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Romantic proposals...

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Share yours, or your idea of a romantic proposal. I have a friend who is about to be proposed to, and her boyfriend has enlisted my help. He wants to wow her, and do it right, and I think he's worried it won't be good enough. Silly man.


So....spill. :D

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I would suggest that he try to forget about Hollywood style, impress-everyone-around proposals, and do something that is straightforward, from the heart, and specific to her/them. Just pick a place or activity that is special for her and do it there/then. After all, a proposal is really a way of communicating something to the girlfriend, not some kind of Oscar winning performance to showcase his talent.

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I think "romantic" is so subjective, that it's hard to know how to help!


For me, romantic would be something private and personal between the two of us. It wouldn't be contrived like a holiday proposal, or down on one knee in a restaurant, or Central Park or any of that other hokey stuff. It'd be an impromptu thing at a noon lunch date at our regular favorite dive restaurant, both of us in scruffy clothes on our lunch breaks. It'd be a story just for us, not one to necessarily wow the friends and family.


For my best friend, romantic would be the grand proposal on one knee in Central Park with a photographer hiding in the wings snapping the entire thing, and people in the park stopping to gape and cheer. Or on the megascreen at a baseball game. It'd be a story for the friends and family, and more of an event - something that took great and grand planning on his part, because he knows she likes to be wowed in that way.


What's your friend like?


I don't envy those who propose. It has to be nerve-wracking, and I'm sure most worry about whether the proposal will be adequate, or perfect! I'm sure she'll be so excited that it'll be perfect to her, however he does it :)

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We were 22 and living together. We had gone to bed for the night and were in the middle of a conversation that I will skip....


Me: I'm pregnant.

DH: What you you want to do?

Me: Keep it.

(very happy and excited at that answer)


time passes/conversation continues....then it goes something like this....


DH: We need to get married before the baby is born.

Me: Yep.




Hows that for romantic.....LOL :lol:

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We were 22 and living together. We had gone to bed for the night and were in the middle of a conversation that I will skip....


Me: I'm pregnant.

DH: What you you want to do?

Me: Keep it.

(very happy and excited at that answer)


time passes/conversation continues....then it goes something like this....


DH: We need to get married before the baby is born.

Me: Yep.




Hows that for romantic.....LOL :lol:


See, her first marriage proposal was similar. It wasn't a good one (marriage), this time she wants the romantic one!

Edited by Unicorn
to add marriage
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We were 22 and living together. We had gone to bed for the night and were in the middle of a conversation that I will skip....


Me: I'm pregnant.

DH: What you you want to do?

Me: Keep it.

(very happy and excited at that answer)


time passes/conversation continues....then it goes something like this....


DH: We need to get married before the baby is born.

Me: Yep.




Hows that for romantic.....LOL :lol:


:lol: :lol: Or my dh's..... "So what do you think about taking pre-marital classes?" Romance isn't his strong suit, but I married him anyway. And we did take pre-marital classes. lol ;) :tongue_smilie:

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I would suggest that he try to forget about Hollywood style, impress-everyone-around proposals, and do something that is straightforward, from the heart, and specific to her/them. Just pick a place or activity that is special for her and do it there/then. After all, a proposal is really a way of communicating something to the girlfriend, not some kind of Oscar winning performance to showcase his talent.


For my best friend, romantic would be the grand proposal on one knee in Central Park with a photographer hiding in the wings snapping the entire thing, and people in the park stopping to gape and cheer. Or on the megascreen at a baseball game. It'd be a story for the friends and family, and more of an event - something that took great and grand planning on his part, because he knows she likes to be wowed in that way.


What's your friend like?


I'm sure she'll be so excited that it'll be perfect to her, however he does it :)


I already nixed the big production he was thinking of, and yes it included someone w/ a camera! :lol: And yes, she will be excited, but at the same time, she wants him down on one knee. She is a girly-girl, but at the same time, her fav. things are camping, hiking, spending time at the river, etc. with her kids.

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I already nixed the big production he was thinking of, and yes it included someone w/ a camera! :lol: And yes, she will be excited, but at the same time, she wants him down on one knee. She is a girly-girl, but at the same time, her fav. things are camping, hiking, spending time at the river, etc. with her kids.


He could take her hiking to one of their favorite spots and do a nice down on one knee proposal their. If she's a real girly-girl, he could take her home and then out to a late dinner at a great restaurant(whatever her standards of great are).


My brother did something similar for his total girly-girl fiance, only it involved snow boarding and her family(who she's super close to) was invited to the restaurant for dinner too for a family celebration.


Mine was perfect for me. Take out chinese for dinner and a proposal under the stars near the entrance to DH's cheap basement apartment. :)

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I would suggest that he try to forget about Hollywood style, impress-everyone-around proposals, and do something that is straightforward, from the heart, and specific to her/them. Just pick a place or activity that is special for her and do it there/then. After all, a proposal is really a way of communicating something to the girlfriend, not some kind of Oscar winning performance to showcase his talent.


I would tend to agree with this.


My kids and I witnessed an over-the-top proposal at our pediatrician's office years ago. He put on full knight's armor, got on a horse, rode up to the office and proposed to her from the (full) waiting room. She worked in the office. He then rode off with her on the back of the horse. Not sure where they went from there. :001_smile:

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My dh took me on a hike up in the mountains and then proposed at a beautiful spot. It was surprising he still proposed because it was February and the hike was kind of slippery and cold and I was, well, kind of cranky. Anyway, it was sweet and beautiful, even if I tried to ruin the day.


I think your friend's guy should take her on a hike and propose by a beautiful spot by the river. Then he should take her and the kids out to dinner :001_smile:.

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I would tend to agree with this.


My kids and I witnessed an over-the-top proposal at our pediatrician's office years ago. He put on full knight's armor, got on a horse, rode up to the office and proposed to her from the (full) waiting room. She worked in the office. He then rode off with her on the back of the horse. Not sure where they went from there. :001_smile:


Wow!! I would have loved to have witnessed that, but not to have been the girl. I would have died of embarrassment! lol

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Mine wasn't very romantic either.


Him: Hey, which one do you like? (pointing at rings at Sam's Club, of all places)

Me: That one's nice.

Him: I'll take that one.


The next day,


My mom: So ... are you getting married?

Me: Well, I guess so. He didn't really say which finger he wanted me to wear it on! :lol:


For her I would suggest a special hiking/camping trip, to someplace very beautiful. Stop on a bridge or some other picturesque spot, ask her to snap some photos of something to distract her attention while he gets out her ring, and then when she turns back he can be down on one knee.

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Mine wasn't very romantic either.


Him: Hey, which one do you like? (pointing at rings at Sam's Club, of all places)

Me: That one's nice.

Him: I'll take that one.


The next day,


My mom: So ... are you getting married?

Me: Well, I guess so. He didn't really say which finger he wanted me to wear it on! :lol:


LOL :lol: :lol: Sounds like something my dh would do if he had gotten me a ring. lol Actually he didn't get me a ring at all. He just asked, "Do you want a ring or a down payment on a house?" lol Me being the practical gal that I am chose the house. ;)

For her I would suggest a special hiking/camping trip, to someplace very beautiful. Stop on a bridge or some other picturesque spot, ask her to snap some photos of something to distract her attention while he gets out her ring, and then when she turns back he can be down on one knee.

I like that idea. That sounds very romantic. :)

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I already nixed the big production he was thinking of, and yes it included someone w/ a camera! :lol: And yes, she will be excited, but at the same time, she wants him down on one knee. She is a girly-girl, but at the same time, her fav. things are camping, hiking, spending time at the river, etc. with her kids.

He needs to take her and the kids camping and ask her on the last night there next to the dying light of the campfire.

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My dh proposed by giving me a series of clues that were located all around our college campus. He was at the last location, standing at the end of a trail of rose petals. He told me all the reasons he loved me, why he hoped I would be his wife, and what he imagined for our future. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes and he slipped the ring on my finger. :)

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Wolf proposed twice.


We'd already decided we were getting married, he just hadn't officially proposed yet. Then, one evening, we were sitting watching a movie, and he asked, "So will you be my wife?" I said yes, and then a bit later said something about the engagement being official. He panicked. :lol: He didn't want to propose sitting on my couch, that's not how he meant to do things, ahhhhh! So I let him 'take it back'.


The next day, we went to a flea market, and then on what was supposed to be our way back, he was muttering away to himself..."No, that won't work...No, that's no good...yeah, ok, yeah, that would be good..."


He pulled into a gravel parking lot over looking a river. He then said, "So...you're gonna marry me, huh?"


Yep. That was his romantic proposal. His 'accidental' one was nicer!!




We did go out for dinner alone just the 2 of us for the first time that evening to celebrate though!

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Wolf proposed twice.


We'd already decided we were getting married, he just hadn't officially proposed yet. Then, one evening, we were sitting watching a movie, and he asked, "So will you be my wife?" I said yes, and then a bit later said something about the engagement being official. He panicked. :lol: He didn't want to propose sitting on my couch, that's not how he meant to do things, ahhhhh! So I let him 'take it back'.


The next day, we went to a flea market, and then on what was supposed to be our way back, he was muttering away to himself..."No, that won't work...No, that's no good...yeah, ok, yeah, that would be good..."


He pulled into a gravel parking lot over looking a river. He then said, "So...you're gonna marry me, huh?"


Yep. That was his romantic proposal. His 'accidental' one was nicer!!




We did go out for dinner alone just the 2 of us for the first time that evening to celebrate though!


:lol::lol::lol: Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this, it would have been all over my screen!! Too funny!

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We were 22 and living together. We had gone to bed for the night and were in the middle of a conversation that I will skip....


Me: I'm pregnant.

DH: What you you want to do?

Me: Keep it.

(very happy and excited at that answer)


time passes/conversation continues....then it goes something like this....


DH: We need to get married before the baby is born.

Me: Yep.




Hows that for romantic.....LOL :lol:


:lol: Sounds a lot like my proposal, except we weren't living together. We were about to be stationed on opposite sides of the country. It went something like this:


Me- I'm pregnant.

Him- Well, I guess we can just get married.

Me- You don't have to marry me just because I'm pregnant.

Him- Well, I was planning on marrying you anyway, so now we can just do it sooner.

Me- Cool. How about next week?

Him- Ok.

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What he says is more important than where or how. My hubby proposed in front of the fireplace in my apartment. His proposal was so beautiful, I asked him to keep proposing for nearly a month, and he sweetly did!


Awwwwww!!! That is so sweet! lol My dh hates it when I make him repeat sweet things that he's said. lol He says it's no longer spontaneous so it doesn't mean the same. I tell him I don't care. I just like the way it sounds! :lol:


Some of you guys are so funny! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a romantically challenged dh. ;) :D

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Wolf isn't romantically challenged. He's the Romance Terminator. Any shred of romance is ruthlessly stomped to death.




Don't get me wrong, I love him, he's a lovely man...but his love language is acts of service. Mine isn't. Any attempt at romance is turned into a joke by him, which makes me want to kick him in the shins, which negates any lovey dovey romantic feelings that might exist.

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Wolf isn't romantically challenged. He's the Romance Terminator. Any shred of romance is ruthlessly stomped to death.




Don't get me wrong, I love him, he's a lovely man...but his love language is acts of service. Mine isn't. Any attempt at romance is turned into a joke by him, which makes me want to kick him in the shins, which negates any lovey dovey romantic feelings that might exist.


:lol::lol::lol: My dh's love language is acts of service too. I wish it was gifts or something else. Acts of service is an exhausting one. :glare: lol

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my husband "asked" for my hand in marriage from my folks. i thought that was awfully sweet & romantic.


he wrote me a song & took me for japanese food (my fav)....the chef yelled "special order" and handed me my engagement ring on a plate. my husband got on his knee & proposed, then sang me a song.


really though, he could have asked me in any form or fashion. i was totally smitten (still am 11 years later) & anything would have seemed hopelessly romantic.

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my husband "asked" for my hand in marriage from my folks. i thought that was awfully sweet & romantic.


he wrote me a song & took me for japanese food (my fav)....the chef yelled "special order" and handed me my engagement ring on a plate. my husband got on his knee & proposed, then sang me a song.


really though, he could have asked me in any form or fashion. i was totally smitten (still am 11 years later) & anything would have seemed hopelessly romantic.


Awwwwww!! :001_wub:


Imp, I think your dh and mine need to come read this thread and take notes. ;) :D hehehe

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Call me cynical (because I am, usually!) but I really hope she's looking at this marriage beyond the proposal. Because once the romantic proposal is given, and the beautiful wedding is held, you're left with two fallible people who burp, fart, bounce checks, forget the milk, clip toenails in bed, are grumpy when tired or hungry, leave the toilet seat up, the socks on the floor, the dishes in the sink, and the top off the toothpaste tube. I know it's fabulous to have the proposal and wedding of a lifetime, but so many today don't see past the wedding and the lifetime is miserable. While I hope she gets the proposal she's wanting, I also hope she's wise enough to know that it's what goes on AFTER the wedding (and I don't mean the wedding night! :tongue_smilie: ) that's truly far more important.




Ok. That said, my only other advice is that his proposal come from his heart and whatever words are said are sincere. This is not the time for cameras and an emcee. And, I hope they have a wonderful life together. :)

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Call me cynical (because I am, usually!) but I really hope she's looking at this marriage beyond the proposal. Because once the romantic proposal is given, and the beautiful wedding is held, you're left with two fallible people who burp, fart, bounce checks, forget the milk, clip toenails in bed, are grumpy when tired or hungry, leave the toilet seat up, the socks on the floor, the dishes in the sink, and the top off the toothpaste tube. I know it's fabulous to have the proposal and wedding of a lifetime, but so many today don't see past the wedding and the lifetime is miserable. While I hope she gets the proposal she's wanting, I also hope she's wise enough to know that it's what goes on AFTER the wedding (and I don't mean the wedding night! :tongue_smilie: ) that's truly far more important.




Ok. That said, my only other advice is that his proposal come from his heart and whatever words are said are sincere. This is not the time for cameras and an emcee. And, I hope they have a wonderful life together. :)


Sage advice! :)


With her having children already I'm willing to bet that she's already pretty well acquainted with reality. And I think it was the fella that really wanted to get the proposal right. It sounds like she must be a special lady if he is enlisting the help of others to give her the proposal that he thinks she deserves. :) I think this couple sounds like they've got their feet on the ground. I'm rooting for them (oh darn, I forgot I can't say that anymore. Thanks Rosie for spoiling a perfectly good word! :lol: ) I wish them all the best. :)

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My DH and I had been dating for years and had already decided we were going to get married someday, but he didn't officially propose (asking my dad, ring, etc.) until we were about to start our last semester of college (ie the point at which we had a plan and ability to support ourselves). I knew it was coming, and I don't really think he expected that I would be surprised, but he still made it very romantic and sweet.


He asked me out for a fancy dinner, so I'd know to get dressed up. Then we drove to a really lovely spot that we'd visited a few times before, right before sunset, overlooking the water on a clear January evening (wasn't even that all cold). Did the whole down on one knee thing and official "will you marry me?" and everything. (And then dinner at a nice restaurant, where he'd made reservations and told them it would be an engagement celebration, so they were extra attentive to us.) Very traditional, special and romantic without being over-the-top, very much "us."


I suggest the friend look for what would appeal most to his lady. Some people love the grand gesture in front of lots of people; DH and I are both very private and prefer things to be just the two of us (and the kids, now), so a big thing wouldn't have suited us. I think it would be sweet to involve the lady's kids too, if possible.

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He had to get down on one knee... Romantic, old-fashioned. And, since he couldn't afford an engagement ring, he instead gave me an old ring (it's the One Ring from The Lord of the Rings) that had special meaning for him. I knew the history of the ring and it thrilled me that he was trusting me with his ring and his heart. It was just the two of us, enjoying watching The Lord of the Rings on DVD (I think Return of the King), when he went into the kitchen to get a snack and instead came out with the ring hidden behind his back.


It's all in the meaning.



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