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Roll call for the Northeast Convention (in Philly)

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Are all these convention threads just killing you like they're killing me?! I finally registered yesterday and am about to book my hotel. I cannot wait to see an agenda and start making some plans!!!


Who else is planning to be in Philly in June?

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I am so tempted just to book a ticket and go. I have a free ticket on Southwest. Is it possible to find a decent hotel that isn't too expensive? Also, could I get away not renting a car and just using public transportation?


It would depend on where you are staying. You could ask each hotel that you are inquiring at.

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I just registered a couple of days ago. I'm excited already. I want to hear SWB again (heard her at the Williamsburg conference a couple of years ago) and am really looking forward to hearing Andrew Kern. I like all the Circe stuff I read and I'm hoping to finally get a clear look at Lost Tools of Writing (I think I want it and then it scares me!). I don't know yet if I'll be with dh or alone.



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I am so tempted just to book a ticket and go. I have a free ticket on Southwest. Is it possible to find a decent hotel that isn't too expensive? Also, could I get away not renting a car and just using public transportation?


Most of the hotels are $100+ The hotel next to the convention center has a good rate, $129 plus tax. There are also a few hotels within walking distance. Maybe you could room with someone from here.

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I think I'm going to go for it. Dh probably will not come with. I'd love to find a roommate to share the costs. I'm looking into travel options now. Train, plane or drive?


We should do a meet-up, of course!


This is my first, so I am excitied. Still need to work out Dh's work travel and my mom's availibility with the kids.


Are most of you coming without children?


ETA: Just read the statement of belief. That's a little much for me. Now I need to think a little more.

Edited by yellowperch
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yellowperch, please come! I've decided to ignore their statement of belief and take advantage of seeing authors and perusing books I normally wouldn't be able to access.


I have to talk seriously with dh to see if he'll be able to attend with me. If not, I might be looking for a roommate, too. Kids would NOT be coming regardless lol. Dd11 would want to purchase every book she sees...

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I'm coming too, and I'm also looking for a roommate. Anyone willing to do a bit of French immersion, this is your chance. I'm leaving early on Sat. morning though.


Why is the convention is Thursday-Saturday and does not include Sunday?


Families want to be home to worship, maybe? Or rest before the crazy week starts again?


Yellowperch, the statement grates on me too, but I finally decided that frankly, they can feel however they want about whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect me while I'm there. I'm fine with feeling differently and still utilizing the resources they provide. I don't question the beliefs of every small business owner I patronize. For all I know, most of them think I'm d***ed :lol: It really doesn't matter to me in the end. I"ll admit that it took me awhile to get to that place though! I definitely think you should still come.

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I am!


Not sure if dh will be able to join me. It will either be a couples time or just me time. Either way, I can't wait :D


It will definitely be just me this time. I'd LOVE for DH to come, but he'll be the one home with the kids.


I am so tempted just to book a ticket and go. I have a free ticket on Southwest. Is it possible to find a decent hotel that isn't too expensive? Also, could I get away not renting a car and just using public transportation?


I found a nearby Marriott for $98 a night (AAA rate). Not sure if that's low enough for you? There were slightly cheaper rates but they were non-refundable, and I just don't trust that. Plus I can use some points I've accumulated.


As for the transit, I decided that I didn't want to take chances at night in the dark in a strange area, so I'll be driving. But I bet you could hitch rides from one of us if you needed to, and in one of the reviews I read something about a cab being about $15. I agree, call the hotels you're looking at and ask them. Also, check Expedia for rates--I wasn't able to get any lower than the $129 conference rate at the Radisson, but I was able to get down to $119 or $109 at the Scanticon (right next door--easy walking distance) depending on when you wanted to check in. IMO, the extra $20 a night is worth not having to deal with a cab or bus or car rental.


I'm thinking about it. But not 100% decided yet. Once the agenda is published, I'll make a decision.


I was waiting and waiting and waiting. I finally decided to catch the early bird rate based on the schedules at the other conferences. Would those help you decide?


II like all the Circe stuff I read and I'm hoping to finally get a clear look at Lost Tools of Writing (I think I want it and then it scares me!).




Dh registered us! It was a surprise for me since it is our anniversary weekend. I am so excited to hear SWB again and all the other great speakers!


How sweet of him! My DH would never, LOL! However, it is the week before my birthday, so this is my gift from myself, and him, and my mom :D


My 12yo and I are hoping to go!






I was hoping that DH and I could go together, but I don't think that is going to happen. But I think we'll all go to Philly, and he will just be hanging with the kids while I enjoy the convention. We're hoping to make a mini vacation out of it.


I was thinking about that too, but I kind of really want the mini-vacation. I plan to do some scheduling/lesson planning too.


Does anybody ever do a WTM Meet, like a DIS board meet on a cruise?


We totally should!


Lord willing I will be there. Registered last night.


Another long-time local WTMer I've never met (I think? Have we ever met, Karen?).


Are most of you coming without children?


Nope, not this time.


I'm planning on it. I will drive because I'm pretty close. :001_smile:


That will be nice for you! I was planning to drive too, but I'd be looking at least 1.5 hours each way in rush hour traffic down some of the busiest highways in NJ and PA, and with gas prices as high as they are, it just seemed better to stay if I could. It would be nice to go home at night though!

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Okay, I'm back in.


I have some questions so I can think about the best way to travel. I didn't find a schedule on the website. Does anyone have an idea about what time of day this is likely to start and end, and whether the opening events are great or not? (for example, I'd miss a fluffy general talk if that also meant missing a 6 am flight or train, but if SWB is speaking at 9 on Thursday, I'll make sure I'm there)


I just found it. The games begin at 2 Thursday. That should make for an easy travel morning.


And I'm serious about bunking with someone(s). I don't snore and I pick my socks up. Plus, I always carry snacks, a deck of cards and a few good books. An I'm not bringing any kids. Not even one. (ETA: I love my kids! all of them! but I really want to concentrate and when I'm with them I end up concentrating on them, of course.)



I will probably take the train, but I might drive. Would anyone from NE want to carpool? That would take some planning but it's a thought

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Are all these convention threads just killing you like they're killing me?! I finally registered yesterday and am about to book my hotel. I cannot wait to see an agenda and start making some plans!!!


Who else is planning to be in Philly in June?


Dh and I will be there...God willing.



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I'll be there!! I registered last week and made reservations at the Radisson about 2 months ago! :D


I am bringing my SIL, this will be her first year homeschooling.


I'm excited :)


ETA: No, I'm not bringing kids. And the Radisson is actually connected to the convention site... so you wouldn't need transportation if you stayed there. Their discount is for only $129 a night! That's a good price in this area/corridor.

Edited by Gao Meixue
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I'm bringing the whole family! We went to Cincinatti last year but since we are in PA I figured thaat Philly would be nice! It was nice to leave the oldest with the childrens conference but my husband, mother and possibly mother in law are coming as well so I think I'll have it covered! We are gonna make it our vacation. Come early in the week and do fun stuff then have the convention at the end of the week!

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Another long-time local WTMer I've never met (I think? Have we ever met, Karen?).



I don't think so. You weren't at SWB's The Art of the Public Grovel Princeton event were you? I met RegularMom there. There are quite a few long-time WTM posters that will be attending.

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I don't think so. You weren't at SWB's The Art of the Public Grovel Princeton event were you? I met RegularMom there. There are quite a few long-time WTM posters that will be attending.


No, I was supposed to be but had car trouble at the last minute and didn't want to chance the drive. I'm so looking forward to meeting everyone!

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I'm a secular homeschooler, and yes, that statement was a bit much for me, too. But I don't like to let things like that keep me away from what will be some interesting speakers. I'm still going to try to go. RegularDad is interested in coming too, so we'll be hanging out together. Being all, like, secular, and stuff. :)


There's nothing that says I need to sign the statement, is there? As long as I don't have to sign it, I'm fine with it.

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Being all, like, secular, and stuff. :)


There's nothing that says I need to sign the statement, is there? As long as I don't have to sign it, I'm fine with it.


Ooo I'm sceared ;)


There is nothing that needs to be signed. How conservative can they be? They're letting SWB speak. :lol:


ETA: just remembered, they do however sprinkle everyone with holy water and say, " The power of Christ compels you," as you walk in. It's painless, usually. :D

Edited by Karenciavo
Because I crack myself up.
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