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what do you do for fun when dh travels?

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I LOVE dh, I really do (I hope the moderator is listening), but he travels infrequently and when he goes. . . it feels like party time here. Life just feels more casual and easy.


For example, I just had pretzels and salsa for dinner and the kids are still playing outside w/ friends (it's hot here today).


So, I'm just curious what you do for fun when your dh travels?



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Oh, we love those rare times here, too, even though we love dh. LOL


We usually stay up late, sleep all over the living room or share my bed (or I stretch out in the WHOLE bed all to myself!!), eat things WE like, usually bake cookies or brownies, and watch what WE like on t.v. :D (Dh can kind of hog the t.v., so we enjoy controlling the remote. LOL) It's nice to be able to go to a park or do something during the time we'd usually be hanging out with dh. He's a couch potato, so I like to get the kids out! These are rare times, but they're fun!

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I LOVE dh, I really do (I hope the moderator is listening), but he travels infrequently and when he goes. . . it feels like party time here. Life just feels more casual and easy.


For example, I just had pretzels and salsa for dinner and the kids are still playing outside w/ friends (it's hot here today).


So, I'm just curious what you do for fun when your dh travels?





Oooh, its party time here too. Dh doesn't travel but he runs retreats a few times a year. He goes away for a week on Sunday! Woohoo! The thing is, dh works largely from home so is home most of the time, day in, day out, all day.

Yes, its more relaxed. It's hard to explain but just overall there is less tension and we all lighten up. We probably eat a bit differently but not so much. I guess we don't do much differently really.

But I get to MISS him. By the end of the week I will actually look forward to seeing him!

Dh and dd are going to Paris in a few weeks. Ds and I will be alone for 10 days. I am so excited! We are going to a music festival for 2 of those days.

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I LOVE dh, I really do (I hope the moderator is listening), but he travels infrequently and when he goes. . . it feels like party time here. Life just feels more casual and easy.


For example, I just had pretzels and salsa for dinner and the kids are still playing outside w/ friends (it's hot here today).


So, I'm just curious what you do for fun when your dh travels?




Absolutely!! Cold cereal for dinner or PB&J and I'll just have something special after the kids are in bed. Bedtime is more relaxed. I have sole control of the remote or computer. :D It's fun for a change every once in a while. But it is just every once in a while. I'm sure that would get old real quick if it was more often. :grouphug: to those who have to solo parent for extended periods.

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Slightly different, my DH is gone about 6 months of the year... So, I do fun things to make up for his absence so that the time will go faster. We do cook less, eat more "breakfast for dinner", watch more rented movies. I try to get us out and about at least once a month somewhere fun, or have a "get together" for them with their friends at the house.

When DH is only gone a few days (he'll be out of town next week for 5 days) I always have about three books I try to read :)

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Breakfast for dinner (dh does not like breakfast for dinner), more time on the deck with neighbor ladies, my movies.... but then I'm so glad when he gets home, and is on the couch next to me :001_smile:.

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We traditionally eat things for dinner that dh doesn't like (macaroni and cheese, pizza with onions and peppers). Last time he was out of town, ds and I went out to our favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner (dh likes it okay, but ds and I LOVE it).



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He used to do so once or twice a year, but hasn't had to for about four years.


I'm not much of a party animal. Usually, though, I would let the kids eat something pretty informal for dinner and maybe watch a movie. Then, once they were in bed, I would hang out in my pajamas eating whatever I wanted and either reading or watching movies I knew weren't his speed.


Wild times, huh?


These days, I get those evenings only very rarely, when he goes out with one or both kids. Then, I go straight to the jammies and chick flick.

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