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Anyone want to join me on a Homeschool Room Spring Cleaning week?

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Ohh this sounds great ... only I don't have a "school room" ... Trying to figure out how to turn a wall (well its the half wall under the bar between the kitchen and living room really) into a school area for my little two who are begging to dig back into school.


I have boxes of school stuff strewn all over the living room and the bedroom that was the playroom... soon to be my eldest son's bedroom... been ordering for the next year, and sorting all I have .. and deciding what I need to sell!


Since my youngest is now schooling as well I need to take a serious look at everything I have and decide how to pare down.


I can post pictures as I go ... might help me keep going and get some order!


Hope others join in ... this might be fun!



Ok... this is the space I am planning to use ...

and this is the room I need to redo ... complete with child who will be taking it over ;)




Edited by rdolphingirl
adding pictures---if it works
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YAY! I will post pictures in my OP when I return home (off to a birthday party). It ain't pretty, but it's around this time of year that my school room starts to fall apart. I have some new supplies arriving in a week or so, and I need to make room for them.

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I am in! Do I have to finish in one week though?


We are actually considering putting a bed in there and repainting. Our Homeschool Room is the Master Bedroom with a table and lots of shelves. We moved our actual bedroom upstairs when we had kids... so our room would be closer to theirs.


Anyway... right now it is school and toys and after it will be school and guest bedroom. :)

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Hmm ... OP?


I have most of what I need already (hence the boxes!) but it needs arranged in a usable way.


I've got shelfs in the garage that need cleaned off and hauled in, tons of books that need sorted, and little motivation lately so maybe sharing pics will help :D



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I am in! Do I have to finish in one week though?


We are actually considering putting a bed in there and repainting. Our Homeschool Room is the Master Bedroom with a table and lots of shelves. We moved our actual bedroom upstairs when we had kids... so our room would be closer to theirs.


Anyway... right now it is school and toys and after it will be school and guest bedroom. :)



No, you don't have to finish in one week! But let's say you have to make significant progress towards your end goal--how's that? Take some before pics!

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I need to do a complete makeover of the school room. Here is what should happen:


1. School room is rearranged to make room for my office

2. My office is transferred to the school room

3. My former office is painted pink

4. Oatmeal moves into my office as her new bedroom

5. Oatmeal's old bedroom has wallpaper removed and walls painted white or blue

6. Fruit Puffs moves into Oatmeal's old room



Just reading this list, I'm already exhausted--but maybe I'll join in the challenge just to get my booty in gear. Off to take intentionally dark and hard-to-see pics now.

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Ok ... thought I would make a list too ... :cheers2:


1. Clean out area in living room

2. pack up and store school supplies not needed right now

3. sort out and list FS items I no longer wanna keep

4. clean out front bedroom

5. move DS 12 into front bedroom

6. set toys up in back bedroom with little two



This will likely take me well over a week to get done! :ack2:

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I need to do a complete makeover of the school room. Here is what should happen:


1. School room is rearranged to make room for my office

2. My office is transferred to the school room

3. My former office is painted pink

4. Oatmeal moves into my office as her new bedroom

5. Oatmeal's old bedroom has wallpaper removed and walls painted white or blue

6. Fruit Puffs moves into Oatmeal's old room



Just reading this list, I'm already exhausted--but maybe I'll join in the challenge just to get my booty in gear. Off to take intentionally dark and hard-to-see pics now.

We are doing something similar. My room has a queen sized and twin sized bed, but me and the kids are sleeping in the Queen. I am moving the Queen sized bed into the school room, repainting it so it isnt' so dark, moving all of their toys out of there and into their own rooms and sleeping with my husband again!!


So Yay! Let's get this done together.


I took my before pics but need to figure out how to load them on here from my camera.

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YES YES YES! I so need the motivation. Our schoolroom/playroom is downstairs, with a cement slab under it, so we've been working upstairs during the coldest months. In the meantime, I haven't been going into the room at all, but there was a period of two weeks or so where they were left to their own devices a great deal (which included hanging out down there) while I was swamped with freelance work. That room now looks like a tornado went through it :banghead:


Here's what needs to be done:


1) General cleanup/vacuuming

2) Removal of workbox stacks that no one is actually using *sigh*

3) Clearing of all horizontal surfaces

3) Culling of miscellaneous books and materials and listing for sale (or storage in attic for future years)

4) Removal and sale of seldom-used play tent

5) Decluttering and culling of toy shelves

6) Purchase and installation of my giant whiteboard! This will probably be last as my reward for actually getting the room cleared :party:


I'll get the pics up later (in spite of my terrible embarrassment!).

Edited by melissel
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OK, I moved some stuff around, then came back and nosed into people's business here for a bit, then moved the couch (whose slipcover, it turns out, does not cover the back! gasp!), then swept underneath the couch, including rolling my eyes and imagining a firm speech to the napping Oatmeal after I discovered the long-lost DVD case beneath the couch.


Here's so far--except Fruit Puffs is awake, and dh asleep, so who knows how much more I'll get done. I've done just enough to make the room totally annoying so far.





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OK I actually just started tearing about my rooms today!! How ironic to take a break and see this thread. I cannot post pics because well it is torn apart literally. Everything is in the process of going threw it so I am too scared at this point to post pics not too mention I am not getting some of the furniture for the next 2 weeks so I am gonna just keep up with this thread and congratulate you guys as you go!

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The weather here is perfect spring cleaning weather: cool enough to open the windows during the day, cold at night to sleep well.


The largest bedroom in the house belongs to the one homeschooled kid, and half is bedroom, half is his "office/study suite". Older son home from college is going to paint the room, and help his brother get organized....four tall shelving units, one deep shelving unit, two tables, computer table, TV with VHS and DVD, and I'm hoping kid's older brother will be able to get him to agree to a convenient arrangement.


I'm too embarrassed to show before pictures, unless I can figure a way to angle the camera away from the floor, which is full of stuff.


Good cleaning, ladies!


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Update 6:24pm EDST: Moved three bookshelves and all their books into the school room. Getting rid of a small pile of books I never cared for anyway. My office looks WEIRD.


Make that my former office. Biggest question is how to move the DSL? Hmm.


Now a break to put little Fruit Puffs to bed.


How's everybody else doing?

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Hmm ... well ... little two took naps, and I got some quiet rest time in!


(last night DS-12 was up til after midnight cause of an earache)


Talked to him^ about how to arrange the front room with his stuff ...


Moved a couple things from "the wall" ...


Being pretty laid back today though .. because its Sunday, and because of feeling drained from last night ...


Feels good to have a list, and know you all will be waiting for pics though! :D

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Aw man! Your pics look like my room on a GOOD day! I'm not sure I'll be able to get those "before" pics posted after all... :ohmy:



Oh PLEASE! Did you see that closet? ACK! It's usually closed, of course, but that's no excuse. I need to clear some serious space--I hate clutter! I have an virtually empty closet in the hallway so I have no excuse.


Here's what I need to do:

1. get 1-2 sterilite crates/totes thingies from Dollar Store

2. Move scrapbooking stuff into crates, including completed albums

3. Go through bins of math/science stuff and clear out, organize and make a list of what's in each bin, so we actually USE it and put it back when we're done.

4. empty out closet of anything that I don't need at least on a monthly basis, and put in large empty closet in hallway.

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Sounds great. Ours is in the basement and is still filled with boxes. It could really use that last push.



Show us some pics! I can't get started til tomorrow at the earliest. DH is going away on a business trip for 10 days, so I will have lots of alone time (well, okay, I'll have the kids LOL) to work on this without worrying about leaving "not-done-yet" messes in the room.

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I have so much to do here as well! We're going to be moving our school room to where our dining room is (formerly used as a playroom). It's one of the brightest rooms in the house, and it brings me joy being in it, so we're turning it into a school room. Right now it is empty as dh painted the walls last week. Our school room is atrocious! There is stuff everywhere! Curriculum is piled on the floor, there are boxes that need to be torn through, my supplies are a mess... We've pretty much let it go.


I was going to wait until summer to move things around, but this thread is giving me the motivation I need. I'll put up before & after photos once I've completed everything. I'll start tomorrow since I was out working in the yard all day today, and I'm tired now.

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Funny, I started out thinking there wasn't much to do..


1. organize and label craft boxes

2. organize science cabinet

3. organize books, separate fairy tales (doing a year of fairy tales next year, and I need to see what I have), take out books we don't need anymore, figure out which books can be moved over to our library (running out of space)

4. organize red cabinet, it looks ok but I'm not sure what's in there

5. re-do science shelf

6. clean out blue cardboard paper divider

7. clean out drawers in computer area

8. clean scary fairy basket :D

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Update 9:26pm: My office is officially in the school room! Freaky. My former office is a disaster, and I love The Hive too much to force photos of it upon you just yet.


Please see attached for the school room update photos, however. One is before, and the other is now, midway.

Woo hoo! Good job!


Woo Hoo!! Here's my first before and after. This is our basket for making fairies and other felt projects. It was full of tangled embroidery thread, curly roving, run away needles, and scraps from everything...

Yay! You got the motivation to start and finish a step. That's the hardest part.

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Okay, I took a before picture of the school/play room including the messy floors. AAAAAAHHHH RUN!


I also took a picture of the bedroom the kids and I sleep in after I cleaned the floors, moved the bookshelf and TA DAH! Cleaned out the closet in preparation of moving the toys in there. All of the things stored in the closet are now neatly in the attic. ( I still have my nursing clothes in there because I need to take pictures and post them on ebay or something.)


Do you see my precious babies? They are still sleepy because of daylight savings time. AAWWWW.











Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Okay, I took a before picture of the school/play room including the messy floors. AAAAAAHHHH RUN!


I also took a picture of the bedroom the kids and I sleep in after I cleaned the floors, moved the bookshelf and TA DAH! Cleaned out the closet in preparation of moving the toys in there. All of the things stored in the closet are now neatly in the attic. ( I still have my nursing clothes in there because I need to take pictures and post them on ebay or something.)


Do you see my precious babies? They are still sleepy because of daylight savings time. AAWWWW.



yOUR room is going to look SO good when it's done! And congrats on getting the bedroom done!

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We are starting back today.


I got the old schoolroom (sunroom) moved half way to the new schoolroom (formerly known as the dining room) but we stopped because:


I can't figure out exactly how I want it arranged! :lol:


I think I am just going to DO IT and if I don't like it, I can re-arrange later. It is driving me nuts the way it is.



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OH, can I join? :D


My school room is actually all tidied and organized but as stuff for next year comes rolling in, I'm realizing that I'm either going to need to buy one more bookshelf for the room or start boxing up my MA-Modern Times books. I'm not loving the idea of a bunch of my books in Rubbermaid bins but it is what it is, I guess. Either way, I have a RR order to go through and put away this week and several bins of new books that are waiting to go on shelves. FUN!

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OK, so I fell asleep on the couch with DH last night *sigh* The kids are eating lunch, then DD8 is going in for a shower and then they are allowed to watch something on Netflix. During that time, I will be cleaning. I'm going to take pictures right now. RIGHT NOW, I SAY! :gnorsi:


ETA: Pictures are taken, attempting to upload...


ETA again: And there they are. How embarrassing! Thankfully, I managed to clear that little green art table last week. It's in a pass-through area and had become the drop-off spot for a ton of junk! That's where DD5 can go to town with whatever messy project she wants while I teach DD8 across the room. I :001_wub: Freecycle!






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Okay, I took a before picture of the school/play room including the messy floors. AAAAAAHHHH RUN!


I also took a picture of the bedroom the kids and I sleep in after I cleaned the floors, moved the bookshelf and TA DAH! Cleaned out the closet in preparation of moving the toys in there. All of the things stored in the closet are now neatly in the attic. ( I still have my nursing clothes in there because I need to take pictures and post them on ebay or something.)


Do you see my precious babies? They are still sleepy because of daylight savings time. AAWWWW.


I saw your school room I had no idea my children were at your house I am so sorry Please send them home OK so they don't wake up yours who look so peacful. I am just sure it is only my kids who could make a mess like that lol.

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