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Nerf Darts

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How do you keep from spending a fortune from constantly replacing the darts? I'm especially interested in hearing from those who allow the guns outside.


DS4 has shot a few over the fence, and we have one stuck to the skylight at the top of the stairs. A good chunk of them are already missing, and we haven't had the guns more than a couple of weeks.

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We started with a boat load. My mom bought the guns with an extra big pack of darts. We don't let them outside because we have a small backyard with high walls. There are dogs in all of the surrounding yards who eat darts like candy.

I usually pull out all the couches once a month and find a heap of darts there. I've also found them in my pans, behind books on the shelves, behind the toilet (gasp!) and in the washing machine.

We really don't have a problem with losing them as much as the foam part breaking.

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My son makes his own. When he wakes up, I'll ask him for details. I think he ordered the foam from an aquarium supply place, and the peel off felt discs from another place. I know they have a weight in them...maybe a metal washer?


I'm a big help, aren't I?

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We used to lend them out at the park since we have extra guns. We pretty soon learned that other kids don't care if they lose the bullets. So no more lending them out.


My kids are pretty careful with the bullets because they know how expensive they are. If they need more bullets they have to buy them with their own money.

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The kids spend their own money on them. It's amazing how careful and purposeful they are when it's their money and not ours. :D


Yep, yep, yep!


I gave them a basket to keep the darts in. They don't use it much, but if I find them around the house, I toss them in the basket.



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10 push ups for every dart DH or I find laying around.

Sharpie markings on darts so the kids know whose are whose.

I don't replace darts. Kids have to buy their own.


(An aside, I discovered that I have to let my kids make foolish choices with their money so that the memory of their regrets will temper future financial decisions. One son still talks about the plastic robot he bought at a flea market that broke the next day. Best $1 investment ever.)

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I have 4 boys.


They started with a large number. Its inevitable that some are destroyed. If they complain that they can't find any I suggest they go look for some. I can usually find 3 darts within 5 minutes. If they want more they have to earn the money to replace them.

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(An aside, I discovered that I have to let my kids make foolish choices with their money so that the memory of their regrets will temper future financial decisions. One son still talks about the plastic robot he bought at a flea market that broke the next day. Best $1 investment ever.)


I agree! We also let our kids make foolish decisions with their money. Boy, do they learn those lessons well! Unfortunately our "plastic robot" was a $40 r.c. helicopter. It broke the 2nd or 3rd time he used it. Fixed it with some tape and glue and it broke again! He sometimes talks about writing to the company to complain about their product quality and to try to get his money back. (I think I should have encouraged that more when the thought first occurred to him. It's way too late now. I think we threw the thing out.)

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The last time I went to Target I was telling the girls that I wanted to buy a huge stock of them.. :lol:

I bought one packet when I saw the price. Somehow I didn't remember them being that expensive.


I like what you all are doing, I think I'll announce that I'm not buying them anymore.


I can't wait to hear about making homemade ones.. I hope it's the kind of thing where an afternoon of work produces a million of them.


It's funny because I just repurposed an old dresser missing some drawers into a dress up area. I had to dedicate a whole shelf to "weapons". It's petticoats, jewelry, silks, purses, swords, nerf guns, an old wooden dagger, star war swords, and so on. They crack me up.

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