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No, no, no, no, no!

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If I am too tired, in pain to do normal school and activities, I am too tired and in pain to do a special field trip. And I'm not going to let my computer addicted son start programming his own game - and no, I don't really think that needs a big long explanation as to why. . . And I'm not going to do that extra little favor for the neighbor. All I want is to be able to recover so that I can hopefully have some semblance of being a normal person. And why do you think that I'm unreasonable for getting mad when you let off a squeaky toy in my ear when I finally dropped off to sleep for a much needed nap? And no, I can't get to sleep now! :banghead:


And now for a yes - Yes, I know that I'm whining! :nopity:

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If I am too tired, in pain to do normal school and activities, I am too tired and in pain to do a special field trip. And I'm not going to let my computer addicted son start programming his own game - and no, I don't really think that needs a big long explanation as to why. . . And I'm not going to do that extra little favor for the neighbor. All I want is to be able to recover so that I can hopefully have some semblance of being a normal person. And why do you think that I'm unreasonable for getting mad when you let off a squeaky toy in my ear when I finally dropped off to sleep for a much needed nap? And no, I can't get to sleep now! :banghead:


And now for a yes - Yes, I know that I'm whining! :nopity:



And a much deserved whine! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


The squeaky toy in the ear deserves a beating.


:iagree: This sounds like something my dd would do. :glare:

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The squeaky toy in the ear deserves a beating.


This made me LOL.


Jean :grouphug:


I so totally relate to the being jerked awake by a kid who appears to be clueless. Rarely do I need a nap, but I swear EVERY time I lie down in the middle of the day, ds finds some reason to wake me up. And my naps are short! Grrr....

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Right there with you Jean....that squeaky would have turned into a missile headed straight at squeezers head! seriously! :grouphug::grouphug:

I like the idea if you can't entertain yourself..there is LOTS of work to entertain you. Sorry you are feeling crummy.:grouphug:



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I did decide that free time was coming to a rapid end. They are now outside doing yard work. But it's not a punishment as much as a "if you are so bored that you are getting into trouble, then I'll give you lots to do" kind of consequence.


oh, I thought it was a dog with the squeakie toy!!!

:grouphug:Hope you feel better!:grouphug:

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