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Celebrating the events of May 1, 2011. Celebrating ONLY. No politics.

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Osama Bin Laden is gone now. What a good thing that is.


10 years ago we all watched in horror.


This is good news, and I personally am celebrating.


And I don't care who did it. My personal position is that WE did it. And I'm not spending one second defining WE. That is all.

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Osama Bin Laden is gone now. What a good thing that is.


10 years ago we all watched in horror.


This is good news, and I personally am celebrating.


And I don't care who did it. My personal position is that WE did it. And I'm not spending one second defining WE. That is all.

:patriot: Celebrating with you! I wish we had fireworks tonight. I'd like to whoop and holler a bit. :)

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And here I always thought the thing that makes us different from the terrorists is that we DON'T celebrate the taking of human life. I guess I was mistaken.


He orchestrated the murder of thousands, so we murdered him back. Personally, I find nothing in any of this to cheer about. Only more pain and death.


But then, I've never exactly fit in here.

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And here I always thought the thing that makes us different from the terrorists is that we DON'T celebrate the taking of human life. I guess I was mistaken.


He orchestrated the murder of thousands, so we murdered him back. Personally, I find nothing in any of this to cheer about. Only more pain and death.


But then, I've never exactly fit in here.


If you would be kind enough to post this on another thread and delete it from here, I surely would appreciate it. This is intended to be a celebration thread. There are several discussion threads going already elsewhere. I would be glad to discuss the appropriateness of celebrating elsewhere, but not here. I would consider it a favor, if you would switch this out. Not an obligation, a favor.

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If you would be kind enough to post this on another thread and delete it from here, I surely would appreciate it. This is intended to be a celebration thread. There are several discussion threads going already elsewhere. I would be glad to discuss the appropriateness of celebrating elsewhere, but not here. I would consider it a favor, if you would switch this out. Not an obligation, a favor.


That's the lovely thing about an open forum- free speech. I'm sure if the mods have a problem with my comment, they'll be kind enough to remove it.


Just for the record, this was the first thread I saw. I haven't gotten to the others yet.

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That's the lovely thing about an open forum- free speech. I'm sure if the mods have a problem with my comment, they'll be kind enough to remove it.


Just for the record, this was the first thread I saw. I haven't gotten to the others yet.


It's a request, not a requirement. And I asking you nicely.

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If you would be kind enough to post this on another thread and delete it from here, I surely would appreciate it. This is intended to be a celebration thread. There are several discussion threads going already elsewhere. I would be glad to discuss the appropriateness of celebrating elsewhere, but not here. I would consider it a favor, if you would switch this out. Not an obligation, a favor.

You need to delete it from this post to really get rid of it.

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Mergath, I agree with you. I will risk virtual tomatoes being thrown at me to stand with you.


I am not sad he's dead, I am not happy. The line from the Beatitudes about being angry and being a murderer in your heart is running through my head. Also the line from Fellowship of the Rings where Gandolf says, "Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends"


Plus, I don't think it will solve anything. someone could just replace him and continue on his evil work. And I highly highly doubt this will bring the troops home. Remember SWB's quote in SOTW, "War is profitable". They will find a reason to stay.


Just my opinion. I don't really know all that much

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Oh well Carol, all you can do is ask, right? She refused but let's not let that ruin the CELEBRATION!!



:):) I cannot get the party smiley to work. But now I am going to bed! Good night y'all!

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Mergath, I agree with you. I will risk virtual tomatoes being thrown at me to stand with you.


I am not sad he's dead, I am not happy. The line from the Beatitudes about being angry and being a murderer in your heart is running through my head. Also the line from Fellowship of the Rings where Gandolf says, "Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends"


Plus, I don't think it will solve anything. someone could just replace him and continue on his evil work. And I highly highly doubt this will bring the troops home. Remember SWB's quote in SOTW, "War is profitable". They will find a reason to stay.


Just my opinion. I don't really know all that much


Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not the only person who feels this way.


Sometimes the taking of a life is, sadly, necessary for the good of all. But we should never celebrate that necessity as if it's the fourth of July. Reverence for life doesn't mean much if we only extend it to those we like.

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Osama Bin Laden is gone now. What a good thing that is.


10 years ago we all watched in horror.


This is good news, and I personally am celebrating.


And I don't care who did it. My personal position is that WE did it. And I'm not spending one second defining WE. That is all.


Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Thanks for starting this thread... you know for people who feel this way. ;)




Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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I remember 9/11 so well.


So shocking.


The planes hitting, over and over. The ambiguity about whether there were 5 or 4 involved, for the longest time. The one that just came off the list--no explanation ever given. The newscasters that stayed on and on and one.


The people jumping. Falling so far. The firemen going in, and so many not coming out.


Let's roll...the words of a hero.


The National Cathedral service.


Driving DD to piano lessons in an Afghani neighborhood, and making a point to shop there. No planes in the sky. She was only 4. The next time she saw a car fire she assumed that it was from a plane crashing into it. I didn't realize that for a couple of weeks.


The girl I know who was late for work that day, which saved her life. The many I didn't know whose lives were lost.


And then gloating. Gloating from Osama.

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And then the great call--put those planes down. Norm Mineta, stepping up to the crisis.


And the Canadians, taking in all those stranded people, rushing out to the airports with coffee and food.


And the memorials, all over the world--at the embassies in every country. Russia. Great Britain. Germany. France. Italy, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Austria, Japan, Australia, New Zealand. Wow, what a parade.


And NATO sending support to us. Wow, that was so moving. Never before here.

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Board Rule: Answer questions that are posted but don't use these questions as an excuse to springboard into criticism.


(Although that could be construed as referring mostly to religious issues.)


This is the title:


Celebrating the events of May 1, 2011. Celebrating ONLY. No politics.


More than one thing of significance happened on May 1st: a beatification of a pope, Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the assassination of UBL.




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I'm sorry Carol, but I have to agree with Mergath and maggie.


It is no day to be dancing in the streets. We have avenged murder with murder, blood for blood, hate with hate.


And yes, friends and loved ones died on Sept 11. The pain of that day is in no way mitigated by the actions of our government today.

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This is the title:




More than one thing of significance happened on May 1st: a beatification of a pope, Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the assassination of UBL.





It never even occurred to me that anyone would interpret this post as referring to yours. It didn't.


Having said that, this post of yours seems entirely disingenuous. It's obvious what the subject of the thread is. However, I did not intend for you to take the citation personally. It had nothing to do with what you wrote.

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I'm sorry Carol, but I have to agree with Mergath and maggie.


It is no day to be dancing in the streets. We have avenged murder with murder, blood for blood, hate with hate.


And yes, friends and loved ones died on Sept 11. The pain of that day is in no way mitigated by the actions of our government today.


Not hate, I don't think. Not murder either, execution. Blood for blood, yes, I'll buy that.

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This is an open board. People post things. On topic, off topic, silly, serious - whatever. That is how fora operate. None of us can guarantee our threads go where we want them to, if they go at all.


In stating "It never even occurred to me that anyone would interpret this post as referring to yours. It didn't.", a reader is left to wonder to whom a post does refer. And why such a passive-aggressive stance is being taken towards a fellow board member. We are all free to put posters on "ignore" or to simply not read what they write and let the conversation flow around them (as it is wont to do - see the UBL thread).




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This is an open board. People post things. On topic, off topic, silly, serious - whatever. That is how fora operate. None of us can guarantee our threads go where we want them to, if they go at all.


In stating "It never even occurred to me that anyone would interpret this post as referring to yours. It didn't.", a reader is left to wonder whom a post does refer to. And why such a passive-aggressive stance is being taken towards a fellow board member. We are all free to put posters on "ignore" or to simply not read what they write and let the conversation flow around them (as it is wont to do - see the UBL thread).





Nope, not passive aggressive, just answering your post definitively.

And by UBL, you might possibly mean OBL.

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Actually, no, you're refusing snarkily.


I don't see that she could have been any politer. :confused: Is there any way that she could have been more polite that would have been acceptable to you?


"I refuse to acquiesce to your request.", perhaps?


You requested politely. She declined politely. The fact that she refused you alone is not enough to be considered impolite. Being polite does not require that we do all that is asked of us.

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And here I always thought the thing that makes us different from the terrorists is that we DON'T celebrate the taking of human life. I guess I was mistaken.


He orchestrated the murder of thousands, so we murdered him back. Personally, I find nothing in any of this to cheer about. Only more pain and death.




I thought perhaps I was the only one who felt this way. Thanks for posting this, Mergath!

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We were very happy in this household. We believe in justice around here.


It's not exactly like I wanted to invite him over to tea. :lol:

The world is so full of injustice. A little bit of justice from time to time is nice. :)

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It's not exactly like I wanted to invite him over to tea. :lol:

The world is so full of injustice. A little bit of justice from time to time is nice. :)

True! I think it is more about the step forward than it is about his actual death. This is a disruptive blow to them for sure but not the end. I firmly believe that some people are born evil. He is one of many in history that did not deserve the joy of life.

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And here I always thought the thing that makes us different from the terrorists is that we DON'T celebrate the taking of human life. I guess I was mistaken.


He orchestrated the murder of thousands, so we murdered him back. Personally, I find nothing in any of this to cheer about. Only more pain and death.


But then, I've never exactly fit in here.


Let's face it. This isn't a normal 'taking of human life' situation. I wouldn't normally celebrate that. And in an ideal world we would have captured him, arrested him, given him a fair trial, and allowed a judge to sentence him. But this isn't an ideal world. That wasn't going to happen. The man planned an attack that killed almost 3000 people and changed the world as we knew it, in addition to other attacks and deaths that he planned, funded, encouraged, etc. Justice was done last night, and I for one am celebrating.

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