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Birthday Breaks?

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Nope. We celebrate birthdays, but it doesn't faze us to celebrate on a different day. So we'll generally do a cake and give a present (for the kids) on the actual birthday, but we don't take the day off and generally 'celebrate' on a different day. It might so happen that we do the big celebration on the actual birthday, but that would be happenstance.


The fact that dad is at work plays into it as well, as the kids would rather do fun stuff when he is home. Someone posted about the dad staying home for the kids' birthdays, and that sounds like a very sweet tradition.

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Yes, we take kids' birthdays off. My kids were shocked to work on dh's b-day, but he had to work too. ;)


I do make them complete chores, run errands, or whatever else needs to be done on that day. I had a college roommate who pretty much expected the world to stop revolving on her "special day". She was devastated when our celebration didn't live up to her expectations. :glare: Now my kids have to pay for her problems. :lol: It is a special day, but life's responsibilities don't stop.

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Guest BrookieAnn

We always take the day off. They are declared National H___(last name) Holdidays. The kids look each January to see if their birthdays land on a weekday so they will have a day off. (We take my birthday off too.)

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Today is a birthday day here! We're taking today off and tomorrow. (Because presents aren't opened until the evening, and I know that a new bike is going to be begged to be ridden tomorrow!) April is our crazy month - three of us have birthdays, and family always visits, and dh & my anniversary, and Easter....we kind of take most of the month off. :)

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