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Hannah C. Had her baby!

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Aww. Congratulations!!! So, I want details - how was the labor, how was the birth? Are you home now? Do you have pictures?


Labor was about 14 hours start to finish. I was induced with 50 mcg Cytotec orally in an herbal tea at 10:30 am and felt the first painful contraction at 12:19pm after which the contractions got intense quite fast. I'm not sure if that was because of the Cytotec or (what the midwife told me) because I had back labor. Contractions were 30-45 seconds long and 2-3 minutes apart at the beginning. I have no idea how they went after that, I was more focused on getting through them. :tongue_smilie: I had back labor most of the way through. They did give me a shot of some painkiller to take the edge off when I first came to the birthing center. I don't know what it was or if it actually did anything, but hey.


I pushed for 2 and a half hours. But if my memory is correct, the rest of her followed her head *very* quickly and the placenta was delivered about 2 minutes later, so it was over! And there was a baby!


I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I think it went pretty well. We came home about 4 hours after she was born and I've been home since. :)


I don't know how to post pictures...

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Labor was about 14 hours start to finish. I was induced with 50 mcg Cytotec orally in an herbal tea at 10:30 am and felt the first painful contraction at 12:19pm after which the contractions got intense quite fast. I'm not sure if that was because of the Cytotec or (what the midwife told me) because I had back labor. Contractions were 30-45 seconds long and 2-3 minutes apart at the beginning. I have no idea how they went after that, I was more focused on getting through them. :tongue_smilie: I had back labor most of the way through. They did give me a shot of some painkiller to take the edge off when I first came to the birthing center. I don't know what it was or if it actually did anything, but hey.


I pushed for 2 and a half hours. But if my memory is correct, the rest of her followed her head *very* quickly and the placenta was delivered about 2 minutes later, so it was over! And there was a baby!


I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I think it went pretty well. We came home about 4 hours after she was born and I've been home since. :)


I don't know how to post pictures...


Way to go, Mommy! :grouphug:

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