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What is sentence diagramming?

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Do people not normally do diagramming in school? I was homeschooled and did tons of diagramming so I guess I always thought everyone considered it necessary. Is that not the case?


In the school system I grew up in, the last diagrammer retired in the '60s.


GWG introduces it in level 3 and it is an interesting puzzle to work out. I have really enjoyed Rex Barks as a grown up intro.

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Do people not normally do diagramming in school? I was homeschooled and did tons of diagramming so I guess I always thought everyone considered it necessary. Is that not the case?


I went to PS and remember diagramming sentences in school. Unfortunately, I don't remember all parts of speech, but DH certainly does (he went to private Christian school all his yrs)

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Ds diagrammed in FLL and he diagrams now with Rod and Staff. Dd does diagramming in AG. All of those grammar programs teach diagramming. I never diagrammed a sentence either, until I had to teach it with First Language Lessons. I also had a very rudimentary grasp of parts of speech at the time. Thankfully, it's possible to learn right next to the kids. A good grammar course can teach you both at the same time ;)


Dd's writing has gotten much better since I started teaching her grammar. She and I have only been hsing since October, and she came to me (from ps) not knowing even the basic parts of speech (noun? what's a noun?). Diagramming and parsing have taught her how a sentence functions and how the words relate to each other to communicate effectively. Before diagramming and parts of speech, dd was like a builder that doesn't really understand how nails and wood go together. Most of the time she could make a shelter, but it wasn't a very good one. Now, she understands how the pieces fit and she's well beyond a simple lean-to.

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How strange. It never occurred to me that people didn't diagram, at least a little. It was very helpful to me in learning grammar. I don't mean to sound as if my own education didn't have holes in it because it very much does (I'm very weak in history and science). I wonder why this has been dropped from many public schools. It doesn't sound as if it was replaced with something that teaches grammar just as well. Sorry, I'm just confused. :)

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My 7th grade LA teacher, back in 1986, made us diagram. But she was a very old school teacher. I remember not having any idea why we were drawing all those lines. Then again, no other teacher taught it. We did cover grammar through grade school, so I knew the basics. It might have made more sense if I'd known why we were doing it. I do plan to teach it to DS, and I'll make sure he understands why we're doing it.

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I diagrammed in 8th grade which would have been mid 80s. But I didn't diagram at all in high school. I've taught ds11 diagramming through FLL and now have a separate book of diagramming sentences I've picked up the local teacher's store.

I think it's important, especially for this kid, to continue to work on parts of speech. He likes diagramming.

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Diagramming is a very good way to visualize the parts of speech in a sentence. Think of it as a grammar tool. Especially useful if you have a visual-spatial learner.


I second the recommendation on Mary Daly's book. Great resource.


Frank Shaffer publications also has one that may be more readily available, if you don't want to order online.

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