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Today is my boys' last day in public school - EVER!

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They are in 7th and 8th grade and we put them in for several reasons:


1. I was SO tired from adoption and church stuff

2. They needed more structure than I was willing to give them

3. We have a heart for our city and thought this would be a way for us to really make a difference

4. The resources in the public school were AMAZING


But, this year they have been bullied, learned curse words, been sent out of class for asking too many questions, had to move on from intriguing material because it's not on the SOL, seen drug deals in the bathroom, and made straight A's. We are making NO real difference. They don't have any real friends. The structure I had hoped for is, at best, teaching to the test in the classroom and chaos in the halls, lunchroom, and everywhere else.


And this is supposedly a really good school system. So ... today is their last day.


Let the detox begin.


And, for all you gals who are considering public school. If you can do anything else at all, do it.

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congratulations :) hopefully some benefit might be your boys being grateful to be home after all the chaos and hoops to jump through.


sometimes I dream of putting my kids in ps for a week so they can see what it is like and how lucky they are to be home.


my bonus student was in ps for part of a year, sometimes he tells them they don't want to go and he doesn't want to go back, but he is also a boy of few words- I still think they have no clue.


I am wondering if watching Diary of a wimpy kid might enlighten them...I am pre-viewing it now, but haven't gotten very far. :001_smile:

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:grouphug: Thank you for sharing your experience. Good for you for pulling them out. May homeschooling be a blessing for your family. :)


BTW, there are schools which can provide more structure while you homeschool. It doesn't have to be an either or situation. Part of our reason for going this route is because my dd wanted more structure.


For now, enjoy the detox and have fun planning next year. :)

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Good for you! I needed to hear this today...I have been struggling lately with the thoughts that the kids are missing out on so many opportunities by not going to ps. I taught 1st grade for 6 years and we did have a lot of fun, but it seems the older they get the heavier the work load and more bad influences come in. Maybe I've been nostalgic lately! I know they are better off with me, but I have days where I struggle with my choice. Best of luck to you on your new adventure!!!

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I'm sorry their experience was so bad. We live where there's a "great" school system. There's still gangs, bullying, sex, drinking, immodesty to a gross degree,--in short, if the kids weren't there, it'd probably be an acceptable school system. :glare:


I hope you have a WONDERFUL time at home, and will pray for healing for their wounded hearts. Glad you could stop the bleeding by bring them home.

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congratulations :) hopefully some benefit might be your boys being grateful to be home after all the chaos and hoops to jump through.




They tell me that they are SO happy to be home and SO ready to be diligent, agreeable, helpful, etc. We'll see.


We do anticipate a detox time. With my husband out of work right now and doing a lot of work on our house to get it ready to sell, rent, or something, they'll be spending a lot of time with him. I'm grateful for this rare opportunity in their lives to get time to work alongside their father. We'll do math, grammar, science, and history in the morning, but even more than being sure that we get the academics done, I want them to enjoy the detox, enjoy spring, and get time with their dad.

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:grouphug: Thank you for sharing your experience. Good for you for pulling them out. May homeschooling be a blessing for your family. :)


BTW' date=' there are schools which can provide more structure while you homeschool. It doesn't have to be an either or situation. Part of our reason for going this route is because my dd wanted more structure.


For now, enjoy the detox and have fun planning next year. :)[/quote']


We've been part of a co-op here that is fantastic. But, are you talking about something else? I'd love to hear!

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They are in 7th and 8th grade and we put them in for several reasons:


1. I was SO tired from adoption and church stuff

2. They needed more structure than I was willing to give them

3. We have a heart for our city and thought this would be a way for us to really make a difference

4. The resources in the public school were AMAZING


But, this year they have been bullied, learned curse words, been sent out of class for asking too many questions, had to move on from intriguing material because it's not on the SOL, seen drug deals in the bathroom, and made straight A's. We are making NO real difference. They don't have any real friends. The structure I had hoped for is, at best, teaching to the test in the classroom and chaos in the halls, lunchroom, and everywhere else.


And this is supposedly a really good school system. So ... today is their last day.


Let the detox begin.


And, for all you gals who are considering public school. If you can do anything else at all, do it.


I still wonder when we'll be able to stop paying the price for putting my boys into school. Our experience and yours have many similarities. The ONLY good thing that came out of that school is my son is very happy in a relationship with a girl he met at school. She had a crush on him all four years and finally had her friend tell him a month before he graduated. They are now talking marriage. :wub:


My kids also entered school because I was so exhausted with all the issues our adopted child brought into our home.


My girls are doing fantastic at home and no matter how hard it gets, there will always be options to help lessen my burdens and keep them schooling safely at home. Youngest is already doing some online work.


Good luck on the detox. You WON'T regret it.

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And, for all you gals who are considering public school. If you can do anything else at all, do it.


Sigh. our elementary school is literally across the street (with tennis courts and pools between the school and my front porch). I've literally stood on the porch and thought about enrolling them before. Your words are a good reminder that the grass isn't always greener....

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So glad to read this post today.


I withdrew our 7th grade twin girls from public school yesterday, too.


Middle School is such a wasteland and can really negatively impact children at this very critical point in their lives. We are so excited to start our hs journey next week. Good luck to you.

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I'm sorry they had such a negative experience and were subject to bullying. It's absolutely wonderful that you are able and willing to homeschool.


Our DS was in PS for a VERY short time (had always been homeschooled before) and it took months for him to detox.:glare: Although, he is now more agreeable to doing the work I ask of him. If not, there is always the gentle reminder that the school is still an available option. :sneaky2:

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I still wonder when we'll be able to stop paying the price for putting my boys into school. Our experience and yours have many similarities. The ONLY good thing that came out of that school is my son is very happy in a relationship with a girl he met at school. She had a crush on him all four years and finally had her friend tell him a month before he graduated. They are now talking marriage. :wub:


My kids also entered school because I was so exhausted with all the issues our adopted child brought into our home.


My girls are doing fantastic at home and no matter how hard it gets, there will always be options to help lessen my burdens and keep them schooling safely at home. Youngest is already doing some online work.


Good luck on the detox. You WON'T regret it.


Interesting, Denise, particularly the adoption connection. The financial cost is SO little compared to the cost across so many other spheres. However, I wouldn't change a thing and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I will say that I am grateful to be nearly 1 1/2 years into having Katya HOME.

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So glad to read this post today.


I withdrew our 7th grade twin girls from public school yesterday, too.


Middle School is such a wasteland and can really negatively impact children at this very critical point in their lives. We are so excited to start our hs journey next week. Good luck to you.


I'd love to be an encouragement to each other in this "Welcome Home Journey!" What's your plan for the rest of the school year. Mostly, we want to rest and detox, but we'll still do math, grammar, history, and science. I'm still working on the plan ... What about you?

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I'm sorry their experience was so bad. We live where there's a "great" school system. There's still gangs, bullying, sex, drinking, immodesty to a gross degree,--in short, if the kids weren't there, it'd probably be an acceptable school system. :glare:


LOL, isn't that the truth!


So glad you brought your kids home! Sorry they had to go through that.

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I also appreciate the "reality check". My ds14 will be in 9th grade next year, and I am starting to think I may need to find more "formal" schooling options for him, not only for structure, expectations and accountability, but especially for higher-education opportunities.


I don't want him going to public HS where we are living now, but sometimes I think it wouldn't be too bad for him to attend my former HS (if he stayed with my parents). It has a great reputation, I got a decent education, there are even people who have moved to our district from out of state because of the course offerings. They I find out about girls s*xting boys they barely know and who haven't even shown an interest in them (thinking about my innocent ds), and a boy shot himself to death in the boys' bathroom during exam week (and exams continued as scheduled :001_huh:).


Thank you, thank you for the wake-up call!


I also agree that it is so very important for boys to spend quality time with their father at this age, particularly doing "man" work, learning skills, expending some energy, and building their relationship. Excellent call, excellen timing, pulling them out.


Way to go!

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HOW uplifting!!!




I really needed to read this today. What a great way to start my week off! :grouphug: I see how our children in our neighborhood are and how they treat each other and it saddens me, but then I have teachers telling me that the kids these days are so disrespectful and having to correct it takes from the rest of the class. So glad my children don't have to experience that!


So sorry your boys have had to endure it. So GLAD they get to be little men with their dad and enjoy the SEASON!


Sometimes I think I'd be a better mama if I didn't have the stress of homeschooling. But I know that it's the best for our children! I'm so ready to take a step back and ENJOY this experience with them because they all grow up so fast!

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HOW uplifting!!!




I really needed to read this today. What a great way to start my week off! :grouphug: I see how our children in our neighborhood are and how they treat each other and it saddens me, but then I have teachers telling me that the kids these days are so disrespectful and having to correct it takes from the rest of the class. So glad my children don't have to experience that!


So sorry your boys have had to endure it. So GLAD they get to be little men with their dad and enjoy the SEASON!


Sometimes I think I'd be a better mama if I didn't have the stress of homeschooling. But I know that it's the best for our children! I'm so ready to take a step back and ENJOY this experience with them because they all grow up so fast!


Thanks for ALL the encouragement! "Kindness" is our focus for this week of "detox."


I used to think I'd be a better mom if I didn't also have to be "teacher," but it's just not true. Now, y'all remind me of this when I'm looking longingly at the school bus again!

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Thanks! I would concur with everything that you experienced. In addition one of my boys was kicked out of class for asking too many questions. His desire to understand the subject matter (Algebra) was taking time from the teacher's need to cover the material coming up on the standardized test. Urgh.


The one thing we will miss is the boys' orchestra. Their teacher is an elder in our church, a great man, and was really the primary reason we put them at this particular school. He has said he'd love to have them continue taking orchestra, but this class is at 10:15 in the morning. So, as good as that was, I think we'll have to let it go...

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I'm sorry their experience was so bad. We live where there's a "great" school system. There's still gangs, bullying, sex, drinking, immodesty to a gross degree,--in short, if the kids weren't there, it'd probably be an acceptable school system. :glare:


I hope you have a WONDERFUL time at home, and will pray for healing for their wounded hearts. Glad you could stop the bleeding by bring them home.


Here too.

I wish you joy in the journey.

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As for ochestra, check the churches. I'm in SC by the way!


Dd loves sports. I am sad for her on that note, but some of the local churches have gotten together and created teams. They compete against the private Christian schools. :) Volleyball, basketball, baseball, and soccer. As you can see, this is an option for orchestra too. You may not have enough interest at your local church, but between several it might be worthwhile to ask this gentlman to provide leadership and instruction for a second children's orchestra. Where there is a will, there is a way. (love these cliches, LOL)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sigh. our elementary school is literally across the street (with tennis courts and pools between the school and my front porch). I've literally stood on the porch and thought about enrolling them before. Your words are a good reminder that the grass isn't always greener....


As Zusjames said above, I too often ponder if it wouldn't be easier to just send the kids to the brand, new, shiny, top-rated with 5 stars elementary school conveniently located in our neighborhood. We're in the same place! But then one morning as we were driving by the elementary school playground and my kids had that "look" in their eye at all the kids playing on the playground equipment, I noticed a group of boys off to the side by the fence. There was one child being singled out and the rest circled around him. The ring leader was a kid I recognized from our street that I don't allow my boys to play with for behavior reasons. The 2 adults supervising just sat on the picnic table and did nothing. I saw more in that drive-by than the adults who should have been supervising. It was all in plain sight. I almost stopped the van, but didn't since it did not appear to be physical and I didn't want to meddle. (There's a big sign that says No Trespassing) I was appalled and haven't had second thoughts since then!


Each time I feel like I'm at my limit with my four kids, I find or am directed to a resource that helps. Online Latin with Memoria Press as been a life-saver with my 5th grade boy and we plan to enroll both kids next year. Hiring a tutor or a some extra child-care/preschool hours for the younger ones relieves a ton a stress.


Lisa in Providence Village, TX

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