7 or 7:30. I work out from 8 to 9. During that time the kids play outside. Then they come in and eat while I shower. We then start lessons.


Your little ones are still very young. It's harder to find time for yourself when they are so young. I have a 10 yr old that takes care of the 2 yr old while I work out.

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Just an FYI to all the folks who had been so helpful- I woke up early today and did my first Couch to 5K run. Whew- am I out of shape or what?!?!?! I made it but boy was I waiting for those "walk" commands!

Then when the voice prompt came and gave me my "halfway" notice I was thinking- :001_huh: YIKES only halfway?!?!

But I made it. I came home and showered and now I feel great. I'm drinking my coffee, watching the news, and catching up on the forums- ALL BEFORE the kiddos are up!!!


Just one more question though- do any of you have any sites for some ideas on warmup exercises? I notice my knees feeling pretty tight as I ran. They have made a weird crackling noise (since I was in my 20s and mountain climbing) whenever I climb stairs- I noticed it occasionally when I was jogging. It doesn't hurt per se-- sounds worse than it feels.


I would hate to give up already or have to stay confined to a treadmill. Anyone else have anything similar?

Edited by KristenR
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Just an FYI to all the folks who had been so helpful- I woke up early today and did my first Couch to 5K run. Whew- am I out of shape or what?!?!?! I made it but boy was I waiting for those "walk" commands!

Then when the voice prompt came and gave me my "halfway" notice I was thinking- :001_huh: YIKES only halfway?!?!

But I made it. I came home and showered and now I feel great. I'm drinking my coffee, watching the news, and catching up on the forums- ALL BEFORE the kiddos are up!!!


Hooray!!! It feels really good to make it all the way through! After you do it for a week or two, it will get easier. Then around week 4 or 5 (I forget), it bumps the level way up and you'll be happy to make it through again. :lol: You can do it though!!!


Just one more question though- do any of you have any sites for some ideas on warmup exercises? I notice my knees feeling pretty tight as I ran. They have made a weird crackling noise (since I was in my 20s and mountain climbing) whenever I climb stairs- I noticed it occasionally when I was jogging. It doesn't hurt per se-- sounds worse than it feels.

After jogging, you want to do some knee exercises. Do a google search on "runner's knee", and you'll find stretches to do afterward. Also, take some Ibuprofen to help with inflammation. By doing those two things, my knees strengthened pretty quickly without getting injured. Oh, I was also doing Wii Active at the time as well, which has lunges.
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Just an FYI to all the folks who had been so helpful- I woke up early today and did my first Couch to 5K run. Whew- am I out of shape or what?!?!?! I made it but boy was I waiting for those "walk" commands!

Then when the voice prompt came and gave me my "halfway" notice I was thinking- :001_huh: YIKES only halfway?!?!

But I made it. I came home and showered and now I feel great. I'm drinking my coffee, watching the news, and catching up on the forums- ALL BEFORE the kiddos are up!!!


Yeah!! The runs will get better. I started out where you are about 9 weeks ago and I ran 2.5 miles yesterday. It was easier than those first few runs. I was in the worst shape of my life after this last pregnancy. Just don't be afraid to repeat weeks if you need to. I've repeated 2 different weeks along the way and glad I did.


I don't have advice about stretching. My knees were hurting a bit until they got used to me running. It worked itself out by week 5. Losing 15 lbs so far surely helps. I use a foam roller after I'm done with my run.

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I started running in February on the couch to 5k program. I ran my first 5K in May. I have another in July, but I'm now starting to increase my distance in hopes of running a 10K and eventually a 1/2 marathon.


I get up early. There is just on other time in the day to spend on me with 3 kids. It nearly kills me when my alarm goes off, but I'm learning to discipline myself and get up. It's very hot here too, so if I don't get up, by 8 it is just unbearable to be outside unless you are in the pool.


I do recommend good running shoes. It can make all the difference in the world having the right shoes.

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Yeah!! The runs will get better. I started out where you are about 9 weeks ago and I ran 2.5 miles yesterday. It was easier than those first few runs. I was in the worst shape of my life after this last pregnancy. Just don't be afraid to repeat weeks if you need to. I've repeated 2 different weeks along the way and glad I did.


I don't have advice about stretching. My knees were hurting a bit until they got used to me running. It worked itself out by week 5. Losing 15 lbs so far surely helps. I use a foam roller after I'm done with my run.


Thanks for the support. I am glad you mentioned repeating weeks because I was already wondering how quickly it progresses. I'll just see how it goes and not rush myself.


Not to sound totally ignorant of exercise terminology- but what is a foam roller?

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I do recommend good running shoes. It can make all the difference in the world having the right shoes.


I'm new to this whole exercise world. Anyone have a good shoe preference? I used my old sneakers from (gosh-probably 5 years ago!). I'm sure a better shoe would ease me into running....

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Ok, I GET having to get up early in order to fit exercise in, especially if you have small children. BUT that usually means having to go to bed earlier. How/when do you have "alone" time with your dh? My dc go to bed at 9PM and read until 9:30. I would go to bed at the same time, but my dh likes me to stay up and hang out with him a little before going to bed, and then.... :001_smile: I have been working up to running a 5K for the past year, but am really having a hard time balancing everything. Most days I end up running in the evening, about an hour after dinner, which I'm sure isn't the best for my digestive track. However, then I feel like I'm missing out on family time. Dh likes to play whiffle ball with the kids or roast marshmallows over our fire pit, or play Wii games together. They end up having all this fun together while I'm on the treadmill, and I miss out and feel guilty. BUT I just can't get up early to work out if I don't get to bed at a decent time. Ugh! It doesn't help that my dh is a night owl, and would prefer staying up until midnight every night instead of the 10-10:30 bedtime we've established.


Anyway, as it is I usually find time to run about 3 days a week. But it's usually a different time each day. I'd love to find a good workable routine.

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Most days I end up running in the evening, about an hour after dinner, which I'm sure isn't the best for my digestive track. However, then I feel like I'm missing out on family time. Dh likes to play whiffle ball with the kids or roast marshmallows over our fire pit, or play Wii games together. They end up having all this fun together while I'm on the treadmill, and I miss out and feel guilty.


I can understand this. I definitionly wouldn't start getting up early in the morning. (As it is my dh, and my eldest are up before me. Sometimes by an hour)


I never have a set time to run. It changes depending on the weather, what is happening, what type of mood I'm in. Some of my options are:

1) I have dinner ready when dh gets home - but I have already eaten. He then eats with the kids. I don't mind missing out yet another dinner time. Sometimes they will start watching youtube videos while eating dinner. Or my dh will show them something 'cool' on the computer. Both things I don't mind missing.


2) I miss out on the family activity. The boys have a different dynamic with Daddy when I'm not around. Which is good sometimes. So I just let them have fun and go out.


3) I run on the weekend when we have no plans and everyone is just lazing about for abit.

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Ok, I GET having to get up early in order to fit exercise in, especially if you have small children. BUT that usually means having to go to bed earlier. How/when do you have "alone" time with your dh?


My kids go to bed at 7pm (the oldest is almost 7, so I'm sure their bedtime will be later as they get older, but at that point, they can probably put themselves to bed anyway). My DH gets in bed at 8:30pm and watches a little TV for about 15-20 minutes. So waking up at 5 is easy, because everyone is in bed early.


Now *I* am the night owl, and I can easily stay up until 2am if DH isn't home. I've had to change my sleeping habits, but it's worked out well for us.


In your position, I'd definitely do a different exercise routine than getting up at 5am. Not sure what I'd do though.

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I was never able to exercise regularly, enough to feel in good healthy shape, until my youngest was four and the oldest was 10. Then, the eldest was able to be trusted enough to entertain the younger.


I own a nordic trak and I mostly use that. In our house we allow the kids to watch a movie etc at 4:30 until dinner is ready. I just prepped dinner early in the day and used the NT for 45 min while they were watching a movie.


I also run and if the weather is nice I will go running while the kids eat dinner with their dad. I also do weight lifting and yoga or pilates etc almost every night when their father is putting them to bed. He really enjoys the opportunity to spend the evenings with them and thinks it has been wonderful for their relationship.

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Anyway, as it is I usually find time to run about 3 days a week. But it's usually a different time each day. I'd love to find a good workable routine.


My kids are usually all in bed by 8:30. My husband is a night owl as well and we've gotten into the habit of having out, watching news or some interesting tv show until 11 or 12.


My dds seem to be holding steady at sleeping in until 7:30 or 8:00. It used to be 6:30 and honestly if it was still that early I doubt I would start a regular exercise routine yet. I realize I will probably start going to bed earlier which will cut down my time with dh and my night homeschooling prep work time. But If I can stick with this I think I will be motivated to start up regular "date nights" with my man and utilize my mornings to get more planning done. It will require some shifting but I think it will be beneficial all around.


So today I woke up 6:00 and was able to do my warmup, exercise, and cool down AND shower all in less than an hour. I was even able to get a blog post done and watch some news. It was hard getting up when I knew I could theoretically sleep in. But I found that once I got over the "hump" of getting out of bed and getting into my workout clothes, the rest was smooth sailing. I feel more energized, and what's even more important is that by the time the girls got up I was AWAKE. Not being awoken by them makes a huge difference in my mornings. They see me alert and going versus groggily fumbling around making coffee, watching some news, rubbing sleep from my eyes, and otherwise trying to start my day.


Again, I'm only on day 1 but I'm liking the change already!

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Ok, I GET having to get up early in order to fit exercise in, especially if you have small children. BUT that usually means having to go to bed earlier. How/when do you have "alone" time with your dh? My dc go to bed at 9PM and read until 9:30. I would go to bed at the same time, but my dh likes me to stay up and hang out with him a little before going to bed, and then.... :001_smile: I have been working up to running a 5K for the past year, but am really having a hard time balancing everything. Most days I end up running in the evening, about an hour after dinner, which I'm sure isn't the best for my digestive track. However, then I feel like I'm missing out on family time. Dh likes to play whiffle ball with the kids or roast marshmallows over our fire pit, or play Wii games together. They end up having all this fun together while I'm on the treadmill, and I miss out and feel guilty. BUT I just can't get up early to work out if I don't get to bed at a decent time. Ugh! It doesn't help that my dh is a night owl, and would prefer staying up until midnight every night instead of the 10-10:30 bedtime we've established.


Anyway, as it is I usually find time to run about 3 days a week. But it's usually a different time each day. I'd love to find a good workable routine.


The sad, sad truth is that my husband and I don't get "alone" time very often. I agree it is a sacrifice but it is one I am willing to take, plus my husband loves the results so he doesn't complain. ;)


My husband gets up early too so he isn't keeping me up, we both go to bed by 10-10:30 usually.


Routines work best for me too, but i am sometimes late depending on different circumstances.

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The sad, sad truth is that my husband and I don't get "alone" time very often. I agree it is a sacrifice but it is one I am willing to take, plus my husband loves the results so he doesn't complain. ;)


My husband gets up early too so he isn't keeping me up, we both go to bed by 10-10:30 usually.


Routines work best for me too, but i am sometimes late depending on different circumstances.



As I plan ahead I realized that this would be an unintended consequence of me waking up early (and going to bed earlier) but I am hoping that the two hours or so a night that we lose we can gain by planning regular date nights. As it is we haven't done that in - well years. Literally, I think the last time we went to dinner alone was after the birth of my second daughter.

In any event, if I keep working out- get fit- gain self confidence- and MAYBE even fit into those old jeans I've been holding on to- then you can be darn sure I'll be demanding more grown-up nights out. :001_smile:

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Just an FYI to all the folks who had been so helpful- I woke up early today and did my first Couch to 5K run. Whew- am I out of shape or what?!?!?! I made it but boy was I waiting for those "walk" commands!

Then when the voice prompt came and gave me my "halfway" notice I was thinking- :001_huh: YIKES only halfway?!?!

But I made it. I came home and showered and now I feel great. I'm drinking my coffee, watching the news, and catching up on the forums- ALL BEFORE the kiddos are up!!!


Just one more question though- do any of you have any sites for some ideas on warmup exercises? I notice my knees feeling pretty tight as I ran. They have made a weird crackling noise (since I was in my 20s and mountain climbing) whenever I climb stairs- I noticed it occasionally when I was jogging. It doesn't hurt per se-- sounds worse than it feels.


I would hate to give up already or have to stay confined to a treadmill. Anyone else have anything similar?


Good job!


I get up at 5 everyday. This is when I fit my workout in, along with completing thoughts and enjoying the solitude. I've been doing this since 2006, and I cannot start my day with a happy heart without this time (even if it means I have to take a short 20 minute nap over lunch break).


Do you have a good pair of shoes? If I don't have a good pair, my knees kill me after a few runs.

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Your kids are really, really young.

There is no reason why you can't take days off from school and do something fun. In fact, you should.


When DD was a baby, my exercise was mostly taking her to the local park/zoo, and walking to people's houses and local parks. For that I had a sling, a Baby Bjorn, a Kelty (I think) backpack, and a really good Baby Jogger. I will tell you that we did not decorate the baby's room much because we wanted to use the money to keep me home with her, BUT we felt that spending on things that enabled me to 'go for it' with her along was WEP.


Also I had an exercise bike that I actually used. I was in pretty good shape because I did something active almost every day. Another good exercise plan for SAHM is Strong Women Stay Young. I had a rule that on exercise days I didn't take my morning bath until I had exercised, and sometimes the term 'morning' became a bit of an overstatement, LOL!


CP25K is great, but hard to do with littles to care for. Still, I'd be heading for the mountains with them. Get one of those good baby backpacks and a wagon and GO!

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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When do you have "alone" time with hubby?? LOL. That's what I always ask people who have a blog!!!


I guess IF I had to go to bed at a different time as my husband, he would just have to work around it, which normally isn't a problem. He's gonna get his every day regardless of my schedule:tongue_smilie:!!

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My dh and I like to exercise together. We enjoy 'spelling' the other so we can each go for a run. If he comes home from work and I am done with my cardio for the day, I am happy to feed the kids while he goes for his run. Health is important to us and we enjoy supporting each other.


Then, once the kids are in bed we do yoga or P90x together. Some evenings he is at his laptop doing work while I am working out in the same room. We chat etc while we each do our own thing. It feels like time spent together. :001_smile:

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For spending time with DH - I nap. I know it's a little guilt inducing for me, I get up at 5:30-5:45 and he's a later riser. He also likes to stay up later than me. So, I nap about an hour to an hour and half a day. The kids read or practice their piano or finish up school work. It works for us.

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Do you have a good pair of shoes? If I don't have a good pair, my knees kill me after a few runs.


I do NOT have a good pair of shoes. I was debating on doing some research tonight into a decent yet-not-too exorbitantly priced pair. Do you have any recommendations?


Your kids are really, really young.

There is no reason why you can't take days off from school and do something fun. In fact, you should.

CP25K is great, but hard to do with littles to care for. Still, I'd be heading for the mountains with them. Get one of those good baby backpacks and a wagon and GO!

I wish we had mountains here. I long for them. However, my mountain climbing days consisted of a flight to South America to climb in the Andes. I won't be doing that anytime soon. However, I do love to try and get the girls out to zoos and parks as often as I can. I haven't thought of using a wagon before. I might just look into that for my younger two and let the oldest walk alongside me.


When do you have "alone" time with hubby?? LOL. That's what I always ask people who have a blog!!!



My blog is nowhere near as detailed or daily as some others out there. I wish I had some more time to do more with it. But it is what it is. I really don't spend too much time on it and luckily Wordpress takes all the hassle out of it for me. So it's really just a matter of writing an entry every now and again.

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I guess IF I had to go to bed at a different time as my husband, he would just have to work around it, which normally isn't a problem. He's gonna get his every day regardless of my schedule:tongue_smilie:!!


LOL.. Just got that!

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I completed the couch to 5k program a few months ago for this very reason. I was trying to find some time for me. I completed my first 5k and I'm about to run my 2nd. I have found that the best time for me is to wake up in the morning. I was not a morning person at all, but it took a little while to get useto. It did take going to bed earlier but I'm so glad I got into the habit. I'm up between 6:30-7:00, out the door by 7:05 at the latest and back in and showered by 8am. I feel so much better and I appreciate the time with just my thoughts, LOL! I don't even listen to music most of the time because its the only quiet time I have.


I went through a phase where I couldn't wait to get out the door in the morning, but that didn't last long. I can't say I love getting up that early, but I'm making me a priority. That makes it worth it.

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I do NOT have a good pair of shoes. I was debating on doing some research tonight into a decent yet-not-too exorbitantly priced pair. Do you have any recommendations?



Go to a local running store. They'll video tape you running on their treadmill in "neutral shoes" and decide which type of shoe you need, then fit you and let you run around in it, etc.


I ended up with Brooks Adrenalines, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE these shoes. They are oh so comfortable... FOR ME. They may not be at all comfortable for you though, because you might have a different shaped foot, or you might run on a different part of the foot, etc.


Just be prepared for sticker shock. $100 for a pair of shoes is not usually what I spend in general, but for a good pair of running shoes, they were definitely worth it to protect my knees and back. It's cheaper than PT! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm struggling with this now, but normally I can conquer it by rising earlier then my family. It gives me that quite peaceful time I need to get my fitness in before they rise. :)


Why am I struggling now? Time Change. It's DARK here when I normally rise and my dh would be uncomfortable with me out running or walking in the dark. Frankly, I'm not sure i'd be comfortable with it! ;) So I'm struggling with that time right now.. but it won't be too long before the winter solstice and then things will start to pick up. :D

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I wish we had mountains here. I long for them. However, my mountain climbing days consisted of a flight to South America to climb in the Andes. I won't be doing that anytime soon. However, I do love to try and get the girls out to zoos and parks as often as I can. I haven't thought of using a wagon before. I might just look into that for my younger two and let the oldest walk alongside me.





Wow, no mountains in cruising range? One of my favorite quotes is, "The mountains are calling me, and I must go" (John Muir)


So on the wagon thing, one suggestion--if you're carrying a shoulder bag, stick a sling in it. You can crush it without harm, and it will be so handy. I carried my DD around in it sitting up once she was a toddler, and having it to help support her on one hip was really helpful. Then both of the older kids can ride. If you have to carry one, let it be the lightest!

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That being said, some days I just want to do something old me would have done. Like go traveling or mountain climbing. Even just an impromptu trip to bookstore (focused on me and not homeschooling) would be nice.


I could never be a runner, LOL, but my heart goes out to you where you are. Even though my girls are still young (4.5, 4.5, and 6.5), there was something about your signature line that tugged my heart. Your children are only 4 years, 2 years, and 10 months old -- all so little. I remember that stage with all little ones. For me, honestly, it was hard (sometimes). With a preschooler and toddler twins and NO TRANSPORTATION, it was a bit isolating at times. ;)


There were days when I thought I was "losing myself" to being a mommy. The little ones were so needy, of course I was always giving out, giving out. There were days when the twins drove me up. the. cotton. picking. wall. My oldest was always an angel, LOL. :willy_nilly::Angel_anim::willy_nilly:She deserves a medal, let me tell ya.


Someone here wrote in her signature line, "With small children, the days are long but the years are short." Reading that changed something in me. I cherished up the toddler and preschooler days... and you know what? The toddler years are gone, and the preschool days are going by too quickly now. ;)


If you feel the urge to get out, just go to a park and take a walk with the kids. Let them play on the slide or play in the backyard or whatever, while you sit and rest and simply watch them. It's okay to rest while they exhaust themselves. :D That is part of the strategy.


We always had a daily nap. We still do. Yes, they are 6.5 and 4.5 and 4.5, but every day (nearly) they take a nap from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. It is my way of maintaining motherly equilibrium. Sometimes they will say, "But we don't feel tired, we don't need a nap." And I say, "I need you to have a nap, so you're having a nap." In the dark, quiet, boring room... they sleep. Aaaahhh.


They also go to bed on time at night, sleep for at least 11-12 hours, and wake up full of it. I have actually never been able to wake up ahead of them. If I get up earlier, they sense it, and they wake up earlier the next day. It's pointless. So now I sleep in as late as possible. :lol:


Running? What is running?


Seriously, I wish you all the best as you faithfully labor on with small children. It is hard work, you are training for good habits, meeting many needs, being bombarded with questions and "interruptions," and all for no pay. If you hang in there for a year or two, it will (probably) get easier. My mom used to say, "When you can tell them to put on coats and shoes and get in the van -- and they DO IT -- you have arrived at another level of life."


We are there now, and it is lovely. Hang in! :grouphug:

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My kids are up between 5 and 6 am, especially now that it's getting light out so early, and I just cannot bear to get up at 4. And I can't set an alarm, anyway, with the baby in our room. So I try to cram in a fast workout -- either running or swimming (there is a pool right downstairs) every other day just somewhere randomly in the day. Sometimes I go while DH is eating breakfast and watching the kids, sometimes I go during dinner, and occasionally I go at night. Although I really don't like to do that, not only because by 8pm all I want to do is pass out, but also because exercise wakes me up, so then I will have trouble sleeping.


The other thing is that I am just not able to work out that hard. I am too tired. I'm trying to at least work in some interval sets for both my swimming and my running, but it requires digging down for energy that I seem just not to have.

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Thank you to all that have taken the time to post. It's so nice to know how many of us are all dealing with the same things. Struggling and celebrating. Seriously. Thank you.

And Sahamamama, thank you for your kind words of advice and encouragement. I LOVE the quote, "With small children, the days are long but the years are short."

Most of the time I do a good job of appreciating and living in the moment, enjoying where I am. Its just occasionally the constant barrage of baby crap (both literal and figurative) gets overwhelming and I feel like I want to sit on the floor with my toddlers and have a temper tantrum alongside of them.


I think that's why running may work for me. I've never been a fan of it before, even when I was actively working out. But today there was something liberating about running. Freudian, maybe? Like a temporary escape. At least that was how it felt today. The best part of my run was when I had run out my frustrations and felt ready to turn around and head back home. Back to mommyhood.

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p.s. Sahamamama- How did you pick your user name? Just curious. I climbed a mountain in Bolivia pronounced Sahama but spelled Sajama.


My girls' names are:






And I'm the mama. :D


About the temper tantrum... Have you ever seen the movie "Babies?" I watched this with my girls and it was hilarious. The film follows four babies, one each from Tokyo, Namibia, San Francisco, and Mongolia. There is this scene with the Japanese baby that is a RIOT. She is having a bad day, and she throws herself on the floor and just lets it out. My girls were rolling on the floor laughing, and we watched it again and again.


Some days, you just feel like that little Japanese baby, KWIM?


The other day, they wanted to do something and I said, "No." All three of them spontaneously threw themselves on the floor and pretended to have a temper tantrum. It was so funny, I was dying laughing. My husband came in and said in his Booming Daddy Voice, "What is going on here?"


We explained that they were all "being the Japanese baby." :lol: It is code-word now for having a bad day. I would recommend you watch this movie, realizing how quickly your baby days will go by. And pay special attention to that temper tantrum scene, because it is priceless. :D Also, the scene where the American baby is obviously making a deposit in her diaper, and the cat runs away... ROFL.


I should warn you, there is some "native nudity" with the little Namibian baby, but this mostly went over my girls' heads. It's just life, right? Baby's butts and poop and stuff. Hang in there!

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This a such a great thread! I'm gonna check out the C25k, that sounds exactly what I need. I've been wanting to start running but I'm so afraid of over doing it and hurting myself.


I totally know what you mean about finding time...it's so hard! My only solution is getting up extra early and I hate that idea because I really need my sleep! If I felt I was truly making progress I think I'd be more prone to commit....well duh who wouldn't? Lol


Maybe we could start a health/exercise group to sort of provide the moral support we need??? We are all in this together-not only do our kids need us to teach them they need us to live long and healthy lives so we need to plug that into our days! :)

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I think that's why running may work for me. I've never been a fan of it before, even when I was actively working out. But today there was something liberating about running. Freudian, maybe? Like a temporary escape. At least that was how it felt today. The best part of my run was when I had run out my frustrations and felt ready to turn around and head back home. Back to mommyhood.


That is why I love to run!! It is a great release for the daily frustrations of homeschooling...but my kids are 6, 8 & 11. It was A LOT harder to find time a few years ago. Keep trying to find the time, but don't be too hard on yourself.

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Thanks for the support. I am glad you mentioned repeating weeks because I was already wondering how quickly it progresses. I'll just see how it goes and not rush myself.


Not to sound totally ignorant of exercise terminology- but what is a foam roller?


Yes, don't feel bad repeating a week. It is a guide, not magic. I recently went through a mini running crisis during week 6. I just couldn't finish day 2. My dh told me to slow down but keep running. He was right and I'm headed out to finish week 7 in a few minutes. Whoohoo!


A foam roller is a foam cylinder that is used to "iron out" muscles and fascia. My dh works at a company that specializes in rapid injury recovery and the docs swear by them. They are a great inexpensive tool that's keeping me injury-free. I'm guessing you can buy them at an athletic store. Our gym has a whilte one which is softer. We have a black professional grade one at home. My SIL also has them at the gym she runs so they are out there.


I'm new to this whole exercise world. Anyone have a good shoe preference? I used my old sneakers from (gosh-probably 5 years ago!). I'm sure a better shoe would ease me into running....


Definitely hit a running store and get fitted. Once you know the kind of shoe that's best for you, you can look for deals online the next time you need a pair.


This a such a great thread! I'm gonna check out the C25k, that sounds exactly what I need. I've been wanting to start running but I'm so afraid of over doing it and hurting myself.


I totally know what you mean about finding time...it's so hard! My only solution is getting up extra early and I hate that idea because I really need my sleep! If I felt I was truly making progress I think I'd be more prone to commit....well duh who wouldn't? Lol


Maybe we could start a health/exercise group to sort of provide the moral support we need??? We are all in this together-not only do our kids need us to teach them they need us to live long and healthy lives so we need to plug that into our days! :)


I am not a morning person either. I have had to instill a little discipline, turn off the tv at night and go to bed earlier. At least I have more leeway on Saturday when dh is home. I do have so much more energy now that I'm running and getting in better shape. I also clamped down on my eating habits which has helped too. That is tough as my dMIL is visiting and just made 6 dozen chocolate chip cookies.


My boys are 7, 5, 2.5, and 3 mos and I'm getting it done so it's possible. I'm definitely no stronger or motivated than anyone on here. I just want to feel better, be healthier, and look nice for my dh. C25K is only 25 minutes 3 days/week at first. I'm REALLY slow so the 2.5 miles runs I've done this week take me about 40 mins when you add in 10 mins of warmup and cool down. I'll probably have to carve out an hour when I get to 3 miles Monday after next. It is good to hear that it gets easier as the dc get older, though :)

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