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A dark, depressing, &/or Serious thread...

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In case all the wedding talk makes your a$$ twitch. (French Kiss, don't hate me)


1. Religion Yes, just not sure which one right now.


2. Politics I believe in religion more than politics


3. Death trying to avoid this...


4. Taxes we're self employed, that's all I'm saying on that one


5. Kilts (but only if we Absolutely Must) Gerard Butler, pink shirt and a kilt. :svengo: Now that's a man.


Perhaps we should add a lovely discussion on hats.:lol:

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7. Discipline/Parenting


8. TeA (not controversial, but I really hate weddings, & I've got one coming up next mo, & the bride looks just. like. Kate. Middleton. I should probably say so because it would probably come across as a compliment. Not that there's anything wrong w/ the new princess. She's gorgeous. Gorgeous people make my a$$ twitch, too.) :lol:

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11. Unbiased spine for American History.


These are all my favorite topics, but this one especially makes me feel...ah! such peace.


I don't know what's wrong w/ people who like pretty weddings & cute babies (& kilts) & noncontroversial things like that. ;)

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I forget what number we are on, but I will list what is depressing me today:




dirty toilets

children outgrowing clothing before I have money to buy new



Oh, then there is

my son will be 11 next week - he has hair in places I don't want him to have hair in, he is TALLER than me, he wears a men's size 11 shoe, and he is going to eat the house of I don't buy groceries soon!

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Here's a depressing one:


All the extra hoops (tests, documents, etc.) homeschoolers have to jump through to get admitted to college. Not even the best colleges, just average ones.




I don't know how it's ranked, but the University of Dallas (not at TX, not even IN Dallas, lol) is a small, classical college that is really, really excellent (imo) & seems to be very hs friendly. Some of the profs hs.

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Aubrey - thanks! I will look at U of Dallas. My ds wants to major in physics and math so if they offer those, I'll send him there. I was looking at colleges, then logged onto this board and saw your post. Thanks for letting me vent.




They do offer math...I assume physics. But Plato is required, & they have a campus in Rome where--if you're not already married like some people--you're supposed to spend a semester studying art/architecture, philosophy, lit, etc.


The grads seem to do well & be tight knit, although as a shy transfer student, I didn't ever quite feel...up to their standards? Probably just paranoia, but I admired most of them.

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Oh wow, ds would love that.


I'm sure you were up to their standards and then some. It shows in your posts and on your blog.


Are you feeling better now? Is the baby ok? We're all really worried about you.


Oh, I'm hijaking the thread. Sorry.


Um, controversial - pajama day.



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Oh wow, ds would love that.


I loved it! And the profs I knew in the math dept were SO enthusiastic, friendly, etc. I used to walk past one of the labs...I think it was physics...& just drool. Not over their stuff or experiments--they looked like they were having FUN.


I'm sure you were up to their standards and then some. It shows in your posts and on your blog.


Aw, thank you! I hope so. It's the first school I ever had to *work* at. Even w/ writing.


Are you feeling better now? Is the baby ok? We're all really worried about you.


I think so. Symptoms are gone to mostly gone; mw thinks it's fine; dh stayed home to take care of things yesterday so I could rest. Kids were decent today, & we only had to deal w/ one crisis: a/c went out again. But it's back on, kids are in bed, & I'm making plans w/ my sis (who's also due on Halloween) to dress up as the princesses of York. She says I get to be the crazy-eyed one.


Oh, I'm hijaking the thread. Sorry.


Um, controversial - pajama day.




Pajama day should not bear any controversy. ;)

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I graduated from the University of Dallas not too long ago. Loved it. Love the fact that they made me read Plato (but definitely had my times of disliking it when actually taking the classes). There are lots of homeschooled students there. I don't know how the requirements for admission differ for homeschoolers, but they certainly do accept a lot of them. ;) So, if you have any questions feel free to ask me as well, or have your son ask!! They have physics and math majors. :)


And back on topic...

Adding an undergraduate degree in pastoral ministry.

Tridentine vs Novus Ordo.

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I'm glad you're feeling better. Do take it as easy as possible until your due date, if you can.


Can't wait to see pictures of your halloween costume! Give your sis a poke for making you be the crazy-eyed one.


Pajama day rules! :D



Nah, she let me pick. She just pointed out the crazy eyes to sell me on it.


Since we're both due on Halloween & she lives 4 hrs away, I'm guessing it's just a pipe dream. She likes to be induced several weeks early, though, so maybe... :lol:

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I graduated from the University of Dallas not too long ago. Loved it. Love the fact that they made me read Plato (but definitely had my times of disliking it when actually taking the classes). There are lots of homeschooled students there. I don't know how the requirements for admission differ for homeschoolers, but they certainly do accept a lot of them. ;) So, if you have any questions feel free to ask me as well, or have your son ask!! They have physics and math majors. :)


And back on topic...

Adding an undergraduate degree in pastoral ministry.

Tridentine vs Novus Ordo.


I think that the main thing is that their admissions are individual--w/ a lot of freedom because they're a classical school.


I was sitting in the admissions office...maybe next door in financial aid, I can't remember...one day when one of them got off the phone w/ someone & started talking about people who "get" their philosophy, agree w/ it, etc. I think that's a key to getting in.

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Hey, I'm due on Halloween too. I really hope the baby comes early or late, I don't want it to have a birthday on the same day as Halloween. Not that I have anything against Halloween, it's just that it's already going to be a crammed full fun day and I don't want to add anything more to that.


Can you imagine being 21-25 and having a birthday on Halloween? I bet it wouldn't be hard at all to find people to go out and party with. If that's your thing. It was mine for awhile. My birthday is Dec 21. It was hard to find people who wanted to hit the bars that close to Christmas. That's what I get for not going to college and having all my close friends be 8-12 years older than me. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Oh yeah, controversy..um I discussed Halloween and recreational drinking. Am I covered?

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I think that the main thing is that their admissions are individual--w/ a lot of freedom because they're a classical school.


I was sitting in the admissions office...maybe next door in financial aid, I can't remember...one day when one of them got off the phone w/ someone & started talking about people who "get" their philosophy, agree w/ it, etc. I think that's a key to getting in.


:iagree: The people who are interested in UD in the first place tend to be ones who will be accepted/do the work. That being said, it doesn't have the greatest retention rate - but it's a challenging school.

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Hey, I'm due on Halloween too. I really hope the baby comes early or late, I don't want it to have a birthday on the same day as Halloween. Not that I have anything against Halloween, it's just that it's already going to be a crammed full fun day and I don't want to add anything more to that.


Can you imagine being 21-25 and having a birthday on Halloween? I bet it wouldn't be hard at all to find people to go out and party with. If that's your thing. It was mine for awhile. My birthday is Dec 21. It was hard to find people who wanted to hit the bars that close to Christmas. That's what I get for not going to college and having all my close friends be 8-12 years older than me. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Oh yeah, controversy..um I discussed Halloween and recreational drinking. Am I covered?


Congratulations! When I was a kid, I thought having a baby on a holiday was like hitting one of the good spots on Candy Land--I loved the idea! Now? I'm tired. I wish "Birth Day" were one holiday a year instead of a bazillion.


But really...my mom's bday is 11/11. For 2011? Ooooh, it would so be worth the extra 2 weeks. But #4 was due 8/6/08. He came late--8/10. What a booger. So I'm guessing this one will come randomly, too. 11/3 or 4.

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When daughters should wear make-up....


When daughters should shave their legs....


Should teens date....


And what about dresses, skirts and jeans?


Are you "really" a homeschool mom if you don't own a denim dress/jumper...


Is "darn" and "shoot" considered cussing when used the same way as the "other" words...


Should babies be on a schedule?


Should we teach toddlers to sit still? How??


Re-usable shopping bags.... cloth napkins vs. disposable... going green...


Public assistance...





(ducking... running.... running VERY fast.... )


But, I will say, I have been a bundle of emotions lately and have my pet peeve radar is on high alert... currently my life is full of deep pain... and it happens that I've been on both sides of many issues I mention...


And I have learned NOT to judge others... because it really sucks to be judged....


Just sayin....

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Even if they're a mom wearing skinny jeans? Or a bikini? Or a bikini and a belly ring? :D
I saw jeggings for the first time a couple weeks ago...


Not a good look for anyone.

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