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Update---conspiracy theory 'friend'!...

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Proof that sending a husband to the grocery store alone can be dangerous: He invited our Conspiracy Theorizing 'friend' and her husband over for a glass of wine last night after seeing them in the store!!!! I had been on the couch all day with a headache, and had just gotten out of the shower thankfully when he got home and said "Oh, and they are coming over in a few minutes." What?!


So I had to endure listening about the importance of packing a week's worth of survival gear to carry around everywhere with me, had to endure having her tell me our house isn't going to sell at all and we are much safer staying here than moving to CA, especially if a big earthquake hits----and about how we should buy the big gallon jugs of wine in the glass so that we can fill them full of their 'wonderful' well water to store in our basement for when the power goes out............:glare: Oh----and my favorite part her telling me how Lent and getting ashes on my forehead for Ash Wednesday is really a pagan holiday and that the ashes were traditionally sacrificed baby ashes----and that no Christians should 'celebrate' Lent or Easter!!!


I told my husband I NEVER want to be around her again. I was feeling sick already----and had to listen to her and feel sicker....:glare:

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Being the wanna be prepper that they are, I agree with her on the need for being prepared, but to go into someone's house and lecture them is idiotic.


And lecturing you about the celebration of the Resurrection? Give me a break. I'm so sorry that it came to that. Hopefully, your husband can respect your wishes in this part and just see them outside of the home without you :)


But wait..they're drinking wine? hippocrites :lol:

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:lol: Thanks! Curious to find out exactly where some of her crackpot theories are coming from I found a list of Glen Beck's top 10 Conspiracy theories---ALL of which she not only believes but talks about. And then I researched this guy Ken Klein that she quoted on her FB---WHOA!! Danger zone! The guy is not only a total false prophet, cult type, but I guess he is featured on her radio station of choice---Coast to Coast AM. I'm pretty sure she buys into this Ken Klein guy hook, line and sinker because of some of the things she said last night.


Oh man---yep dh owes me BIG time for last night :tongue_smilie: And he owes even bigger because he made tentative plans for St. Patrick's dinner at their house!!?? I hate to say I am going to enjoy watching him get out of the plans.....but I am :lol:

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You had me turned off at Glen Beck!




:lol: Thanks! Curious to find out exactly where some of her crackpot theories are coming from I found a list of Glen Beck's top 10 Conspiracy theories---ALL of which she not only believes but talks about. And then I researched this guy Ken Klein that she quoted on her FB---WHOA!! Danger zone! The guy is not only a total false prophet, cult type, but I guess he is featured on her radio station of choice---Coast to Coast AM. I'm pretty sure she buys into this Ken Klein guy hook, line and sinker because of some of the things she said last night.


Oh man---yep dh owes me BIG time for last night :tongue_smilie: And he owes even bigger because he made tentative plans for St. Patrick's dinner at their house!!?? I hate to say I am going to enjoy watching him get out of the plans.....but I am :lol:

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Ya know, If my dh did that to me, and I had to listen to her.... I think think I would look her in the face, and say "I think you and your conspiracy theories are a lot of hooey. I don't like you. I don't want to be around you, and please don't ever cross my doorstep again. Have a nice day/evening/night." And then I would wave as I retired to my room/backyard... wherever that somewhere else would be.

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Ya know, If my dh did that to me, and I had to listen to her.... I think think I would look her in the face, and say "I think you and your conspiracy theories are a lot of hooey. I don't like you. I don't want to be around you, and please don't ever cross my doorstep again. Have a nice day/evening/night." And then I would wave as I retired to my room/backyard... wherever that somewhere else would be.


You know----I have done this again and again....the next morning...to my husband. :tongue_smilie: I WISH I could have the courage to say this to people, because I am just such a chicken at hurting anyone's feelings and so therefore I bring this stuff onto myself, I know. :glare:

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:iagree:I'm sorry, but people like that bring out the iconoclast in me. "Yes, I know, we have baby ashes imported for the occasion. Well-fed baby ashes stick longer." Etc.




I can't believe she said that to you. I know I would have been too shocked to reply, but I may, at that point asked her to leave.


What an awful person!

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You had me turned off at Glen Beck!






But I wish I had been a fly on the wall at this dinner. It might have been fun to watch everyone's faces. :D


Glen Beck has convinced my elderly parents that they are going to be alright when the poop hits the fan. They have 4 acres of land in southern Michigan in the secondary dunes of Lake Michigan. Forest. Virgin forest. In sand, primarily with a thin layer of topsoil from the trees.


My parents have a plan to cut down the trees if things go bad and farm it themselves. Apparently, they have special trees with no roots or stumps and rows will suddenly appear for them to lay the seeds (the ones they don't have or know where to get). They have a leaf blower, a chipper vac, and a snowblower. And the worst dog on the planet. I hope they eat him quickly! :D


My father is 76 years old. He's had both hips, both knees, and both shoulders replaced due to arthritis.


And that's their emergency plan. They are going to become farmers. Because they have enough land to feed themselves. :glare:

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Glen Beck has convinced my elderly parents that they are going to be alright when the poop hits the fan. ....

My parents have a plan to cut down the trees if things go bad and farm it themselves. Apparently, they have special trees with no roots or stumps and rows will suddenly appear for them to lay the seeds (the ones they don't have or know where to get). ....


My father is 76 years old. He's had both hips, both knees, and both shoulders replaced due to arthritis.


And that's their emergency plan. They are going to become farmers. Because they have enough land to feed themselves. :glare:

It's not Glenn Beck that has convinced them. I'd say they've convinced themselves with the reasoning that 76 year olds have (speaking from experience with my grandparents). I've watched Glenn Beck, and no, he would not think their plan would work.

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It's not Glenn Beck that has convinced them. I'd say they've convinced themselves with the reasoning that 76 year olds have (speaking from experience with my grandparents). I've watched Glenn Beck, and no, he would not think their plan would work.


Oh, they drink the Fox "News" Koolaid 24 hours a day now. They've helped convince my parents of a whole of of whackiness. :D

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Can we cut the political bashing?


We prep some and have some prepper friends that are way more conspiracy theorist than we are- I am just a prepper as it seems prudent. They have never said anything like that to me. I did have dinner guest last week that I told dh never to invite back and they were nowhere near that bad, guess I was lucky!

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Ugh.... I'm the one who is likely to invite people over on the spur of the moment, without asking dh... Normally, it's the neighbors. I'll be outside, see them, start talking, and say "how about coming in for a drink?"... or they'll ask us over... but dh doesn't mind, and I know if he has a headache, and wouldn't do it then....

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Oh, they drink the Fox "News" Koolaid 24 hours a day now. They've helped convince my parents of a whole of of whackiness. :D



Glenn Beck is not Fox News. He's one show and of course the most controversial. But I digress. . .


I would have been annoyed at the last minute company, and I think it was not good form for her to go on as she did (especially about Lent).


But we are a tolerant bunch, Right? Why call people whackos and insult them for their Beliefs? I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but I have made provisions for difficult times that very likely could lie ahead. Just saying we are a diverse group and I'm not sure I would mock people because they believe certain things. Likewise, I don't think one should invite criticism by trying to convince others of their theories (as OP's company did)



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