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I need some serious prayer.

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My 13 yr ds is giving us a run for our money. Can I ask for prayer for peace in the family and a softening of this boy's heart. He is loved. He is having a difficult time following rules (to an extreme). Its causing upheaval in our home.


btw I believe some of our issues are related to attachment disorder. We adopted this boy when he was 4. Its been a roller coaster but now add "teenager" into the mix and we're honestly at our whit's end.


Pray for wisdom and direction for what to do next.



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Thank you guys. Its a real tough situation for all of us and we're definitely at a cross roads.


I'm so thankful that I could post this tonight. There's no one really irl I wanted to burden this Easter weekend. I did confide in one family member who said "that's what happens when you adopt an older child". (Uh no. We have another child that was also adopted at four and we don't have those issues.)


You know, it has been a tough time for us. Thanks for listening.

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Thank you guys. Its a real tough situation for all of us and we're definitely at a cross roads.


I'm so thankful that I could post this tonight. There's no one really irl I wanted to burden this Easter weekend. I did confide in one family member who said "that's what happens when you adopt an older child". (Uh no. We have another child that was also adopted at four and we don't have those issues.)


You know, it has been a tough time for us. Thanks for listening.


Gosh, THAT was helpful! Not.


Anyway, praying for your dear boy.

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