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"Positive" c-section stories :)

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I had to have c-sections with both boys. The last was an emergency (but was going to have to be a c-section, regardless due to breech, etc.) I'm a staph carrier, too, but had no problems either time and you can't even tell that I have a scar. I got up as soon as I could make them unhook me from the cath the next day and took a shower and put on my own (all cotton) clothing. I kept myself clean, showered daily, got out of the nasty dirty hospital as soon as they'd let me out, etc.


One benefit for the baby if it's done before you've been in labor a long time is that you get a nice round headed child (as with my second), not a cone-head that's been pinched in the birth canal for way too long (as with my first)....

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My sister has had 3 scheduled c-sections. She recovered very quickly with the first two. With the third she had pain for a little longer, but no complications. I've had three vaginal births and my recovery from my first birth was the most difficult of the 6 births between the two of us.

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Oh wow ~ thank you!! :grouphug:


I'm going back and reading through…I never expected so many positive stories… you know how it is, you mention c-sections and usually what comes out are the "it was the worst thing" tales. I know that it doesn't always go swimmingly for everyone (nor does vaginal birth) but I'm nervous enough as is and really needed to hear from the people for whom it went really well. Much appreciated, thank you ladies!! :001_wub:

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Another tip:


When in the hospital, and raising/lowering the head of your bed, bend your knees and put your feet flat on the bed. Push your feet down into the bed as the head is moving. For whatever reason, I found it helped a lot not to hurt at the incision site.


When nursing (if you nurse) I found piling up pillows beside me and using the football hold was what worked for the first while. My eldest was 9 lbs 6 oz at birth, 10 lbs 6 oz a week later, and I just couldn't bear to cradle him across my belly at first.

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I had an emergency c-section with my youngest and I have no complaints. Naturally it is much easier to recover from a vaginal birth but I was 42 at the time so no matter what I hadn't planned on just bouncing back. It helped to 'support' the incision site while moving around and I used a small pillow for that or just my hand. I have a metal decorative rail at the head of my bed at home and I used that to manuever around instead of my ab muscles. It is pretty hard to get used to doing things without using your abs, at least I found it hard to remember. I was perfectly comfortable other than when I was trying to move around. I had one of those support belt things that I used while I was pregnant and I found it was pretty comfortable to use afterward to help with supporting the incison, and a friend gave me an abdominal binder to try and that was really helpful too.

Of course you want to stock up on paper plates, plastic cups, and frozen dinners, that sort of thing just as you would with any birth plan. It would help to spell out to your support staff (lol, your dh) that the laundry is now HIS job for awhile. I was very spoiled with my baby, my laptop, and a cooler full of ice water and a box of healthy snacks at my side and a group of supportive minions (aka kids) available to help.

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From what I've observed, planned c-sections and emergency c-sections tend to be completely different boats, both psychologically and recovery-wise, with the planned c-section generally being much easier both ways. And I say that as a big natural birth advocate.

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I haven't read the other posts. I know it's not "pc" but my c-section was a walk on a beach.


Really. I'm still amazed that people act horrified about the thought. I don't get it.


I was carrying twins up until 38.5 weeks when the babies decided it was time. I labored for 30 hours. Yeah. I'm not so enamored w/ obgyns anymore. I call them "doctors." (I'm kidding, don't write to me anyone.)


After I hit a "7" and didn't budge the "doctors" finally offered a c-section. If there was a choice I couldn't comprehend what it could have been.


Anyway, I remember being wheeled into a surgical room, passing out (most don't) and waking up to two babies.


I was 38 yrs. at the time carrying twins. I'd asked for a c-section, but they said there wasn't a reason for it. :glare: None of the doctors were 38 and none had even had babies. (If I sound bitter I am just a little.)


Recovery was easy and brief. I spent a few days in the hospital and that was that. No problems at all.


Again, I know it's not "pc" and there can be complications but. . . for me it went beautifully.



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I have no personal experience, except my own birth.


My mom had to have C-sections for two of us. The first was an emergency emergency one and it went okay. But the second (me!) was also technically an emergency but it was because she'd started labour spontaneously at 36 weeks and the CS was planned for 2 weeks later (which was still more than 2 weeks earlier than any of my siblings).


She was allegedly up and fine after a day. She was doing so well she got out of the hospital early. This was back when it was a week stay for a C/S and she was back home in 3 days. From what she's said my recovery from my youngest was harder than hers because I had diastasis (or whatever it's called, separation of the abdominal muscles).


Good luck!

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This hasn't been mentioned, but I thought I'd throw it out there because it was something that terrified me before my kids were born. My boys were adopted and I was there for their births...both planned c-sections. Everyone was telling me beforehand that c-section babies are born lethargic because of all the medications in their systems. I was so worried about that. :( Well, both my boys were tiny...5lbs., 12oz...and both exposed to drugs and tobacco before birth. Both were born perfectly healthy and very alert. Both ate right after birth and weren't in the least bit sleepy or lethargic. With my first the spinal didn't take and they had to put her all the way out. Second was a spinal. I can't imagine anything they gave her affected my babies at all because they were absolutely perfect.

So, just in case you hear that same thing, I wanted to assure you that it most definitely was not true in my case either time!

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Both of mine were c/s. First was emergency, second planned because of first. When pregnant, I was terrified of needing a c/s, but it was really no problem. Both recoveries were fine. Both boys came out alert and perfect. With the second, baby and I were doing so well that we went home a day early. With the first, DH was home with me for a week, and my mom, sister, and a friend each came for a day or two to help. With the second, DH was only able to take one day. My sister kept older son the two hospital days. Then I was on my own with both boys - not a single meal brought over or friend dropping by. And I did fine.

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I had all three of my children via c-section, but I actually went into labor with all three because they were all early. The first was after horrible back labor with no drugs. Once the spinal took effect it was a breeze. With my second I opted for another section because my hospital could not guarantee me that a surgeon would be on grounds in the case of an emergency. I didn't want to risk it. That delivery was hard, but not because of the section so much as the meds they gave me which made me shaky, itchy, and extremely fatigued. My third was a piece of cake. I had no complications with any of them.

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Sylvia was born via planned C-section at 36 weeks due to complete placenta previa. I was hospitalized for a month prior to this. My C-section went just fine with no problems or complications. Sylvia was sleepy, but because of being early and having borderline severe jaundice. I got up and around pretty quickly afterwards.


Look, I won't lie - my recovery wasn't as easy as a lot of women. I had some severe pain. However, I think that might be because I was bedridden for a month beforehand.


In any event, a C isn't the end of the world and we get a healthy baby out of it. Best wishes to you! :grouphug:


Oh, and as a PP mentioned, TAKE the meds!!

Edited by Mommy22alyns
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I've had 3 positive c-section experiences. The first was at 42 weeks, after 40 hours of induction labor in which nothing worked. I feel asleep during the c-section due to exhaustion. DH took care of dd, but we'd planned that when we found out we needed a c-section.


C-section two was at 38 weeks and 5 days due to pre-eclampsia that looked to be developing further so they didn't want to wait for the scheduled date and chance it. I think they were all a bit skittish because a lady the week before had bad complications from pre-eclampsia. I was definitely feeling awful physically. The csection went fine even with the Dr. I didn't like.


Csection three was planned. I did get to make it to 40 weeks like I wanted because I was sick on the scheduled date so the date was rescheduled to the following Tuesday. I went into labor that Saturday night and had ds at 2 am in the morning. No problems recovering.


Honestly, the worst part for me is the few days just before since it is surgery as I get nervous. I hate IV's despite my high pain tolerance and I'm allergic to the tape they put over the incision so that comes off as soon as I'm up due to hives. I'm also modest so the few minutes in the OR suite isn't the most comfortable so I just focus on the baby I'll get to meet soon! The surgery does go quick.


All the advice I can give you has already been given:


Listen to your body.

Stool softner

Move around as soon as possible

Use pain meds as long as you need

Follow Dr. instructions and don't be afraid to ask for help from the nurses

Pillow, or other compression device for the incision site

If breastfeeding, milk may not come in until day 5 - use the lactation consultants, and supplementing through the tiny hose (can't remember what it is called) if needed

Arrange for help from others as you recover...disposable dishes are a wonderful!

Check into how your hospital runs things...there are variations; have your plan decided with your DH

Check out the Ican website

Prop yourself up when resting/sleeping it helps the first couple of days

But most of all listen to your body!


Congrats on your little one and just expect a positive recovery...deal with other issues if/when they should arrive.

Edited by BriannaG
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Had c-sections with all of my kids. :) 3 of them...No problems!!:D Believe it or not I would take C-sections over natural delivery from what I hear from my friends who had natural birth. I had to have them due to two of them being breached. My middle son was planned. Thank the Lord we planned it as I was getting ready to rupture my uterus. If I had natural delivery with him then both of us would have died. Thank the Lord for C-sections. It saved my life and his. :D



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My only child was delivered by C section as there was no way to get her out otherwise, she would not turn...I should have known she was going to be a free spirit! Please do not do ANY activity until you are cleared. I tried to do some housekeeping and ended up with a prolapse. Dadgum thing. I am ready for that to just shrivel up and go away. Useless. Other than that piece of cake!!

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Both my boys were c-sections, both recoveries were great.


With Zee, I went all the way through labor, pushing, everything, then ended up with an emergency c when his heart rate started dropping.


I'm telling you, the pain of recovering from a c is NOTHING compared to the pain of labor. Seriously. At least for me. :D I've had my gallbladder out, donated a kidney, and had two c-sections. All less painful than labor.

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I've had 4 sections and no complications. You'll do great! :grouphug:

I haven't read the entire thread so sorry if this has been mentioned...



Hot peppermint tea for gas pains (REALLY helps!)


Walk early and often


Don't remain in the same angled position in the hospital bed--lie down flat occasionally(helps with both gas and incision site), keep that bed moving! Gentle stretching!


Take it easy--you can carry your baby/carseat/diaper bag but don't go walking on the beach at 2 weeks postpartum :glare:


Make sure they remember to use the inflatable leg compression after surgery


If you feel nauseous during surgery, tell your anesthesiologist so he can give you something asap.


I could add a million other things but I'm afraid this already sounds bossy

:). Congrats on your newest addition!

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My c/s was an emergency under general anesthesia for big scary reasons that I'll not burden you with :D But it literally saved both our lives, so I can't complain about it much. My c/s kid was the one who was easiest to nurse of the three. And I spent a lot of recovery hanging out on the couch with her on my chest (DH was able to take a month off, which was a huge blessing with 2 older kids). Gave us lots of good bonding time and lots of precious memories.


Stay on top of the pain meds, and try to get something snug over your incision when you get up and walk. My hospital had this stretchy tubing stuff that they use to hold monitors in place on laboring women. They gave me a few lengths to take home and I loved it. Also, spend as long as you can in the hospital, because it will be uncomfortable to sleep flat/on your side at home in your own bed. I spent my first night or two at home in a recliner.

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I've had 3 c-sections and 1 VBAC. The VBAC was an absolute nightmare. Two of my c-sections were absolutely wonderful. Up walking around (even unpacking from a move with my first) in no time. My 2nd cs was pretty bad because I got a blister from the tape around my incision bandage and it hurt a lot. Still better than the VBAC though. My advice: take your meds, even if it's just tylenol, all that moving around inside of you hurts. Use the compression belt. It's wonderful. And walk, walk, walk, walk.

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I've had 3 c-sections, no complications. The doctor said last time that I was good for several more. (Not necessarily what you want to hear at that very moment, lol.) The recovery was actually easier for #2 and #3.


The best advice I received was to treat it as what it is: major abdominal surgery. That means take your pain meds and follow the movement restrictions. (The first time around I tried to go off the pain meds too soon, and I ended up feeling like Mel Gibson's character during the torture scene of Braveheart.)

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