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College Board E-Mail re: Personal Information

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So I just received an e-mail from College Board saying that my information (name, e-mail) had been accessed. They went on to say that no credit card info or other personal information was accessed.


Anyone else get this e-mail also? It has been two years since my son took the SATs.

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I received it from the College Board and my bank :(


What makes the the angriest was that dd did not want to put down an email address when taking the psat in oct, but the proctors told her it was mandatory, as in they would not take her test until she put one down. So she received a notification, also.


I sense much junk mail in our future... :001_unsure:

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We received one and I'm glad they are on top of things. Otherwise, it doesn't worry me. I delete spam a lot anyway. What's a few more?


What sometimes worries me is all the hackers that get away with things and aren't caught. We had an unexplained charge on one of our cc's one time. I called, but was the oodleth caller so the company already knew and removed the charge. Someone had hacked something somewhere AND gotten CC numbers.


NEVER use your bank account # online IMO.

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Yes, we got it last night. My son took the SAT three years ago. My daughter's planning to take the PSAT this fall, but we haven't registered her. I have no idea why they have still have our e-mail address. I can't imagine them having our bank account info, and our credit card number gets changed every year or two. So I think (fingers crossed) we're safe.

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Disney Destinations and Tivo.


Ds probably got the college board one.


I don't think they are phishing emails. They specifically say "you

should be extremely cautious before opening links or attachments". Neither of my emails have an inbedded link..only phone numbers.


ETA: Abe books just sent an email also.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I got the email from Kroger.

I don't think they are phishing emails. They specifically say "you

should be extremely cautious before opening links or attachments". Neither of my emails have an inbedded link..only phone numbers.

Agree. Phishing emails will have a link that they want you to click, usually telling you that you need to verify your account information.

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Disney Destinations and Tivo to my computer.


Ds's probably got the college board one.


I don't think they are phishing emails. They specifically say "you

should be extremely cautious before opening links or attachments". Neither of my emails have an inbedded link..only phone numbers.


Dh and I were laughing about that statement and how sneaky the phishers have gotten. In the past, when I've gotten legit notifications about my personal information being compromised, I could go to the company's website (independent of any links in the email) and verify the information. There is nothing on the College Board's website about this supposed breach.


I should add that in addition to the 3 emails I got, dh got an identical one from a company at which he has never shopped or even heard of. Dd17 got the College Board one and noticed that the logo doesn't look the same as it does in other emails from the College Board.


I could be wrong, that was just my impression of the emails.

Edited by LizzyBee
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