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I'm really wanting to cut out sugar, please share your favorite treats....

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Sliced apples with sliced parmesan cheese....pretzels with cottage cheese....hummus with pita chips...fruit!! I hear you on the sugar, we switched to sucanat this past year and it's great. I still try and limit the sugar but at least I know it's not processed with who knows what!

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I need to eat less sugar, I just like it way too much. I'm not overweight or anything, I just know it's not good for me. Please share your favorite snacks to snack on. I'm going to start making more natural fruit smoothies and what not, but still looking for other ideas.


I spring for quality apples.

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I'm going no sugar again now too. I did no sugar all of 2010 except for Oct - Dec. I regret eating it again. I feel terrible.


For me, nothing beats a fruit smoothie for a sweet treat. I just use fruit juice, ice, fruit (fresh, frozen and/ or canned) and maybe water. (I just don't like dairy in my smoothies but many people use yogurt.) My favorite is made with grape juice, a little lemon juice, frozen strawberries, rasberries, and blueberries with canned peaches and ice.

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I spring for quality apples.


:iagree: It's worth $2.99 a pound to buy honeycrisps, IMO. I love apple slices dipped in Adam's peanut butter with a little honey mixed in. Delicious!


Raisins are a great little sweet snack.

And if you have a Trader Joe's nearby, they sell dried fruit. The unsweetened, unsulphured mango slices are a daily snack for me. SO good.

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Yes, fruit is a great alternative & smoothies are a great sweet treat. I also make bran muffins with flaxseed, nuts, raisins, and a hint of molasses. It's still sweet - but I consider them a wonderful alternatives to junk. Lastly, a delicious bowl of healthy cereal with almond milk is mmm mmm good.




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Well, I'm just wandering what no sugar means. I always thought of honey and juice as sugary items. Honey better than processed white sugar but still sugar. Juice? I always thought of that as sugar, too. OJ has more to offer and I suspect whole apple juice may as well but for the most part, it seems all sugar and water and no fiber, et c.


I guess when thinking of no sugar, I think no honey, no maple syrup, no juice, no corn syrup, no agave nectar, no nectar . . .


The whole fruit, while full of delicious sugaryness, I never really think of sugary. Apples, berries, plums . . . not sugar.


Dried fruit falls somewhere in the middle, I guess.


So what counts as sugar? I've considered doing that as well but I always thought refined sugar.

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Yes, but the glycemic index is MUCH lower in fructose than in table sugar. This is important, no? And using a smidge to sweeten tea isn't going to be monstrous, is it? (Asking honestly, not defensively.)

I use agave necter in coffee or oatmeal. I'd much rather use it since it is organic than Splenda or any other fake sugars..I don't worry about it, I'm not drinking it! LOL

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My favorite low sugar snacks are:

celery with homemade bleu cheese dip

cheese rolled up in a slice or two of turkey or roast beef

chx wings - I get the frozen drummettes and fry them (thawed) up in a small amount of oil in an enameled iron pot. season as you like - I love lemon pepper or cajun seasoning lately!


My favorite smoothie is bananas (even if they are very high on the glycemic index) and wild blueberries with a bit of oj and plain yog.


I find that if I use other sweeteners, it only keeps my taste for sugar. I do better without.


My favorite splurge desserts for a low sugar life are really good cheescake (usually homemade) and dark chocolate.

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Frozen mango chunks is a fav right now. A little bowl in the evening with a cuppa hot tea, mmmmmmmmm.


But truly to get me weaned off processed sugar I started using stevia. Sweet, unprocessed, no calories. I use it to sweeten the kids juices, oatmeal & cereals, and my coffee.

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apples with peanut butter


celery with peanut butter (put raisins on it too and you have ants on a log)


bananas with peanut butter


whole wheat soup crackers with peanut butter & a slice of strawberry


crackers (your fave) & cheddar cheese


yoghurt - i like putting a handful of cereal into mine, but berries are good in it too!


carrot sticks dipped in ranch dressing (or whatever dressing you like best)


raisins/cranberry-raisin things


trail mix (lots of varieties out there)


granola (you can eat it alone or with some milk on it)


baked (not fried) tortilla chips with salsa -- yummy cold, or warm it up and melt cheese on the top


pickles (I like slicing & dipping them in ketchup - ymmv)



just a few ideas. :)

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I find it interesting that so many who cut out sugar only to eat fruit. Today's fruit is extremely high in sugar.


Agave nectar is 95% or so fructose which is it's own monster.


Remember if it ends in -ose, it's a sugar.


I guess I should have said "no white or brown processed, store bought sugar." What I mean is the stuff in the canister that is white granules or sticky brown granules. You know, the stuff most people just call "sugar."


I certainly know that fruit contains a type of sugar. I just do much better with portion controle and binging eating when I am not eating sugar (as defined above). I don't binge on apples, bananas, fruit smoothies or fruit juice so I end up eating a lot less calories. If I have cookies in the house, I will eat them all.....at once. If I bake a pie, I'll have 4 pieces in one day. No self controle what so ever when it comes to sugar (as defined above). I've honestly never had more then 1 apple at a time and I've never wanted more then 1 apple at a time. I don't sit around thinking about apples or fruit smoothies half the day and I don't hide the bananas so no one eats the rest. So, I guess to my body and/or brain, at least, there is a huge difference between fruit and any and all other items sweetened with sugar (as defined above). :D


BTW: What did you mean by "today's fruit." Is there more fructose in an apple today then there used to be? I am just wondering.

Edited by katemary63
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I like nuts of all kinds, red bell peppers and cucumbers dipped in hummus, cheese, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and berries for snacks.




throw in fresh cut fruit in there and thats my snack diet due to Fibro. If I have even a tsp over my sugar limit I flare immediately! So the only sugar I'm able to handle is the sugar in my morning cup of coffee.

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I guess I should have said "no white or brown processed, store bought sugar." What I mean is the stuff in the canister that is white granules or sticky brown granules. You know, the stuff most people just call "sugar."


I certainly know that fruit contains a type of sugar. I just do much better with portion controle and binging eating when I am not eating sugar (as defined above). I don't binge on apples, bananas, fruit smoothies or fruit juice so I end up eating a lot less calories. If I have cookies in the house, I will eat them all.....at once. If I bake a pie, I'll have 4 pieces in one day. No self controle what so ever when it comes to sugar (as defined above). I've honestly never had more then 1 apple at a time and I've never wanted more then 1 apple at a time. I don't sit around thinking about apples or fruit smoothies half the day and I don't hide the bananas so no one eats the rest. So, I guess to my body and/or brain, at least, there is a huge difference between fruit and any and all other items sweetened with sugar (as defined above). :D


BTW: What did you mean by "today's fruit." Is there more fructose in an apple today then there used to be? I am just wondering.


:iagree: This is SO me!

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