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Ds's mouth is FULL of canker sores!

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He's going a little koo-koo. I can't say I blame him. He has four or five of them. He has tended to get them, but has been better for the last couple of years, since we switched to an SLS-free toothpaste. But - boom! - now he's got a ton of them. Any insight as to why this might be?


I had him rinse his mouth with Milk of Magnesia and suck on a Tums tonight because that's all I have on hand that might help neutralize the acid in his mouth and hopefully give him a little relief over night. Any other ideas?


P.S. - He is 11.

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If they are painful, we once had a prescription for "Magic Mouthwash" which was just the ticket for painful mouth "erosions" which aren't canker sores but are more like scrapes (apparently stress induced) inside the mouth. Anyway, very painful, and the Magic Mouthwash soothed them and sped healing. Ask your DR if it would be appropriate?

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The dr can call in a prescription for a viscous lidocaine which can be used in the mouth. It is commonly combined with Milk of Magnesia and benadryl.


You can mix the MOM and Benadryl yourself in equal portions. You may be able to use a touch of baby teething gel to help with the pain, but it also may hurt a bit....so I don't know if it will help or make it worse.


A more obscure thought would be to try sucking on a lozenge for sore throats that have pain med in them. Cepacol or Sucrets are common brands. Again, I don't know if they will help or hurt.


Taking some Tylenol or Motrin can help with the pain.

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Is he prone to geographic tongue too? My son is very prone to large sores all over his mouth after a virus because of his geographic tongue. Or something like that.


My pedi recommends equal parts benedryl and maalox. Apparently the benedryl helps to desensitize the sores? When it's really bad she prescribes Tylenol with codeine.

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Thanks a ton for all the ideas. I think I may have homeopathic Borax, so I'll give that a whirl tomorrow. I plan to pick up some other items tomorrow to help him. I can't think of anything especially acidic that he's eaten lately; I'm just not sure what has cause this flare-up at all. I do remember that I used to get them fiercely when I was a kid. I didn't even have benefit of SLS-free toothpaste!

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I always had horrible ulcers in my mouth as a child and the dr. used to give me a Rx. I cannot remember the name but I know there are meds out there for it. I still get them as an adult but only when I am super stressed. I don't know if they were tied to stress growing up but I find it interesting that's only when I get them now. I always gargle with saltwater at home and I think it helps.

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If you put a drop of lavender essential oil on the ulcers it really helps. Sometimes they can be hard to get too so you might need to use a cotton bud to drop it on, but it kills the pain for several hours. Just have a glass of water nearby to swill and spit with as the taste isn't too pleasant, its OK for one ulcer but if you are doing a few its strong.


Or maybe add a couple of drops of lavender oil to Warm water and swill it around his mouth and spit. I think its better if you do it by dropping it on each ulcer but if there are lots in awkward spots the swilling may work.

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To get rid of the ones in his mouth almost instantly get some alum. You can get it in the spice section at the grocery store. Mix a little with water - about 1/4 tsp to 2oz water - and have him swish, then spit. His mouth will feel all dried up for a minute, but that goes away quickly and this dries up the sores super quick.


Also, we don't necessarily have to eat acidic foods to be overly acidic. Too much sugar and processed foods can caused this too.


A quick remedy that I use is drinking 1/2 tsp of baking soda mixed in 1/2 cup of water, at night before I go to bed. I always wake up feeling amazingly well. Normally I wake feeling sore and achy and like I've been hit by a truck. But when I drink baking soda I wake feeling awesome! I don't drink it every night though, because you can make yourself overly alkaline, and that would be bad as well.


Here is a wonderful website that has helped us so much, with a direct link to canker sore remedies:



Hope he's feeling better soon!

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The only thing my dh has found to help control his canker sores is to take a Zyrtec every night. He had tried every other remedy, along with an rx from his doctor to try and get them under control. When he started taking Zyrtec for allergies, he noticed the sores went away.

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