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Reason number 593 why homeschooling is a good idea ...

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Am I the only one who thinks the parents should face charges?


If that's where he got it, no. I first read the article a few hours ago, but I've been waiting for more information on how he got the gun. I haven't been able to find any mention although it is most likely from his own home.

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My oldest went to 1/2 of 1st grade in the Cy fair School district. It's a suburb of Houston.


One day I was eating lunch with her, and I said to another mom that I was glad our kids were in the self-contained gifted class, because there seemed to be fewer discipline problems than in the regular classrooms.


The mom said, "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Last week, a boy in their class threatened to bring a gun to school because he was bullied for being smart, and having red hair."


When I got home, I asked Miss Good if she knew any thing about it. She said, "Oh, yeah, I heard him say that." When I asked her why she didn't tell me, she said her teacher told her not to.


Let's just say I got HOT!

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My oldest went to 1/2 of 1st grade in the Cy fair School district. It's a suburb of Houston.


One day I was eating lunch with her, and I said to another mom that I was glad our kids were in the self-contained gifted class, because there seemed to be fewer discipline problems than in the regular classrooms.


The mom said, "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Last week, a boy in their class threatened to bring a gun to school because he was bullied for being smart, and having red hair."


When I got home, I asked Miss Good if she knew any thing about it. She said, "Oh, yeah, I heard him say that." When I asked her why she didn't tell me, she said her teacher told her not to.


Let's just say I got HOT!


that is scary..

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I agree. It's incredible what your kids don't tell you at the time' date=' and you find out months or years later.[/quote']


this was one, of my many reasons to homeschool. One of my boys is super chatty. The other one is definitely on the silent side. AND he was the one more likely to be bullied -- so I'd never hear about it. Unless Mr. Chatty happened to catch it and tell me about it.


Too scary for me.


And, yes, if he got it at home the parents should totally face charges. It's possible he got it somewhere else. . . yes. . . but the home is the first place I'd be investigating for a kid this age.



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My oldest went to 1/2 of 1st grade in the Cy fair School district. It's a suburb of Houston.


One day I was eating lunch with her, and I said to another mom that I was glad our kids were in the self-contained gifted class, because there seemed to be fewer discipline problems than in the regular classrooms.


The mom said, "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Last week, a boy in their class threatened to bring a gun to school because he was bullied for being smart, and having red hair."


When I got home, I asked Miss Good if she knew any thing about it. She said, "Oh, yeah, I heard him say that." When I asked her why she didn't tell me, she said her teacher told her not to.


Let's just say I got HOT!


:eek::svengo:I flipped when a girl in my dd's 3rd grade class told a sub (an almost 7-ft man with whom we attend church) to, ahem, "F-off". There were no consequences:glare:. I think I would have died in your case.:grouphug:

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This is not an issue of public school. Kids are, by FAR, more at risk in terms of these kind of accidents by being at homes, or even on the highway.


Truly, I don't get the "reason number ________ of why I homeschool" on this one.


It would make more sense for someone to say "Reason number ____ of why I don't live in Texas."


6 year olds bringing loaded guns anywhere is an exceedingly rare situation.

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This is not an issue of public school. Kids are, by FAR, more at risk in terms of these kind of accidents by being at homes, or even on the highway.


Truly, I don't get the "reason number ________ of why I homeschool" on this one.


It would make more sense for someone to say "Reason number ____ of why I don't live in Texas."


6 year olds bringing loaded guns anywhere is an exceedingly rare situation.


Valid point. VERY valid. Not every ps kid brings a gun to school. Sometimes hs kids shoot their parents (Colorado case?). Maybe we should say "Reason #593 why I watch my kids like a hawk and try to be the best darn parent I can be."

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OK, 6 year olds bringing guns to school is rare, yes. But guns at school...not rare in the least. Depending on where you live it can be common. Although security is more common now, when I was in high school there was guns there EVERY day. I know it. Just because someone didn't get caught doesn't mean they aren't there.

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Here's one from CNN.


Thank you for that link! From CNN's article:


"In 2006-2007, the latest year in which statistics are available, nearly 2,700 students nationwide were expelled or disciplined for bringing a gun to school, said William Modzeleski, associate assistant deputy secretary for the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.


About 15% of them were elementary school students, Modzeleski told CNN. Those numbers track the previous year's numbers, he added."

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