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Conspiracy Theory - Denver Airport?

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Ok, so dh watched CT last night. It was about the Denver Airport. I didn't watch it but wanted to see if the artwork dh was describing was really as creepy as he said. Yikes-o!




I'm one of the last people on earth who would get caught up in speculation like this, but seriously how on earth did this artwork get up there? And why? Are they nuts? The one with the Nazi gas-mask guy! I don't get it.


Does anyone have a nice rational explanation for the artwork? (Nevermind the speculated underground city, tunnels, and train that some people think are underneath the airport.)


I think I'm going to go and make a foil hat.

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I'm not generally a big believer in conspiracy theories- I'm more the type to roll my eyes at the tinfoil hats, to be honest- but that is creepy. If it were just one strange mural, I'd shrug and say, "Yeah, art, some of it's weird." But that's a lot of weirdness. I'd actually like to see it in person sometime- I'm hoping it makes more sense if you can look at it all for yourself.

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The horse art is all over the country, not just Denver. The underground trains are just the transportation method used to take people between buildings. You walk into the main building, check in, go through security, and walk down the stairs to go the various concourses. Also, all the buildings housing equipment for the tram system are underground.

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The horse art is all over the country, not just Denver. The underground trains are just the transportation method used to take people between buildings. You walk into the main building, check in, go through security, and walk down the stairs to go the various concourses. Also, all the buildings housing equipment for the tram system are underground.


It was the crazy murals with the dead children, the coffins, and the scary Nazi guy killing the dove of peace that really freaked me out. I would have expected airports to have calming artwork. No one wants to think about a creepy gargoyle in their suitcase when they're getting onto an airplane.


Even if there isn't anything behind the array of scary art, it still seems rather inappropriate for a venue like an airport.


Weird. Weird. Weird.

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While I don't believe it's any sort of conspiracy, some of the art seems rather unusual for a public airport (and of questionable taste!). I couldn't find any information online as to how art is chosen for the airport, but did read that their art program falls under the auspices of the City of Denver's Public Art Program, so there must be a committee that choses it or something...? I love that they are supporting artists, but man they sure could pick some better pieces! Perhaps they're aiming for memorable and/or controversial pieces?


This reminds me of a documentary we just watched, Herb & Dorothy. The art in it was all minimalist and/or conceptualist art (which I don't get either!), but it prompted some great discussions in our house about the nature of art. I would highly recommend it!

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I live in Denver, and I was here when it was being built. The link you supplied was full of exaggeration and misinformation regarding the old airport and need for the new, and did not even mention the land speculation, so it's really hard to take seriously the other "facts".


That said, we call the horse Bluecifer. It really is horrible! And huge. The pictures do not do it justice. I have not seen the series of murals- I will have to look for those. But there is a LOT of other art at DIA that would not fit in with the evil "theme" the Vigilant Citizen is trying to push.


And I'm sorry, but if the "New World Order" wanted to make the runways look like a swastika I think they could have done a much better job. The arms are totally uneven, and one arm doesn't even stick out hardly at all. Maybe the runway designers wanted runways going in 4 directions so they had a lot of choices in windy conditions. Colorado is a windy place...

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That article was HILARIOUS!! It almost HAD to be a parody, so full of exaggeration was it. :001_huh:


It spoke of "gut feelings and vibes", scientific evidence if ever I read it! :lol:


I've flown through DIA. It is not as they make it out to be, but I do have a feeling that the author of that "article'' sleeps with the lights on. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, this is news to me!!! What can I say? Those creepy horses are 'art' in some parts of the Soutwest....I think one of the artists was even asked to do one for Lexington, KY - capital of horse country.


The horse art is all over the country, not just Denver.

Yeah, but do they have graphic views of the nether regions?


I can now not unsee that close up shot of under the horse's tail. :001_huh:


But the Lexington horses are much friendlier.
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That article was HILARIOUS!! It almost HAD to be a parody, so full of exaggeration was it. :001_huh:


It spoke of "gut feelings and vibes", scientific evidence if ever I read it! :lol:


I've flown through DIA. It is not as they make it out to be, but I do have a feeling that the author of that "article'' sleeps with the lights on. :tongue_smilie:



Maybe so, but I have to wonder who looks at a painting depicting fire and death (of children no less) and thinks "this would be awesome for an airport?!" Why not just paint planes falling out of the air into a shark tank or better yet - photography of sleeping air traffic controllers and pilots holding beers and snorting cocaine. Now that would make far more sense and would at least relate to air travel :tongue_smilie:.


Why would you make a plaque and sign it under a fake group? That is also really strange.


Alright, anyone here from Denver...take a field trip to the airport...call it art appreciation or an adventure in sci-fi, whatever, but take pictures and bring them back so we can see from a homeschooler's perspective (which everyone knows is far more trustworthy!). Side note, I could do without a close-up of the horse's tooshie, thank you :D. I'll be waiting...:gnorsi:

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I agree that the art is weird, just not about the conspiracy part. (And there is a certain segment of the population that thinks that anything having to do with the Masons is evil, conspiratorial, etc. NOT saying that any of the PP's or OP is in that group, just saying....)


You're right. I have a family member that is a Mason. I still don't know anything about them, but I have heard wild stories :001_huh:.

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I live in Denver, and I was here when it was being built. The link you supplied was full of exaggeration and misinformation regarding the old airport and need for the new, and did not even mention the land speculation, so it's really hard to take seriously the other "facts".


That said, we call the horse Bluecifer. It really is horrible! And huge. The pictures do not do it justice. I have not seen the series of murals- I will have to look for those. But there is a LOT of other art at DIA that would not fit in with the evil "theme" the Vigilant Citizen is trying to push.


And I'm sorry, but if the "New World Order" wanted to make the runways look like a swastika I think they could have done a much better job. The arms are totally uneven, and one arm doesn't even stick out hardly at all. Maybe the runway designers wanted runways going in 4 directions so they had a lot of choices in windy conditions. Colorado is a windy place...


Oh, yikes - sorry the link I posted was just because it had so much of the artwork on it. Not so much for the guy's interpetation.


My dh had watched Conspiracy Theory, which is where my curiosity about the paintings came from. I definitely wasn't thinking either the show, or the website were sharing "facts", although some of the points from the show that dh and I were talking about sure brought up questions. Normally, I'd dismiss any kind of crazy theory talk, but those pictures really got to me. And the fact that they're in a public airport seems so weird.


Maybe the Art Selection Guy was suffering from depression or SAD when he was picking out the paintings (and the horse statue!) for the airport.

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It was the crazy murals with the dead children, the coffins, and the scary Nazi guy killing the dove of peace that really freaked me out. I would have expected airports to have calming artwork. No one wants to think about a creepy gargoyle in their suitcase when they're getting onto an airplane.


Even if there isn't anything behind the array of scary art, it still seems rather inappropriate for a venue like an airport.


Weird. Weird. Weird.


I have never seen this artwork, and I fly a LOT (my home airport is DIA.)


I am flying in 2 weeks, I will search out the creepy artwork. I have never seen it, and I have been in all terminals.

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Westword, a Denver alt paper had an article about the conspiracy theories that includes an interview with the artist of the murals.


He explains that:

The first part of the environmental mural is about the ways that humans destroy nature and themselves through destruction and genocide. The second part is about humanity coming together to rehabilitate nature and revive their own compassion.


The article goes into greater depth. Probably not the most relaxing art for an airport, but eh. Colorado is filled with weird public art.



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So funny!


The horse I just thought had to do with the Denver BRONCOS, and the fact it has a "west meets the plains" vibe...but it is an eyesore. Mind you, you only see it as you drive by at 50mph approaching the terminal, so you aren't exactly studying it's posterior. :D


The artwork is odd, lots of strange public art in DEN but as I understand it developers have to use 1% of all land dev value for public art. But it's not jsut CO -- I understand Sacramento is getting a giant red rabbit jumping into a suitcase? I don't like the murals, but they aren't in conspicuous places -- the one is off the side on the wall of a wide hallway leading to baggage claim, the ceilings are low and the areas seem cavernous -- hardly a place people dawdle.


The swastika is just silly. DIA has SIX arms (runways), not 4, and is designed to expand to 12. THey are also of different lengths. It is considered a "pinwheel" design, the most efficient for such a big airport, esp one subjected to so much severe weather and with so much land to layout as it pleased. I heard a plane lands there every 90 seconds and they can land at all 6 runways independently. Since Denver is against the Rocky Mts and gets wicked winds and tornados/severe lightning, they definitely switch up the runways a lot which allows flights to land and take off right until a storm is on it.


I lived near there and when on walks if the flight paths suddenly changed, I looked around for incoming severe weather (saved me from getting caught in a summer thunderstorm more than once). They also have to switch up runway use to the South 2x a day to accommodate flights from the neighboring airbase, all without slowing down their landings and take offs.


Nice airport. Strange art. :)

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Another unsettling element in modern art is the common symptom of immaturity, the dread of doing what has been done before. --Edith Wharton



Abstract art is a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered. --Al Capp



I like the quotes, but this is also a really good one.


I am no fan of Sontag, and this quote brings to mind the theory of the blind squirrel and the acorn but...


"Much of modern art is devoted to lowering the threshold of what is terrible."- S Sontag

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I live in Denver, and I was here when it was being built. The link you supplied was full of exaggeration and misinformation regarding the old airport and need for the new, and did not even mention the land speculation, so it's really hard to take seriously the other "facts".


That said, we call the horse Bluecifer. It really is horrible! And huge. The pictures do not do it justice. I have not seen the series of murals- I will have to look for those. But there is a LOT of other art at DIA that would not fit in with the evil "theme" the Vigilant Citizen is trying to push.


And I'm sorry, but if the "New World Order" wanted to make the runways look like a swastika I think they could have done a much better job. The arms are totally uneven, and one arm doesn't even stick out hardly at all. Maybe the runway designers wanted runways going in 4 directions so they had a lot of choices in windy conditions. Colorado is a windy place...


I almost spit my breakfast beverage out when I read that!


So darn funny! :lol::lol::lol:

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I almost spit my breakfast beverage out when I read that!


So darn funny! :lol::lol::lol:


A radio show had people call in with nicknames once. Bluecifer was my favorite. Others I remember are: Satan's Stallion, Demon Mustang, Trigger High on Crack.


The sculpture already has cracks, so it won't last long.

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Well there is hope then, but I am sure the funds will be found to save this "national treasure"


HA! PUN! *


*trademark, my son. A couple years ago he was really struggling to understand the concept of a pun. Once he got it, it was like switching on a lightbulb and he'd shout HA! PUN! when he encountered one. Still shouts it. It's getting old...

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Detroit's airport has this tunnel that connects the main Delta terminal to the terminal for the commuter jets. It's dark in there with weird rainbow lights being shone on the walls...along with creepy chanting music.


The first time I had to walk through it I looked at my dh and he looked a little horrified. And I said, "Well...this is different."


I don't know why they couldn't have just made it a regular tunnel with Rod Stewart or some other Muzak playing in the background. ;)

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Detroit's airport has this tunnel that connects the main Delta terminal to the terminal for the commuter jets. It's dark in there with weird rainbow lights being shone on the walls...along with creepy chanting music.


The first time I had to walk through it I looked at my dh and he looked a little horrified. And I said, "Well...this is different."


I don't know why they couldn't have just made it a regular tunnel with Rod Stewart or some other Muzak playing in the background. ;)


I've been there! That is weird.


I wonder how Rod feels about being Muzak...

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Oh, yikes - sorry the link I posted was just because it had so much of the artwork on it. Not so much for the guy's interpetation.


Oops! I read the whole article, and went off on a tangent. Glad you weren't in it for the conspiracy theories!

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I like the quotes, but this is also a really good one.


I am no fan of Sontag, and this quote brings to mind the theory of the blind squirrel and the acorn but...


"Much of modern art is devoted to lowering the threshold of what is terrible."- S Sontag


Another unsettling element in modern art is the common symptom of immaturity, the dread of doing what has been done before. --Edith Wharton



Abstract art is a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered. --Al Capp

:lol: These totally sum up my feelings on modern art!!!


I've been to the Denver Airport but I totally did not see any of this. I'm very glad!!!

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