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s/o secret code words; do you have a sweet, family ritual?

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My youngest and I have a daily bedtime match to see who loves each other the most...


I love you.

I love you more.

I love you most.

I love your moster.

I love you mostest.

....moster, mostest.

......moster, mostest, moster.


That goes on till someone skips to "infinity and beyond."


If I'm not home at bedtime, or any other family member for that matter, ds calls and we go through the "I love you's" on the phone.

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For instance, when my boys were small, I would hug them really tight and they would squeek. Sometimes they still do; although now, I'm usually the one being hugged too tight and have to squeek. :D[/quote


When mine were little we'd fill their "love cup". When their daddy or I would hug them we'd ask "how's your love cup" and they would tell us how many more kisses or squeezes were needed to get all filled up. Sometimes even now, my 13yo son who is already taller than me and a big teddy bear of a guy will come and hug me and ask me to fill his love cup. :)


Also, my oldest dd and I have always done "double loves" as a goodnight using the ASL sign with both hands for double loves.

Edited by JustGin
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Yours are all sweeter than ours. Ours involves snakes!


We were given a ziploc bag with 6 rubber snakes a couple of weeks ago. As a joke I arranged the snakes in the cat's water dish in the bathroom. The kids loved it, so since then the snakes have appeared in new places each morning. One morning there was a snake bouquet in the little vase I have in there. Another day the snakes were poking their heads out of the medicine cabinet. I'm running out of places to put the snakes in there though - they might have to start exploring the rest of the house! Dh likes to look every morning before the kids are up to see where the snakes are this time.


The funniest though were the few days we had contractors working here. They couldn't figure out what was our obsession with snakes!

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My youngest and I have a daily bedtime match to see who loves each other the most...


I love you.

I love you more.

I love you most.

I love your moster.

I love you mostest.

....moster, mostest.

......moster, mostest, moster.


That goes on till someone skips to "infinity and beyond."



Ours is similar.


"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"I love you, three!" ... and so forth up to ten.


Then we have to do it again, reversing order, so that we can each get to "ten" and "win" LOL. My little one started that when she was about 20 months old and began walking around repeating numbers 1-10, which she heard five days a week during warm-ups at her cousins' martial arts training.


My kids have a ritual between them, too. Before every sports game, my little girl gives my older son a hug and three kisses for good luck; after every sports game he shares his post-game snack with her if her well wishes proved to be any good ;)

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My oldest dd and my dh have one.


Everynight before bed, she'll linger around where ever he's at until he says "Sleep tight, don't let the (insert long, crazy, made up monster name here) bite." It started when he traveled a lot for work, and he would always tell her that on the phone, or give one to me to tell her at bed time. She's 14 and STILL waits for her imaginary monster each night.

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Sometimes my 5 y/o likes me to "put sweet dreams in his head" so he doesn't have nightmares. That just consists of gently rubbing his head while he's laying in bed and telling him what dreams I'm putting in his head- hugs, kisses, the playground, his favorite toys, pretty flowers, and so on and so forth.

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I actually don't even know how to discribe this but I will try. When my kids go to bed their dad gives them the ASL sign for "I Love You" followed by the hitch-hiking/keep on trucking sign and then says, "Ooggie-Ooggie". They return the gesture. They use the same ritual when saying good bye for an extended period of time. My hubby made the whole thing up when they were very small and they all still do it. It's weird. I understand the. "I Love You" bit but the rest is a mystery to me. :confused:

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My youngest gets "morning snuggles". When she was very little she would wake up and crawl in my lap before doing anything else. She needed snuggle time with me first. She still does it to an extent. I dread the day it completely stops.:crying:

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Another bedtime ritual here...

Hubs and I give them all a name as we hug and kiss goodnight. We try for older/less common names.


Goodnight Walter. Ernest. Bonnie. Floyd.


The kids always walk away combining their names. I am glad hubs and I didn't choose this method for actually naming our children.


Sven Bob just doesn't flow for me. :p

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There was this episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Ray did this African click language and then said to Debra, "That means I love you." My little girl and I thought it was so funny. So, that's our thing. I do these clicks by her ear and then she'll do clicks by my ear. We don't even need to say what it means because we both know that it means

I Love You. :001_wub:


I wish I could find a clip of that episode...I searched for an hour so I could link it and I can't find it. :sad:


I also made up a song when I had my first baby. I'm no song writer by any means. :lol: It goes:


Good morning Sunshine, it's always nice to see you.

Good morning Sunshine, you're such a pretty baby.

Good morning Sunshine, I love you, love you, love you.

Good morning Sunshine, you're my sweet _______. (insert name; works best with 3 syllables)


I still sing this 18 years later to child #3 (with her name inserted, of course) and she loves it, makes her feel special.

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DD and I also do the "I love you." "No, I love you MORE" thing. We also have this silly dance we do. Out of the blue, she'll come up to me, put her head on my shoulder and we'll bend at the waist, side to side and chant, "dance, dance. Dance, dance. Dance, dance." The first "dance" is at a higher pitch than the second one. IT's goofy. We got it from when I babysat a toddler, who'd stand in the middle of the room, and bend right and left at the waste and say the same thing. LOL

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I have little songs I made up for my children when they were babies. I still sing them and we laugh about it.


Dd13 and I started a game when she was about 5 or 6. My mom used to say to me, "I love you little, I love you big, I love you like a little pig." So I sang that to my kids, only dd13 would interupt me when I got to the word pig and she would use a different animal name which made me have to think of a new rhyme:


I love you little, I love you big, I love you like a little...



I loved you then, I love you now, I love you like a little...



I love you yes, I do of course, I love you like a little...




I hope she never asks me to stop that. :tongue_smilie:

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