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Back from Philadelphia & getting ready for surgery

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Hi Hive friends,


We are back from Philadelphia. The doctor said I was ready for surgery! Yeah! My lymph nodes looked normal on their ultrasound! Yeah! However, he recommend twice daily radiation, which is unusual even for IBC. I knew that he sometimes recommends that schedule. I was hoping he wouldn't recommend it for me but now I am okay with it. I've already been to my local radiation oncology for an initial consultation and while I didn't see the doctor I will have (he was on vacation) the fill-in doctor from another state said they were okay with it. Now I just have to hope insurance finds it acceptable.


Tomorrow I leave for MNPLS for my surgery. I will be having a double mastectomy as well as having my ovaries and tubes removed. I have been in agony over the ovaries/tubes. I am praying that I am making the right decision. They found a cyst on one ovary but the main reason to have them removed is that I am BRCA 1 positive. I am so worried about not having estrogen (they won't give me any after the surgery.) If anyone has any positive stories to share I would appreciate it. I am 44, turning 45 in August.


I have so many mixed feelings. I am trying to offer my sufferings about all of this up to the Lord. I find it it interesting that my surgery is on Monday of Holy Week.


Please pray that I can handle this burden emotionally and mostly that my pathological report after surgery comes back without a cell of cancer!


Thank you. :grouphug:

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I am lifting you up!


I'm so happy they cleared you for surgery; I'll be praying for peace and wisdom about all of the decisions, and that your body adjusts to the lack of estrogen. And for no cancer cells!


Looking forward to your next update :grouphug:.

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I have so many mixed feelings. I am trying to offer my sufferings about all of this up to the Lord. I find it it interesting that my surgery is on Monday of Holy Week.


Please pray that I can handle this burden emotionally and mostly that my pathological report after surgery comes back without a cell of cancer!


Thank you. :grouphug:

You have been through so much. I also pray for you to be able to find peace and comfort, though it may seem fleeting at times.


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