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Blog post about the flooding in my town

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I said in my last post that I would post a blog post about what's going on in my neighborhood. Here it is..I'm just getting around to it. Oh, and for the record, I am a bit concerned about the amount of information I'm throwing out there (down to the neighborhood)..so in all likelihood, I'll make it private sometime tomorrow once my friends get a look into what's going on down here. I'm mainly posting it for MY records...to put what I'm feeling into words. I print my blog out into blog books every year and I want to have this documented.




Thanks for looking

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Wow! Thank you so much for sharing. I can't imagine all the emotion you must be feeling right now. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the other families affected by this flood.


(Sorry for the deleted comment. I didn't realize that my computer was logged into hubby's account at the time)

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I am from New Orleans. I spent many years in south Louisiana as a young adult, and love the Atchafalaya. We have family property in the basin, which will end up under water. However, that property is undeveloped. We have done the hurricane drill, but I cannot imagine what you are feeling.


My brother sent me a photo of the Mississippi in Jefferson Parish, near my Mother's home. The water is almost level with River Road on the top. I've never seen it like that before.


Life is so... messy. It is hard to comprehend what some must sacrifice for the benefit of the majority. I wish so much that there were some alternative to averting disaster that would leave everyone dry. Or maybe at least having an equal share in the sacrifice.


Rose, I pray that your home is spared.

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I can't even imagine. All those preparedness websites that tell you to have all your important papers together, all your essentials ready to go, you never think you actually need them. Praying that the flood misses you and that you guys stay safe. But I think you are smart for preparing anyway. Better to be prepared unnecessarily than to be unprepared and have to scramble at the last second.

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You are in my prayers. I lived in the SW part of the state and I know what it is like to have to rebuild after flooding. Your pictures brought back so many memories.


I wish I could do more but all I have to offer is prayers and a virtual shoulder to lean on. May God bless and keep your family.

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Your comment about Cajuns and beer made me chuckle. I remember seeing my uncles build a levee around my Grandma's house with a beer in their hand while operating a back-hoe (or however you spell it). My Dad said he saw a guy in Butte La Rose bbq-ing yesterday. And the boat on the roof just exemplifies the Cajun spirit. I'm just wondering where the cooler was. I love Cajuns. I love being Cajun. I hate watching this unfold from far away. I hate watching my Cajuns suffer. I'm so sorry you guys have to deal with this. I have been praying for the last week for everyone affected my this.

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Those pictures brought me to tears. Especially that of your daughter making a list of her most prized possessions. I can't imagine making those decisions as an adult. But, to have to do it as a child is just heartbreaking.


I'll be praying for you and your entire town.


I second that!:grouphug:

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That was hard to read. I know my aunt and uncle who live down in the NO area have been watching everything with trepidation. They've had to rebuild their house several times after hurricanes and didn't want to do it again, but at the same time, I know they wouldn't wish what you're going through on anyone. I hope your home is safe, and that the destruction isn't as awful as they suspect. I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this. :(

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Oh Stephenie :grouphug:


Your last picture choked me up a bit. I cannot imagine. I hope for the best...but we live near the MS river where it's already crested at record levels. I am glad you are preparing to leave. Don't wait too late. Some areas around here took on water fast. There are people in the Memphis and Tunica areas who have already been out of their homes for about a month and the water levels are still very high.


Do you have a place to go? Someone to stay with? Or are you headed for a shelter? Plan on longer than you imagine. :( :grouphug:

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I used to be (in another life it seems, LOL!!) a USCG pilot in New Orleans. Morgan City was a regular stop for us. I can't recount the number of hours I've flown over the coasts, waters and bayous around you. I have very special memories of my time there. It's a beautiful place filled with amazing, tough people. I will be praying for you and your family. Stay safe. Please keep us updated.

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