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I will die before I set foot in an ER

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Oh, my goodness! PLEASE file a detailed complaint with the hospital and run it by your attorney (make it official)! You might ask your attorney what organizations you should copy on your complaint. (Like your state medical association)


What a horrific experience for you. I'm so sorry. :grouphug:

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What ER did you go to? If you don't want to say it publicly for whatever reason, just PM me. I can see if I can find the Patients Advocate rep if you need help with that.


Also, Gentle Beginnings is a birth center in Hurst that is impeccable. I have many friends that use them (I go through a hospital, that I can also recommend in a PM if you'd like, whose ER has been great). They are VERY proactive and give lots of assistance and help when problems arise. Extremely knowledgeable.


Just let me know if you need me!

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Second of all, is there anyone in her area that can help her? Get her in where ever she needs to go? Be an advocate on her part to help her get in touch with a PA at the hospital and get the results of the work that was already done there (labs, u/s, etc.)? She needs a bulldog right now and short of that at least someone who can help her get in to get the care she needs NOW.


I PMd her with ideas, I used to live in FW. Not sure they will help since I have been gone so long.


Anyone in FW near her?


I am near her. I would be glad to help with anything I can, Aubrey. Since you have been in contact with your MW, it sounds like you are now hooked up with the care you need, but please let me know if there is something I can do. I know people in the area who are doulas, midwives, chiropractors specializing in pg mamas and a good birth center in the HEB area.


I'm sorry you had that experience.:grouphug: One more thought to deal with the financial issues related to the ER visit...you can go through the social worker/patient billing and see if you qualify for Medicaid (many pg women do). They can help with paperwork and backbill for the ER visit. That might be the least painful way to deal with it. It takes a lot of energy to fight a bureaucratic system like a hospital, and only you know if you are up for that.:grouphug: Whatever you decide, I'm here for support.

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What ER did you go to? If you don't want to say it publicly for whatever reason, just PM me. I can see if I can find the Patients Advocate rep if you need help with that.


Also, Gentle Beginnings is a birth center in Hurst that is impeccable. I have many friends that use them (I go through a hospital, that I can also recommend in a PM if you'd like, whose ER has been great). They are VERY proactive and give lots of assistance and help when problems arise. Extremely knowledgeable.


Just let me know if you need me!


:iagree: This is the birth center I was referring to in my post. The chiropractor office next door treated me during my last pg. They are fabulous people. I have known one of the midwives there since I was a teen.

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Aubrey, I am very concerned about your situation. I also know that you are not fond of Dr.s and hospitals in the first place and that an experience like this is only going to make the situation worse. I am not terribly impressed with your MW response either. I would recommend that you contact The Birth Center in downtown Dallas. I know that it is a long way but the people there are good. Explain what has happened so far and see if they can help you. If they can't help you, ask them for a recommendation of someone who can.


The Birth & Women's Center? They are so bad, I actually would consider a hospital if they were my only option. I can't believe they haven't been sued out of business.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry. No one should be treated like that. I always find it interesting when people of one profession find it completely normal to scoff a those who don't agree with them. It's petty and childish.


I had a poor result from an ER visit. It was over stitches and the dr didn't put enough in amongst a few other miserable issues. I was a teen at the time so it was my parents who were extremely upset as well as my Dr who hadn't been on the scene.


My parents were advised to write to the hospital explaining their position and stating that they felt a poor job was done and that the Dr agreed. In the end the bill was wavered due to poor services.


Even if you choose not to write a letter to the hospital, I'd write one to the editor of a few local newspapers. I'd also return a bill {if they mail you one} and state, "Unpaid because of lack of services rendered!" You could always include a phone number on there which could connect them with a lawyer. ;)


Glad you heard from your mw. I wonder if she would have been more "understanding" had she understood the ordeal you went through. Considering you mentioned that Dr's like her as well I might storm a few Dr's email/mailboxes and ask for some letters of approval on her and then ask for her opinion on the situation and write out a detailed letter of what happened and mail it all to the hospital's PR dept. return receipt.

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The Birth & Women's Center? They are so bad, I actually would consider a hospital if they were my only option. I can't believe they haven't been sued out of business.


Oh my goodness, why do you say that? I had my last child there and it was a wonderful experience. Of course, that was almost 12 years ago now so maybe things have changed. If so, I would like to know so that I don't keep recommending them. I still have friends and family in the area and would hate to recommend a bad practice. You can PM me if you would like.

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The Birth & Women's Center? They are so bad, I actually would consider a hospital if they were my only option. I can't believe they haven't been sued out of business.


Aubrey, who are you going to see? I only ask b/c you are clearly very unhappy with both your mw's and the ER's reactions. You don't sound content with the lack of information you are getting, and you really need/deserve proper medical care.

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What about the one in Allen? http://allenbirthingcenter.com/birth_center.htm


I am not familiar with this practice but very familiar with the house. It is directly across the street from my mom's old house and right behind her best friend's house. The city bought my mom's house when she passed away and they are refurbishing it because they are trying to convert the old downtown into a historic district. This house was one of the first restored.


Anyhow, I will keep looking and see if I can find someone closer to you.

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Aubrey, who are you going to see? I only ask b/c you are clearly very unhappy with both your mw's and the ER's reactions. You don't sound content with the lack of information you are getting, and you really need/deserve proper medical care.


1. I haven't been to the Birth & Women's Center in 10 years, but they operated unethically & illegally. It can be googled.


2. The ER was horrible. If I told you how bad it was, you'd think I was crazy.


3. I'm not "very unhappy" w/ my mw. I'm a little annoyed, but she's taken care of everything that's happened in my previous pregnancies w/ never a single problem, so I do trust her. Sometimes her advice seems non-standard & doesn't make sense to me, but I trust her. I'll be seeing her on Mon.

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I wish that you could get the MW to demand the ultrasound results from the ER visit. That way you could lay the placenta previa question to rest. If you do have that, it is important to know. I don't believe that it can be detected except with ultrasound, because of the mucus plug.


Glad you're doing better today--so many people were praying, now we all can thank God together! So glad that you can see your MW soon.

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I wish that you could get the MW to demand the ultrasound results from the ER visit. That way you could lay the placenta previa question to rest. If you do have that, it is important to know. I don't believe that it can be detected except with ultrasound, because of the mucus plug.


Glad you're doing better today--so many people were praying, now we all can thank God together! So glad that you can see your MW soon.


I had this w/ #2, & she wasn't really concerned. I had a 2nd u/s (because my OB that I'd transferred from rec'd it). As mw indicated, it had moved aside.


I did hemorrhage when #2 was born, but I don't think/know if that was associated w/ the placenta previa. I'll ask her about it.

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Even never having met you, Audrey, if I lived near you I'd be finding a sitter right now so I could take you back over there. It's not just their blatantly humiliating tactics, it's the fact that you still haven't received proper care. That needs to get dealt with before anything else.


Livid, livid, livid.


I PMd her with ideas, I used to live in FW. Not sure they will help since I have been gone so long.


Anyone in FW near her?




I am near her. I would be glad to help with anything I can, Aubrey. Since you have been in contact with your MW, it sounds like you are now hooked up with the care you need, but please let me know if there is something I can do. I know people in the area who are doulas, midwives, chiropractors specializing in pg mamas and a good birth center in the HEB area.


I'm sorry you had that experience.:grouphug: One more thought to deal with the financial issues related to the ER visit...you can go through the social worker/patient billing and see if you qualify for Medicaid (many pg women do). They can help with paperwork and backbill for the ER visit. That might be the least painful way to deal with it. It takes a lot of energy to fight a bureaucratic system like a hospital, and only you know if you are up for that.:grouphug: Whatever you decide, I'm here for support.



Thank you. I think we need a WTM mom squad to intervene. Aubrey, please let those who can, help.

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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?


You really need to call the ombudsman. This person works for the state, not the hospital. You should be able to get the name and phone number of the ombudsman from the person who answers the phone when you call the general phone number (it may even be on your ER paperwork). If they don't have it, ask for the Director of Nursing & that office will definitely have it. You do not have to answer any questions as to why you are asking for it. You can get it for the asking. If for some reason they try to snow you, call your state senator's office & they will get the number for you.

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1. I haven't been to the Birth & Women's Center in 10 years, but they operated unethically & illegally. It can be googled.


I hate to pester especially with everything on your mind and you obviously have issues with this practice but I goggled for hours and I couldn't find anything at all. As I said, I used this practice just little before you said you had problems with them so I a really curious as to what the probems might be. Could you send me a synopsis, a link or at least a more specific search term so that I can find out for myself what their issue may be as I am still recommending the practice to people. Thanks. I would really appreciate it.


On the other hand it sounds like you and your mw are familiar with each other and have obviously done this a few times already so it would probably be best to stick with her. I am glad to hear that she can get you in so soon. I would be conforted by what she has said because even though she has not seen you for thie pregancy yet, she is familiar with your body, how it reacts and any potential issues that you may have to dea with. Pleasse keep us posted as you get info.

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I've written a letter; it's a little graphic for the boards (at least for my taste), but if anyone wants to pre-read for me, let me know. I decided to leave out a few things--the gang in the waiting room, the dr's assumption that I was not allergic to any medication (despite the red bracelet & the note in my file that she wasn't carrying), etc.


I'm guessing that simplicity & clarity will be more effective.


Fwiw, there is no contact info for the PRA on the hospital's website, nor a contact # for the hospital. I found that on my release paperwork, though, & was transferred to the PRA (instead of given her contact info). I got her answering machine & the # to the other PRA. I'd much rather email, so I don't have to worry about...I hate talking on phones. Plus, that way it's in writing.


Anyway, after reading the release info again...the hospital *itself* says to come to the ER w/ the symptoms I had. :glare: There's also a diagnosis entered: "Pregnancy, threatened AB." Do you know they did not even tell me this much when I was there? There's also a paper stating that the nurse has explained everything to me. She & I were both supposed to sign that. Oops. :lol:


And, finally, although the symptoms are far less significant, they are continuing, off & on, & worse today than they have been since last Wed. Not bad enough to seek treatment, but enough to remind me of a Very Bad Experience & make me want to go back to bed.

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I've written a letter


Good for you, Aubrey. After my VBE, I also wrote a letter. Not only was my bill excused, but I received an apology and the promise of a change in protocol. Perhaps your experience will foment positive change. Sounds like they badly need it there.

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There is no contact info on the hospital website for the hospital itself & nothing about a PA. My release paperwork has a # for the hospital, though, & they transferred me.


I got an answering machine, which incl. an actual # for the other PA. Instead of leaving a message (which I wasn't prepared for, since I just called for contact info), I just wrote down PA #2's info.


When I called #2, the phone rang & rang. I called the hospital back. They gave me a 2nd #. It just rang & rang. I called the hospital back. They gave me a 3rd # which had another answering machine. I did leave a message that time, but on the greeting, I was given the option of calling PA #1 instead. Her number? The same one she listed on her answering machine for PA #2. One of the many w/ no one at the other end.


I'm not expecting a call back. :glare: I'm not sure there is an actual person to even check those messages, since it seems you'd need to be in the FBI to find the # in the first place.

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I've written a letter; it's a little graphic for the boards (at least for my taste), but if anyone wants to pre-read for me, let me know. I decided to leave out a few things--the gang in the waiting room, the dr's assumption that I was not allergic to any medication (despite the red bracelet & the note in my file that she wasn't carrying), etc.


I'm guessing that simplicity & clarity will be more effective.


Fwiw, there is no contact info for the PRA on the hospital's website, nor a contact # for the hospital. I found that on my release paperwork, though, & was transferred to the PRA (instead of given her contact info). I got her answering machine & the # to the other PRA. I'd much rather email, so I don't have to worry about...I hate talking on phones. Plus, that way it's in writing.


Anyway, after reading the release info again...the hospital *itself* says to come to the ER w/ the symptoms I had. :glare: There's also a diagnosis entered: "Pregnancy, threatened AB." Do you know they did not even tell me this much when I was there? There's also a paper stating that the nurse has explained everything to me. She & I were both supposed to sign that. Oops. :lol:


And, finally, although the symptoms are far less significant, they are continuing, off & on, & worse today than they have been since last Wed. Not bad enough to seek treatment, but enough to remind me of a Very Bad Experience & make me want to go back to bed.


I'm so glad you've decided to write a letter. If it were me I'd send it certified and RRR so you have proof *someone* signed for and received the letter. The above bolded definitely must be included in your letter!!! This ER has violated several JACO and EMTALA rules. This is very serious as hospitals lose accreditation over these things and can be heavily fined.


You're right - simplicity, clarity, and calmness are best. If you would like for me to read your letter I'd be happy to. I have a CE class from 1p to 5p, but am otherwise available. Good luck! I do hope the hospital administration takes this seriously.


Given the stresses and continuing symptoms I think going back to bed is a capital idea!

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I'm so glad you've decided to write a letter. If it were me I'd send it certified and RRR so you have proof *someone* signed for and received the letter. The above bolded definitely must be included in your letter!!! This ER has violated several JACO and EMTALA rules. This is very serious as hospitals lose accreditation over these things and can be heavily fined.


You're right - simplicity, clarity, and calmness are best. If you would like for me to read your letter I'd be happy to. I have a CE class from 1p to 5p, but am otherwise available. Good luck! I do hope the hospital administration takes this seriously.


Given the stresses and continuing symptoms I think going back to bed is a capital idea!


I figure those things would be hard to prove. I mean, she said, "So, no allergies to any medicines...?" And I corrected her. I wasn't given any medication, so I'm not sure what the point would be, other than she had not read my file (much) & didn't actually *look* at me (much).


And since "threatened AB" *was* on my release paperwork...what would I say? No one *told* me? I'm just afraid that that would undermine the intelligence of everything else I wrote. I don't want them to think I can't read. ;)

Edited by Aubrey
Computer freaked out, & what was posted didn't make sense
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There is no contact info on the hospital website for the hospital itself & nothing about a PA. My release paperwork has a # for the hospital, though, & they transferred me.


I got an answering machine, which incl. an actual # for the other PA. Instead of leaving a message (which I wasn't prepared for, since I just called for contact info), I just wrote down PA #2's info.


When I called #2, the phone rang & rang. I called the hospital back. They gave me a 2nd #. It just rang & rang. I called the hospital back. They gave me a 3rd # which had another answering machine. I did leave a message that time, but on the greeting, I was given the option of calling PA #1 instead. Her number? The same one she listed on her answering machine for PA #2. One of the many w/ no one at the other end.


I'm not expecting a call back. :glare: I'm not sure there is an actual person to even check those messages, since it seems you'd need to be in the FBI to find the # in the first place.


Makes you want to give them the number for the local phone booth (if such a thing still existed) and let it ring and ring when they begin calling you about the bill.


Keep a log of each time you've tried to call and the result.


Ditto the advice to also send a copy of letter with return receipt. If they don't answer the phone, but they will cry "didn't get your e-mail."

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And since "threatened AB" *was* on my release paperwork...what would I say? No one *told* me? I'm just afraid that that would undermine the intelligence of everything else I wasn't given a diagnosis, but I don't want them to think I can't read. ;)


I have no experience with this, but I would probably write something like "No one told me what was going on while I was in the ER. I had to look at my release paperwork to find out what the diagnosis was." And I would DEFINITELY send it certified mail - that way you have proof that someone received it.

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Wow. She actually called back, was nice, apologized, & is sending the information forward to appropriate people, from whom I will hear back w/in 48 hrs.


And, fwiw, I used my teacher voice instead of my usual timid one. My hands were shaking, but hey. She couldn't see my hands.

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Wow. She actually called back, was nice, apologized, & is sending the information forward to appropriate people, from whom I will hear back w/in 48 hrs.


And, fwiw, I used my teacher voice instead of my usual timid one. My hands were shaking, but hey. She couldn't see my hands.

:party: Yay Aubrey! I'm so sorry this happened to you, but hopefully you can save other people from being treated the same way. :grouphug:

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Wow. She actually called back, was nice, apologized, & is sending the information forward to appropriate people, from whom I will hear back w/in 48 hrs.


And, fwiw, I used my teacher voice instead of my usual timid one. My hands were shaking, but hey. She couldn't see my hands.


Too bad you couldn't also give her "the eye."

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Wow. She actually called back, was nice, apologized, & is sending the information forward to appropriate people, from whom I will hear back w/in 48 hrs.


And, fwiw, I used my teacher voice instead of my usual timid one. My hands were shaking, but hey. She couldn't see my hands.



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There's also a diagnosis entered: "Pregnancy, threatened AB." Do you know they did not even tell me this much when I was there? There's also a paper stating that the nurse has explained everything to me. She & I were both supposed to sign that. Oops. :lol:




I hope the letter you're sending helps.


So you understand the diagnosis "Pregnancy, threatened AB" is used any time there is bleeding prior to viability - bleeding is not always due to an imminent miscarriage, but every episode of bleeding that you seek medical attention will have this diagnosis attached to it.

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I figure those things would be hard to prove. I mean, she said, "So, no allergies to any medicines...?" And I corrected her. I wasn't given any medication, so I'm not sure what the point would be, other than she had not read my file (much) & didn't actually *look* at me (much).


And since "threatened AB" *was* on my release paperwork...what would I say? No one *told* me? I'm just afraid that that would undermine the intelligence of everything else I wrote. I don't want them to think I can't read. ;)


So, I replied to your PM before reading this. :tongue_smilie: I understand what you're saying; as far as I know RNs are supposed to verbally go over all the info in the d/c paperwork w/you. Not to insult you , but how was nurse ratchet supposed to know that you coud read? What if you (or any given pt) is (functionally) illiterate? What Hannah suggested is good, too.


Anywho, adjust any suggestions I gave you as you think best. Good luck! Oh, if my reply to your PM didn't come through, please let me know. I was logged out before I could hit send.:tongue_smilie:

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I hope the letter you're sending helps.


So you understand the diagnosis "Pregnancy, threatened AB" is used any time there is bleeding prior to viability - bleeding is not always due to an imminent miscarriage, but every episode of bleeding that you seek medical attention will have this diagnosis attached to it.


No, I didn't know that. I was surprised that "threatened AB" was there at all, since she didn't mention it.


It went something like this:


Dr: "You're dismissed."


Me: "Uh...but what about the problem?"


Dr: *shrug* "You're VERY [insert raised eyebrows, drawn-out word] pregnant." And something about they can't do anything, there's no indication of anything, walks out of the room.

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No, I didn't know that. I was surprised that "threatened AB" was there at all, since she didn't mention it.


It's really there more for billing than information that is going to be useful for you, unfortunately. I think the doctor did you a great disservice by not explaining things much more clearly and thoroughly, especially given the dx on your paperwork, which sounds ominous, but is routine - as I said, any and all bleeding before viability is dx'ed with this.


It went something like this:


Dr: "You're dismissed."


Me: "Uh...but what about the problem?"


Dr: *shrug* "You're VERY [insert raised eyebrows, drawn-out word] pregnant." And something about they can't do anything, there's no indication of anything, walks out of the room.


What she should have said is, IMO - "well we don't know if there is a problem. You're bleeding, but the baby looks fine, moving, the amniotiic sac looks intact and the placenta appears okay. But, we just don't know. Many women bleed at some point in their pregnancy, especially first and often second trimester without a problem, so that alone doesn't tell us much - half will have a full term baby, the others won't. Your ultrasound doesn't show a problem, but that also doesn't mean this isn't the start of a miscarriage. I'm sorry I can't giive you better information, it is all we have to work with -- we just don't know."

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No, I didn't know that. I was surprised that "threatened AB" was there at all, since she didn't mention it.


It went something like this:


Dr: "You're dismissed."


Me: "Uh...but what about the problem?"


Dr: *shrug* "You're VERY [insert raised eyebrows, drawn-out word] pregnant." And something about they can't do anything, there's no indication of anything, walks out of the room.


:glare: What a horrid personality for a doctor!


I am so sorry you went thru this, Aubrey. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm so pleased that someone is actually responding to your (very legitimate) concerns! Hurrah for the teacher voice! I hope all is safe and calm with the baby, and that you're feeling back-to-normal and relaxed. And I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that they don't bill you. That would be fantastic. Happy Mother's Day, Aubrey!

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