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NEW!! American Idol Thread

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That WAS weird, dawg. It was like he was scolding America. I tell you, I can't stand that guy.


I think one of two right people went home, though I hated to see it. I wish the last 7 or so could have been declared winners and leave it at that. Gone are the days when I yell at the TV the name of the one I want to see booted off the island. Even Syesha has won me over with her new Broadway style. Now it doesn't matter who leaves each week, it's always sad to see them go.


I think Jason needs to go next week. And then he can move to Tennessee and I will scrape up an impressive dowry and entice him to marry one of my daughters because he. is. just. so. darn. adorable!! And who doesn't want a son-in-law with dreadlocks? Our family Christmas snapshots would be so cool and distinctive if we had an family member with dreads.

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Ryan never said Brooke and Syesha were the bottom two? Just that each contestant was "safe." I'm wondering perhaps if Jason was in the bottom with Brooke, but the show didn't want to go there after Paula's debacle the night before?:001_huh:


Waaaahhh. I had company this week and missed both shows. I watched the performances online, but they don't include the judges comments and almost nothing of Ryan's comments so I'm soooo out of the loop


What was "Paula's debacle" and what did Ryan say? And what was up with his HAIR???

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I don't know about Ryan's hair!


But on Tuesday, the contestants each sang two songs. The judges weren't supposed to critique them until AFTER their second song; however, Ryan pulled them all out on the stage after the first round of songs and asked for the judges' quick thoughts. Randy gave his, and then Paula started in (trainwreck in progress:D) She went on and commented on both of Jason Castro's songs (which she didn't like and implied he wasn't giving it his all), but he hadn't sung the second one yet!!:001_huh: When someone finally stopped her, she tried to backpedal and say the comments were for David Cook, but that didn't fit. Maybe she was critiquing dress rehearsal? I think you can see the clip here:



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we are a week behind in AI here. So last night was the Andrew Lloyd Webber night (who I love!) and I have to say, David Cook was amazing.


I have seen all the stuff about Paula messing up on the judging this week in the US. I guess, I don't know what to think. I just remember her so much as a talented dancer and I thought her music was fun in college. It makes me kind of sad for her.


And one more thing, my family and I have decided that Simon has gotten a little bit nicer in his answers. He still tells it like it is, but, more often than not, it's done a little bit nicer than before. Kind of freaks me out.:glare:

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I think it started with Ryan's comments re: Paula. Simon was acting like the protective big bro. Then the whole q&a with Simon's first girlfriend...I thought that really softened him. And then when Brooke was singing at the end, he looked genuinely sad for her. He rarely shows emotion during the farewell song. I wonder what got into him last night?

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Does everyone agree that it is time for Jason to go home?


I love him, dawg, but that performance last night was cruel. I am still hurtin' from listening to that.


:iagree: Jason's gonna go home. David Archuleta should win, to make the cheeesy American Idol CD.

Then David Cook can do his own CD, I'll buy that. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, please, please, please America. Let Jason have his wish and go home!!!!! The other 3 were great, I thought!!


I thought that Sigh-e-sha was bad, but then again, I really don't llike her.;)


I agree, I think Jason wants to go home. I have to say though, as a Bob Dylan fan, that I thought Tambourine Man was good, expect for the line flub, which Brooke did a lot.

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I thought that Sigh-e-sha was bad, but then again, I really don't llike her.;)


I agree, I think Jason wants to go home. I have to say though, as a Bob Dylan fan, that I thought Tambourine Man was good, expect for the line flub, which Brooke did a lot.



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Jason just had me *cringing*. Oh, my!


I wasn't a Syesha fan at all, until Andrew Lloyd Weber night. She was fabulous then, and has been great every week since. She has really grown on me. Jason, on the other hand, was utterly dreadful that night and every night since then. It's like she finally figured out how to present herself, and she's working like crazy -- he's barely showing up! Surely having pretty eyes isn't a reason to be in the top four?!?


I really don't get the David Archuleta appeal. He seems like a sweet kid. I like him for that alone, lol, but I can't imagine ever buying an album. But then, I guess I'm not in the target demographic. ;)


David Cook has grown on me steadily from the beginning. I've consistently enjoyed his performances and could imagine buying an album. He's no Chris Daughtry, but I like him.

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:iagree: Jason's gonna go home. David Archuleta should win, to make the cheeesy American Idol CD.

Then David Cook can do his own CD, I'll buy that. :tongue_smilie:

:iagree: although I kinda would like david Cook to win it....I know he will have a record deal even if he doesn't.


jason was terrible with a capital T! I like him too, but he has just been bad for weeks now!

I really liked the other 3 so i do hope Syesha stays this week....her last 2 or 3 weeks she has risen to the challenge and been exceptional. before that i didn't really care for her at all. But i think she was right, she has changed...

by the way, even if it was cruel..i loved when simon told Jason he should pack his bags! :lol: He is so right, dawg!

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Aw, Jason, Jason, Jason.


I really felt for him. Just who is advising this kid? I really like him, but it had to hurt yesterday. He just totally blew it, didn't he?


I hope he goes home, because he seems like a genuinely nice guy who can sing, but probably wouldn't fit in the American Idol mold, anyway.


I feel so bad for him!

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Aw, Jason, Jason, Jason.

I really felt for him. Just who is advising this kid?


From some of the comments lately, I've gotten the idea that he's just not *taking* *any* advice that comes his way. He seems to think he can ignore all counsel and continue to coast through. It's too bad -- I enjoyed him early on -- but now I think he should just go home to his bong.

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I really don't get the David Archuleta appeal. He seems like a sweet kid. I like him for that alone, lol, but I can't imagine ever buying an album.



My DH and I were commenting last night that yes, David A usually does better than Jason (especially last night:001_huh:). But if we *had* to buy an album by one of them, it would be Jason, hands down.

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From some of the comments lately, I've gotten the idea that he's just not *taking* *any* advice that comes his way. He seems to think he can ignore all counsel and continue to coast through. It's too bad -- I enjoyed him early on -- but now I think he should just go home to his bong.


I agree with you that Syesha really hit her stride on Andrew Lloyd Webber week. I really hadn't cared much for her, one way or the other, until then. But, I think she is working her guts out, and doing a great job!! But, from what I have read about Jason.....there is no bong. He is (from what I have read) a Christian boy who is just in way over his head!!

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I'm kind of mad at American Idol right now for sucking the will to live out of Jason. He totally wants to go home. He actually said as much in an Entertainment Weekly interview last week, in fact. I think he "forgot" the words last night on purpose. He's NEVER forgotten lyrics before (ahem. unlike David Archaleta, who screws his up constantly and never gets called on it by the judges), and, really, who remembers every word to Mr. Tambourine Man except for "jingle jangle morning"? Ah well--I hope he gets to leave tonight and then goes off and makes an album with Rick Rubin or something.

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I'm kind of mad at American Idol right now for sucking the will to live out of Jason. He totally wants to go home. He actually said as much in an Entertainment Weekly interview last week, in fact. I think he "forgot" the words last night on purpose. He's NEVER forgotten lyrics before (ahem. unlike David Archaleta, who screws his up constantly and never gets called on it by the judges), and, really, who remembers every word to Mr. Tambourine Man except for "jingle jangle morning"? Ah well--I hope he gets to leave tonight and then goes off and makes an album with Rick Rubin or something.


Yes, but the jingle, jangle morning is very important.:lol:

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and managed to get all A's. Always came to school late, but the teachers still loved him. I think it's been his Aggie comrades from Texas A&M that have kept him in the game. BTW, the rumors of him being a strong CHristian are true...he even lead a Bible study among several Idol contestants at the beginning.


David Archuletta is so boring...what is the deal with Randy always gushing over him. He's a great singer, but as I say every week, there's just no "it" factor. He reminds me of a Monchhichi monkey doll.


David Cook is definitely the most artistic. Although I didn't think much of his first song last night, I thought the second one was amazing. He can sing anything. I can't wait to buy his album.

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and managed to get all A's. Always came to school late, but the teachers still loved him. I think it's been his Aggie comrades from Texas A&M that have kept him in the game. BTW, the rumors of him being a strong CHristian are true...he even lead a Bible study among several Idol contestants at the beginning.


David Archuletta is so boring...what is the deal with Randy always gushing over him. He's a great singer, but as I say every week, there's just no "it" factor. He reminds me of a Monchhichi monkey doll.


David Cook is definitely the most artistic. Although I didn't think much of his first song last night, I thought the second one was amazing. He can sing anything. I can't wait to buy his album.


:smilielol5: "Monchi-chi, Monchichi, so soft and cuddly....."


I think David A is so darn cute, but then I loved my Monchichi dolls growing up, too :D!

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David Archuletta is so boring...what is the deal with Randy always gushing over him. He's a great singer, but as I say every week, there's just no "it" factor. He reminds me of a Monchhichi monkey doll.





Finally, somebody who sees the "stuffed monkey" likeness! :lol: I kept thinking he looked like one of those little monkeys that sucks their thumbs or pacifier. I call him Monkey Boy. I know - mean - I can't help it!

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Finally, somebody who sees the "stuffed monkey" likeness! :lol: I kept thinking he looked like one of those little monkeys that sucks their thumbs or pacifier. I call him Monkey Boy. I know - mean - I can't help it!


That's just too funny! poor kid...I agree with all who have said that David A can really sing, but I wouldn't buy an album of his either....

I would buy a David Cook album...and as for Jason...only if he sang like he did when he sang Alleluia. Since then, it has been harder and harder to listen to him.

So, since I have never seen or read any interviews..I just watch Idol and hang out here...how has Idol beaten him down? has he said what they are doing? or is it an attitude from all the people around him? I'm kinda curious.

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We call Taylor Hicks the "Forgotten Idol". Seriously, his win was such an anomaly.


I think it's pretty clear who the real winner of season 5 was. ;) (I'm just really sorry they didn't have iTunes available for all the songs that year -- there were several I'd have bought!)

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Ooooooo - an AI thread!


Jason - he seemed happy to be going home!

Syesha - she gets better every week and we all like her but don't see her winning.

David A. - Monchichi - ha :rofl: I like his voice when he is not overdoing it (too many runs and just stuff) and sometimes he is very good but - we just don't like him.

David C. - our family favorite. I like the quality of his voice, even when he shrieks. I doubt we would buy his album but I would probably enjoy listening to it!


We all think that David A. will win but are still hoping that we are wrong!

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Ooooooo - an AI thread!


Jason - he seemed happy to be going home!

Syesha - she gets better every week and we all like her but don't see her winning.

David A. - Monchichi - ha :rofl: I like his voice when he is not overdoing it (too many runs and just stuff) and sometimes he is very good but - we just don't like him.

David C. - our family favorite. I like the quality of his voice, even when he shrieks. I doubt we would buy his album but I would probably enjoy listening to it!


We all think that David A. will win but are still hoping that we are wrong!


Didn't Jason just look so relieved? I agree with the rest of your opinions. I can't find anyone else in my family who thinks David A. looks like a Monchichi. But I know he does and that is all that matters.

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Didn't Jason just look so relieved? I agree with the rest of your opinions. I can't find anyone else in my family who thinks David A. looks like a Monchichi. But I know he does and that is all that matters.



Quit! All of you! Stop with the Monchichi talk! AAAAHHHHH! :willy_nilly:


My poor son is being stopped in stores and told that he looks just like David A. *sniff* I don't want my boy to be a monkey! :crying:

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Sayesha is growing on me. I like her much better now than earlier in the season.


I really want David C. to win, although I think David A. is the best vocalist of the group, I wouldn't put him on my mp3 player.


Double *Ick* to the Taylor Hicks stamp! I actually liked him at first, and embarassed to say I wanted him to win, but he hasn't done much of anything since the show, and his album is awful!

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Okay, so is it gong to be the 2 davids in the final 2 or is Syesha going to sqeak through? And if she does, who will be out?


Alright, can you tell I am looking forward to tonights show!?

I hope everyone enjoys it!

I thought last night was pretty good...I loved David Cook's performances!

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