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Would you put White

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I love my white cabinets. Sure..they show spills more than dark cabinets, but it doesn't take much to do a quick wipe down in a small kitchen. I used to have really dark cabinets, and repainting them to white made a HUGE difference in how it looked and how I felt about the kitchen. I don't mind wiping down at all.

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I'd say no -- but only because I have the cheap thermofoil ones... you can't re-paint, they are not as easy to clean as you would think...and if one get's damaged, it's done. Right now I have 8' of white thermofoil cabinets in our kitchen area. They are *always* dirty, even after they have been cleaned (with magic erasers, or cleaning products, scrubbed...ugh, ugh, ugh). Maybe my children are just particularly messy (okay, I know my children are particularly messy).

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Well, we just repainted our cabinets from white to a delft blue because no matter how often I wiped them down over time they just became grungy. And, to make matters worse, the paint began to rub away. :glare: These were cabinets my dh built for our kitchen; but, I can't recall right now what they're made from.

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Yes, I would. I'd just add "wiping K cabs" to my routine.




(:D If you knew me, you'd be doing this :lol: right now, at my mention of my routine...)



Seriously, I think white looks nice, and it may actually be pretty easy to maintain, if the finish is quite durable/wipeable, b/c dirt will be easy to see.

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I love my white cabinets. Sure..they show spills more than dark cabinets, but it doesn't take much to do a quick wipe down in a small kitchen. I used to have really dark cabinets, and repainting them to white made a HUGE difference in how it looked and how I felt about the kitchen. I don't mind wiping down at all.


:iagree: My dc are horribly filthy, and I still love my white cabinets. When they get really disgusting, I just hand each kid a damp dishrag, and start assigning areas to be wiped down.

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I loved my white cabinets in our old house. I had 3 kids (two toddlers) and two dogs, and I still loved them. I think being able to SEE when they are dirty is a huge plus, because it's easier to wipe of the dirt when it happens. (instead of the nasty looking wood cabinets I have right now that I know are grubby, but you can't really tell where the grub ends and the ugly begins)

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No. I have a profound and strong dislike of white kitchens. In fact, I wouldn't even look at a house with a white kitchen back when we were house hunting several years ago. Yeah, it could be redone. Someday. But I wouldn't want to have one for even a day.


Had a rental with a white kitchen and I hated it with a passion by the time we moved out.

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Are you painting existing wood cabinets white or are you buying white cabinets? If you are painting them, make sure you are using high quality durable paint.


Personally I love white cabinets. Blue or yellow on the walls and nice counters - my ultimate kitchen. That being said, if you plan on selling soon, wood is more popular when people are house hunting.

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I have white cabinets and LOVE them. They have a good finish, so most everything just wipes off with a hot rag or a bit of windex and swipe. I agree that being able to see the spots/spills makes it easier in the long run to clean. You don't have to wipe EVERYTHING down. Just the dirty parts.

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I think being able to SEE when they are dirty is a huge plus, because it's easier to wipe of the dirt when it happens.


I used to have white cabinets and now have black cabinets, and in both cases, I love being able to see the dirt. If I can see it, I can clean it up. If you can't see it, your kitchen may look better, but it's actually dirtier.


My old cabinets were your standard 1970s-issue cabinets that had been painted white by a previous owner. We got rid of them but not because they were white.


Your cabinets are going to get dirty regardless of what color they are. As long as you get a design and finish that are easy to clean (minimal grooves, for instance) and will not discolor, the color should be irrelevant.



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I've had nasty old white cabinets and lovely new ones. The old ones *were* hard to clean. After ~60 years, and numerous repaintings, they were uneven and even with decent gloss paint, were difficult to clean. My new (Ikea) cabinets are about two years old now and still beautiful and simple to wipe down. They're beautiful.



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I've had nasty old white cabinets and lovely new ones. The old ones *were* hard to clean. After ~60 years, and numerous repaintings, they were uneven and even with decent gloss paint, were difficult to clean. My new (Ikea) cabinets are about two years old now and still beautiful and simple to wipe down. They're beautiful.




I love your sink!!!!

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I love my white cabinets. I am sort of minimalist in my design preferences, so we have Eurpoean style flat front cabinet (no grooves) and I purposely got the melamine finish because it is super easy to clean. I usually just wipe with a damp rag. For stubborn dirt I spritz with glass cleaner first.


I would never want white or light colored countertops though.

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