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I see so many of us from Texas :)

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We could get together at the Sethsa conference and hear Susan speak :D


Where is that? I've only been here 2 years, I sooooo do not know TX... LOL


I'm in CTX too. :)


:) Maybe we could have a Central Moms day out??

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Wish I could go to SETHSA, but the travel & hotel expenses are probably out of our financial reach right now.


I'm a bit west of Fort Worth, waving south! :seeya:


Couldn't it be a day trip?? Or maybe if we got enough moms from each area we could car pool in some mini-vans?

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Ooooo, your real close to me :D


I see we have sons about the same age, too! Ds1 (Alex) will be 13 in a couple of weeks, ds2 is almost 11.


(The last time I gave someone from this group who lived near me my real name I never heard from her again. :lol: I try not to take it personally but...yaknow...I wonder what she's heard?)

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I see we have sons about the same age, too! Ds1 (Alex) will be 13 in a couple of weeks, ds2 is almost 11.


(The last time I gave someone from this group who lived near me my real name I never heard from her again. :lol: I try not to take it personally but...yaknow...I wonder what she's heard?)


Oh no... I'd be a little paranoid too... LOL Are you on any lists/groups??


Round Rock. :D


Oooo, another :)

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Austin is our nearest 'big city'-- so I'm there a few times each month.


My closest town is Wimberley--- lots of cool shops on our village square!


I'm still homeschooling for a few more months-- middle dd is headed to A&M Corpus!!! I will still be teaching homeschoolers next year though--so that should count for something, right?


Sign me up for some adult time!

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Austin is our nearest 'big city'-- so I'm there a few times each month.


My closest town is Wimberley--- lots of cool shops on our village square!


I'm still homeschooling for a few more months-- middle dd is headed to A&M Corpus!!! I will still be teaching homeschoolers next year though--so that should count for something, right?


Sign me up for some adult time!


I am trying to figure out where you are... Bastrop??

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I'm in Round Rock and work in Cedar Park - I'd love to meet y'all. Houston's just a hop, skip and jump. No problem!


My dd used to live and work in the Round Rock/Cedar Park area. She got married on Lake Travis and then they moved to GA. Our entire family/extended family has pretty deep roots in TX. My family is from TX as is my SIL's family. My brothers and extended family still live in TX as does a great deal of my hubby's family.

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I am sooooo lost... LOL

Apparently. :lol:


Do we need to have a geography lesson, Missy??


To get to Bastrop: Go south on I-35 (that's toward San Antonio, in case you weren't sure. :lol:) Go east on 183, as if you're going to the airport. That's the direction you'd go to Bastrop.


To get to Wimberly: Go south on I-35. Take 290 West (sadly, also known as 71 and Ben White :banghead: ) toward Johnson City. That's the direction you'd go to Wimberly (obviously I'm leaving out lots of turns and whatnots. I'm just trying to give you some directionality, lol).

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Ok, I started a Central Texas social group. Y'all go join.


Joined :) I joined Talk of Texas when I first joined but it seems no one every posts there :confused:


I'd sure go to Austin for a get together!


Go join the group, I am sure we'll be discussing details there :)

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There's also an Austin Well Trained Mind Yahoo group that has events sometimes. I haven't been to any but am on the Yahoo group for info. I'm in Cedar Park.:)


I tried to join that group. Posted my intro, they never approved it or sent it through or whatever. Yet, I saw posts after mine show up :glare: I also noticed it wasn't very active, which I found pretty surprising considering the amount of TX WTM'ers we have here.

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I am considering driving from Ft Worth to Houston to see SWB at SETHSA. Luckily my inlaws live about an hour away in Huntsville so I have childcare already just trying to determine if we want to stay at the hotel or try to battle the Houston traffic each morning and evening. Is there anyone else from up here driving down?

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AusinWTM isn't a very active email loop. They do have weekly parkdays on Mondays, but I only made it to one. They met too far south for me.


I've enjoyed the Learning without Limits parkdays on Fridays. I've been in that group since we moved here over 7 years ago. I don't know if we're having a parkday this Friday since it's spring break and all the schools are out. We're taking this week off as well. All classes/lessons the kids have this week are canceled (including my oldest dd's ACC classes).

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Hi, Angie!! I am on LWOL with you. Unfortunately, a lot of those park days are way far away from me too. I am out near Taylor. But we have been down to one car since January, and even if we had some near me, I couldn't make it. And with gas prices going up, and up, and... the ones out in Cedar Park, etc... are going to be next to impossible for me to get to even when I do get my car back this summer :(

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I'm in west Houston (just on the other side of the beltway). The convention weekend is the weekend after dd's 13th birthday (!!!!), and we usually spend that weekend in Round Rock with family and friends, but we were going to postpone the trip a week to coincide with our wedding anniversary. I've never been to a convention, though. Aren't they usually held at Reliant? Or is that a different one? This one is closer to where I live.

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Hi, Angie!! I am on LWOL with you. Unfortunately, a lot of those park days are way far away from me too. I am out near Taylor. But we have been down to one car since January, and even if we had some near me, I couldn't make it. And with gas prices going up, and up, and... the ones out in Cedar Park, etc... are going to be next to impossible for me to get to even when I do get my car back this summer :(

I"m on LWOL, too. :)

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I"m on LWOL, too. :)


I'm on LWOL, as well!


A group of us from LWOL did a SOTW co-op a few years back that was great! We met in our neighborhood rec-center. I think a few from that original group still meet, but we had to stop because of time constraints.

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My dd used to live and work in the Round Rock/Cedar Park area. She got married on Lake Travis and then they moved to GA. Our entire family/extended family has pretty deep roots in TX. My family is from TX as is my SIL's family. My brothers and extended family still live in TX as does a great deal of my hubby's family.


Do you make it back to TX very often?


I love TN, too. I spent a good deal of time in Nashville when I worked for AMR Eagle. :)

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