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Please pray: I am taking DH to ER for possible stroke

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Thank you. I took him to our groomer to have his claws clipped, and his ears and eyes cleaned, if needed. She shaved his little face. I was shocked. I think in groomer-speak, to her, eyes cleaned meant clipping the hair around the eyes. I didn't mean that.


Now, when he is dry, he looks like an owl. When he has just dipped his entire face in the water bowl, he looks like a possum. Plus, since he will turn oatmeal colored, the hair she cut off was brown, and the hair left over is white.


It's a good thing hair grows fast!





Through it all you've kept your amazing sense of humor!!!! :D


If your husband is like most, he'll listen more to other men than he will to his wife, or even doctors. You may want to ask at the hospital if there's any kind of support group available for those recovering from stroke or heart attacks. He needs to hear from others that they changed their "A type" ways because they wanted to be around for their family. Even if there isn't a support group there, you may find one through the Pittsburgh hospital, or they may know some who would be willing to talk with your husband. It doesn't hurt if he hears from those who ignored the doctors' advice and ended up in worse shape before turning things around. Some fear is a good thing if it's a motivator. :)


Continuing to pray for all of you. :grouphug:

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Owly Aidan caught in the act of eating my hat. As I was putting it away, he stole the Ove Glove from the kitchen counter. I had English muffins under the broiler, burning, and finally realized the Ove Glove wasn't missing due to a senior moment.


This is a small puppy. He isn't supposed to be able to get things off the counters. That is one reason I looked forward to having a smaller breed (he will be 40-50 lbs when he is grown). Best laid plans, once again.:D



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Owly Aidan caught in the act of eating my hat. As I was putting it away, he stole the Ove Glove from the kitchen counter. I had English muffins under the broiler, burning, and finally realized the Ove Glove wasn't missing due to a senior moment.


This is a small puppy. He isn't supposed to be able to get things off the counters. That is one reason I looked forward to having a smaller breed (he will be 40-50 lbs when he is grown). Best laid plans, once again.:D


She's besotted, folks! (And I see why). :001_wub:

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Hoping the tests came out good and you can get him home soon. Men hate hospitals or meds for that matter.


I dont know how you are going to keep him down, its been heck keeping you down. Well, its the year for lifestyle changes.


You remind me of me and my dh, two A personalities, you know that makes A squared babies.


Praying for you and your family , keep us posted.

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The doc came by and showed us the MRI. DH definitely had a stroke, plus several more earlier. Doc said DH could probably come home tomorrow, and he can't go back to work until Monday. DH replied that he is going back on Friday. Where's the roll eyes smiley?


Eyes on an MRI of the brain look like they are on the ends of stalks. Very alienlike.


Aidan is so glad to see me that he is busily emptying my hanging files.


Thank you for your prayers! They are very much appreciated.

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Continuing to pray for all of you RC. :grouphug:


Another thought I've had which may help your husband to be more compliant is to ask the doctor to present it to your husband that he needs to follow his advice as he's worried about the added stress on you if he doesn't. Kwim? If your husband thinks that you're in danger if he doesn't take it easy, then he may be more willing to do as he's told. Just a thought.


Give that adorable puppy a big hug!!! :)

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Thursday Update:


Thank you all very much for praying for my DH.


He is home now. He wanted to stop at the office on the way so he could pick up some work to do. I refused to let him. He had trouble getting into the car.


I made him sit in the living room so the dog could greet him. I fed him lunch. He knocked over his drink. Then he took DS3 with him to go out to the car to look for some work he had left there, against my advice. He couldn't find it.


Then he went upstairs to take a shower and fell in the bathroom. This, after I told him that I wanted DS1 to stay in the bathroom to help him if he got wobbly on his pins, and he insisted that he isn't an invalid. He isn't hurt, thank God.


If he survives taking a shower without breaking something, he is going to take a nap. I hope he sleeps until tomorrow morning. OTOH, then I'll have a wide-awake bear to deal with.


I told him before I picked him up that he has to stop acting like a rebellious teenager, because he is an adult and I am not his mother. I think he tuned that out.


Oh, and the neurologist gave him a list of foods he can eat and absolutely forbade him to eat bacon. I have listened to his complaints and analysis of how eating bacon won't give him a stroke many times in the last 2 hours. He is fixated on work and bacon.

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Thursday Update:


Thank you all very much for praying for my DH.


He is home now. He wanted to stop at the office on the way so he could pick up some work to do. I refused to let him. He had trouble getting into the car.


I made him sit in the living room so the dog could greet him. I fed him lunch. He knocked over his drink. Then he took DS3 with him to go out to the car to look for some work he had left there, against my advice. He couldn't find it.


Then he went upstairs to take a shower and fell in the bathroom. This, after I told him that I wanted DS1 to stay in the bathroom to help him if he got wobbly on his pins, and he insisted that he isn't an invalid. He isn't hurt, thank God.


If he survives taking a shower without breaking something, he is going to take a nap. I hope he sleeps until tomorrow morning. OTOH, then I'll have a wide-awake bear to deal with.


I told him before I picked him up that he has to stop acting like a rebellious teenager, because he is an adult and I am not his mother. I think he tuned that out.


Oh, and the neurologist gave him a list of foods he can eat and absolutely forbade him to eat bacon. I have listened to his complaints and analysis of how eating bacon won't give him a stroke many times in the last 2 hours. He is fixated on work and bacon.



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Thursday Update:


Thank you all very much for praying for my DH.


He is home now. He wanted to stop at the office on the way so he could pick up some work to do. I refused to let him. He had trouble getting into the car.


I made him sit in the living room so the dog could greet him. I fed him lunch. He knocked over his drink. Then he took DS3 with him to go out to the car to look for some work he had left there, against my advice. He couldn't find it.


Then he went upstairs to take a shower and fell in the bathroom. This, after I told him that I wanted DS1 to stay in the bathroom to help him if he got wobbly on his pins, and he insisted that he isn't an invalid. He isn't hurt, thank God.


If he survives taking a shower without breaking something, he is going to take a nap. I hope he sleeps until tomorrow morning. OTOH, then I'll have a wide-awake bear to deal with.


I told him before I picked him up that he has to stop acting like a rebellious teenager, because he is an adult and I am not his mother. I think he tuned that out.


Oh, and the neurologist gave him a list of foods he can eat and absolutely forbade him to eat bacon. I have listened to his complaints and analysis of how eating bacon won't give him a stroke many times in the last 2 hours. He is fixated on work and bacon.


I'm surprised that they let him go home all stumbly like that. Isn't he going to a rehab center? Hang in there. Bears are a pain.

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You do have triplet sons to help you out, he is outnumbered!!! He will adjust. Get all offending food out of the house, and you won't be bringing any more from the store. Lean ham pan fried tastes a little like bacon and will work in a pinch.


So sorry you have had all of this medical stuff to deal with this year.

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Veggie bacon smells and kinda looks like regular bacon. Its delicious.


He has 3 children, a wife and a new puppy to worry about. Time to ditch the bacon and the fast food.


My father was sick and needed assistance walking, etc. He decided he could do everything on his own. He fell one time and we could not pick him up (and he could not assist us.). We needed to call the police to send someone out to help us pick him up off the floor.


Hang in there!

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Owly Aidan caught in the act of eating my hat. As I was putting it away, he stole the Ove Glove from the kitchen counter. I had English muffins under the broiler, burning, and finally realized the Ove Glove wasn't missing due to a senior moment.


This is a small puppy. He isn't supposed to be able to get things off the counters. That is one reason I looked forward to having a smaller breed (he will be 40-50 lbs when he is grown). Best laid plans, once again.:D


he is just absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! I have to say, though.......... he does look naughty. ;)

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Thursday Update:


Thank you all very much for praying for my DH.


He is home now. He wanted to stop at the office on the way so he could pick up some work to do. I refused to let him. He had trouble getting into the car.


I made him sit in the living room so the dog could greet him. I fed him lunch. He knocked over his drink. Then he took DS3 with him to go out to the car to look for some work he had left there, against my advice. He couldn't find it.


Then he went upstairs to take a shower and fell in the bathroom. This, after I told him that I wanted DS1 to stay in the bathroom to help him if he got wobbly on his pins, and he insisted that he isn't an invalid. He isn't hurt, thank God.


If he survives taking a shower without breaking something, he is going to take a nap. I hope he sleeps until tomorrow morning. OTOH, then I'll have a wide-awake bear to deal with.


I told him before I picked him up that he has to stop acting like a rebellious teenager, because he is an adult and I am not his mother. I think he tuned that out.


Oh, and the neurologist gave him a list of foods he can eat and absolutely forbade him to eat bacon. I have listened to his complaints and analysis of how eating bacon won't give him a stroke many times in the last 2 hours. He is fixated on work and bacon.


I am SHOCKED your dh is already home, and he's going to return to WORK on MONDAY??!!:confused::svengo:


He will miss his bacon and ff, IF HE BEHAVES, but he will find new favorites.


I was at a friends yesterday and she made some ice cream in a Cuisinart frozen yogurt/ice cream maker. She put in coconut milk (now sold by the half gallon in the regular grocery store!), stevia, a bag of blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. It was to DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!:drool5:


How about making a good buffalo/elk burger for him? They need to be undercooked or they get dry due to jo fat.

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Is it the fat or the choke risk of bacon. I mean, why pick on that one fatty thing, except for texture.


Lo and behold, when I read the 6 pages of diet info, bacon is only one of the foods he cannot eat. It is high in fat and sodium, I gather.


He is in denial; all of the foods he eats regularly (in restaurants) are on the Do Not Eat list.

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I am SHOCKED your dh is already home, and he's going to return to WORK on MONDAY??!!


The neurologist said the earliest return to work is Monday. DH is not paralyzed and he doesn't have trouble swallowing. He just has an unsteady gait, poor fine motor skills (writing), a lopsided smile, a weak left eye, and slurred speech (not too bad). He has a desk job.

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The neurologist said the earliest return to work is Monday. DH is not paralyzed and he doesn't have trouble swallowing. He just has an unsteady gait, poor fine motor skills (writing), a lopsided smile, a weak left eye, and slurred speech (not too bad). He has a desk job.

Will they refer him for PT, OT and speech? All of my dd's therapists worked at some point with stroke survivors. And, our vision therapist works regularly with stroke survivors helping them regain their vision.



I am so thankful that the stroke was not more severe. I have been praying.

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Will they refer him for PT, OT and speech? All of my dd's therapists worked at some point with stroke survivors. And, our vision therapist works regularly with stroke survivors helping them regain their vision.



I am so thankful that the stroke was not more severe. I have been praying.


Thank you. He has no referrals. He talks a lot in his job, so he will probably see a speech therapist. The PT and neurologist at the hospital said to wait 2-3 weeks to see if this all resolves on its own.

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Thank you. He has no referrals. He talks a lot in his job, so he will probably see a speech therapist. The PT and neurologist at the hospital said to wait 2-3 weeks to see if this all resolves on its own.


I wish they had set him up with some therapy. It would help him to realize how serious his situation is, and some advice coming from a therapist might get through better than coming from you. I'd give his doctor a call and let him/her know everything that has happened since he's been home and his intentions regarding work and diet. You need some help.


Maybe your kids can play food monitor for him. You need to make sure you take good care of yourself. Probably the best you can do is to buy healthy food and set a good example.


I'm praying!!! :grouphug:

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