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You know you're old when. . .

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Your first car (Datsun) was made by a company no longer in business.


I believe Datsun changed their name to Nissan in the 80s. So they are still around (in a sense).


I inherited my grandmother's old manual typewriter, ds loves it.


My favorite piece of 1970's technology was my transistor radio. :lol:

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I'll top that - I was only briefly alive in the 80's :auto:


And Jean in Newcastle:

At least you don't call people in their 40's the young people. My grandfather does that now. He was talking about someone and referred to her as a young woman and I said wait a minute, how old is she and he said I don't know in her early 40's? :lol:


Btw, I love the show Murder, She Wrote. :)


I call people in their 40's young people, and I should know, I'm one of them!! (For a couple more years anyway. lol)


Thank you! Now you made me feel young:001_smile: (Don't worry, I didn't miss the 50's by much).


I didn't miss them by much either. I try not to think about that though. :tongue_smilie:

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I remember seeing Gilligan's Island in color for the first time. I felt vindicated because I had always argued that his shirt was red and the Captain's shirt was blue and the rest of my family disagreed.


Getting a color tv was a huge deal.


We got a microwave my senior year in high school. I thought that was the coolest thing ever.


I remember taking a computer class in high school. We saved files on cassette tapes.


I remember when you didn't actually own your phone. It was leased from the phone company. I always wanted my parents to choose a cool phone, but they always got a plain one.

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ok now this is going fairly far back but when I was about 21 I worked at a billing company that had a computer room that was just for the one computer which was HUGE and shot out punch cards and the room was freezing cold.


and of course as a teen having to walk forever to find phone booths since of course there was no such thing as cell phones.


black and white very small tv, records were 45's, my great grandmother had a farm and no indoor plumbing, she had an outhouse. I hated going in there.


having to wear dresses to school, even by the time I was a senior, girls still had to wear dresses or skirts which we hiked up to make as short as possible and tehn would pull back down when we saw the principal.


oh and this is my dc's favorite story of mine. My mom would drop my brother and I off at the movie theatre which was cartoons, a newsreel, 2 movies and we could stay all day and watch everything over and over.


my dc are just amazed when dh and I tell them about "the old days"

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I remember taking a computer class in high school. We saved files on cassette tapes.



LOL I finally found someone else who remembers storing data on cassettes LOL Everyone I have ever told this to thinks I am wrong, and that it wasn't really cassette tapes. I remember vividly, using cassettes and writing 'code' in "If,Then statements" (at Central Jr High in Oklahoma, early-mid 80s).

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Did y'all use Radio Shack TRS-80s?





Yes! Yes! I remember thinking this computer thing was way to hard for the average person! That they'd never be used by anyone but scientists and the like!!! lol! And look at me now!!!


I also remember when the "internet" came out. I was in graduate school, and it seemed like something the smart people were doing. I was too intimidated to try! :D


Again, look at me now!

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you know you are old when:


you remember houses being built with bomb shelters (Cuban Missile Crisis anyone)


you were in high school when Elvis died.


your bicycle had a banana seat


My parents house still has its bomb shelter, I'm not sure it was ever up to the challenge though.


Are you mocking my beautiful daisy patterned banana seat? :D It matched the tassels on the handlebars.

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I can't believe I'm about to do this, but....


I'm so old:


I remember seeing Gilligan's Island in color for the first time. I felt vindicated because I had always argued that his shirt was red and the Captain's shirt was blue and the rest of my family disagreed.


Getting a color tv was a huge deal.


I remember well, I was in middle school.


We got a microwave my senior year in high school. I thought that was the coolest thing ever.


My teenager thought it was the coolest thing ever.


I remember taking a computer class in high school. We saved files on cassette tapes.


I remember buying our first computer for oldest son, a high schooler. I believe it was a "Commodore"...it saved files to cassettes.


I remember when you didn't actually own your phone. It was leased from the phone company. I always wanted my parents to choose a cool phone, but they always got a plain one.


I remember that too....mom finally got the black plastic one with rotary dial that weighed about 3 lbs, as opposed to the black iron one with rotary dial that weighed 8 lbs .


I also remember when:


I used to drive my second car while listening to The Doors on 8-track. I got married that year too.



My first car was a 1960 Chevy II...convertible....with push-button ignition.



Yeah, I'm so old. :D



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We used punch cards for my first computer class in high school. We had to physically walk across town to the mainframe in the engineering building at a GTE/Sylvania plant to have the cards run through.


I am almost the age my parents were when dh and I were married :eek:


Last Thursday I was tired before the sky was all the way dark.

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When thinking out loud about how you're glad they put AC in cars and the kids look at you like you're crazy. :rolleyes: (Yep, I remember when there was NO AC in cars OR houses - in the broiling, hot South!)


I asked dh if he wanted to comment. This may be a mistake, but here goes ....



"When the cashier asks if you're buying something for your grandkids when you're buying them for your kids."



"When things that aren't supposed to be stiff are, and things that are supposed to be stiff aren't."




Oh yeah....


and no a/c in school, either...in South FLorida for that matter.


Uh, your dh isn't alone. :D


I just thought of another one.


Unleaded gas hadn't been invented yet....

just "Ethel", at 15-19 cents a gallon.

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you know you are old when:


you remember houses being built with bomb shelters (Cuban Missile Crisis anyone)


you were in high school when Elvis died.


your bicycle had a banana seat


YES! YES! and YES!


I remember the army tanks driving down the street! We lived 30 minutes from Miami.


I had been out of high school for 3 years when Elvis died.


Banana seats were neat-o keen! (pre-cursor to "groovy")



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You helped that mama dog -- so I am going to spare you my humorous-to-me comments. I figure you are safe for about a year! :D


How are the dog and her puppies, btw?


They're doing well. Mama doesn't visit the puppies on her own, though. She just lays on the dirt outside or wanders around. We put her in with them and close the door several times a day. When we check back she is always laying down feeding them, so at least they are getting food. She's not a terrible mother, though. If another dog gets anywhere near the door where they are she goes crazy and chases them off with much snarling. She loves us to be around. She keeps running in front of my feet and then rolling on her back for some love when I'm trying to get around. :tongue_smilie:


Their eyes are opening and they are sooooo sweet. One grunts all the time. Two of them like to sleep on their backs. One of them is always crawling on top of the others. I'm taking two home. I have named the male C. S. Lewis. I'm not sure about the girl's name, though.

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You know you're old when... your childhood has become enshrined as one of the American Girl historical dolls.


Yes, like the 'historical' Julie doll, I had the exact same terrarium, Tang, Jiffy Pop, Tupperware pitcher (heck, my grandma *was* the Tupperware lady) and Barbie styling head.... :001_huh:


Then you realize that none of the things you confiscated were available when you were a teenager, and that what you've actually done is sent them back to the 1970s.


Well, the real punishment would be to force them to wear bell-bottoms. :tongue_smilie::lol:

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When you recognize that the new deacon just appointed in your church is a little boy you once babysat during your teen years and you remember holding him on your lap after kissing his "boo boo" to make it all better.


No, no, no, no, no! Does not compute/invalid data.



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My first car was a 1960 Chevy II...convertible....with push-button ignition.


My first car was a 1964 Ford Fairlane. It didn't have seatbelts or side mirrors. It had been my grandmother's car and had been sitting in our driveway for 6 years (ever since my grandmother died) when I got it. I insisted that seatbelts and side mirrors be added.


Just a few weeks ago, I saw a Ford Fairlane (same model year even) parked on the street a few blocks away from my house. I pulled over to look at it and started crying. My 13yo and I had a great conversation with the guy who owned it.

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