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Whining about doing school !!! help!

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ok. thats it . its on my very last nerve! my girls are 10 & 11 and we started back today from the holiday break. they knew we would start today, i told them for the last few days, yet when today came, the 10 year old demanded to go play until i threatened to call daddy and the 11 year old whined the entire day and declared numerous times how much she hates math.


the school going friends all tell them weekly if not more so, how lucky they are to be homeschooled, how much work they have and homework and bullies and all sorts of stuff, yet my kids dont care. btw, my kids have never gone to school.


anyone have any ideas or tricks that have worked? im literally going to scream soon! and to top it off, i even game them an easier load today starting back and school was less than 3 hours and that counts the numerous sips of drinks, petting the cats and going to the bathroom!



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No tips - short of sending them to school for a short while so they can appreciate how lucky they are.

I hardly get whining with my kids who attended ps for several years - all I need to do is to tell them that they have the choice to be homeschooled or to return to school. kills any discussion instantly.


But it always IS hard to go back after a break.

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I don't know....my solution may only work on kids that are easily guilted into submission ( mine happen to be!). Instead of getting mad, I act sad and defeated. I found that when I got angry, they would become even more defiant. Yet when I act sad, they are suddenly full of compassion and remorseful. So.....yeah, guilt is my weapon of choice against whining these days!

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I am right there with you! I just got done lecturing my 13 yr old dd. She is driving me crazy lately with the whining about school. I had to take away her phone, tv, and computer today. We will see how tomorrow goes. :D Hopefully when we start getting back into a normal schedule and my 4 yr old goes back to preschool, things will go a little smoother. I do not have any advice, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.:grouphug:

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ok. thats it . its on my very last nerve! my girls are 10 & 11 and we started back today from the holiday break. they knew we would start today, i told them for the last few days, yet when today came, the 10 year old demanded to go play until i threatened to call daddy and the 11 year old whined the entire day and declared numerous times how much she hates math.


the school going friends all tell them weekly if not more so, how lucky they are to be homeschooled, how much work they have and homework and bullies and all sorts of stuff, yet my kids dont care. btw, my kids have never gone to school.


anyone have any ideas or tricks that have worked? im literally going to scream soon! and to top it off, i even game them an easier load today starting back and school was less than 3 hours and that counts the numerous sips of drinks, petting the cats and going to the bathroom!




Wait a minute... are you telling me dd9's whining about having to actually do WORK isn't going to be stopping in the next two years? :ack2: (I may have to go read a book to get over this diappointment)

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Going on 7 1/2 hours here w/ my 12 yo dd. All she has finished, is the 30 min of math I gave her today. Actually, I don't think it was even 30 min worth. Her twin sister got all of today's work done in less than 3 hours. So today I decided to follow some WTM hive advice. She has yet to eat lunch. It is 5:40 pm. She can eat when she finishes her school work. I'm glad she ate breakfast today.


Oh, and we skipped their outside writing class- no activities outside of the house, until she gets it done, w/out fighting/arguing. And she realized that we didn't get to go pick up their rifles they need for 4-H on Thurs. I'm wondering if she realizes that she may not be doing 4-H this week. Hmmm, we shall see. All of this to say- btdt- and :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I am sure there are ones that would not agree but my kids get paid to do their school work with a good attitude and do the work well.

My ds 's favorite words used to be "I HATE SCHOOL!" Many day it would spiral down hill from there.


I started doing a chart with each subject listed and specific things that needed to be done. I also included things like treating others with respect both in words and deeds.


You set what each item is worth. For us I placed $.05 on each item which totals $.90 but if they have a perfect chart it is worth $1.25. This is only days that we do school. If you don't go to work and do a good job you don't get paid. I think it is a legitimate lesson to be learned.


It has made a big difference. If his attitude starts to falter I simply quietly tell him, "It sounds like you are starting to have a bad attitude." He brings himself back on board.

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My son (10) started whining on Sunday about not wanting to start school on Monday. Monday morning I told him he would have to be in bed by 7pm any day that he whines about school. "Obviously" he needs more sleep. If nothing else, it gets the whiner away from me for a respite. It did work and so far, has helped him keep it in check (I can tell when he's trying to hold it together).



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What would Chuck Norris do?




I would have a homeschool appreciation day. Up at 6. Quick shower. Cold breakfast. Get all your books together. Wait at the mailbox in the cold for 15 minutes - for the bus. Drive all over town with you. Back to school (home). On and on and on. For a day.... [Not being mean - or sharp with them - just an appreciation for the schedule.] 15 minute lunch... Processed meat something. 50 minute classes - tough if you are or aren't done. I'd end at 3. With homework. To be turned in the next morning.


Then we'd have a sit down after dinner and talk about it. What my expectations are. What the consequences will be if they aren't met. Why we do what we do. And then I'd enforce the standards that we've all set together.


Hang in there - I think you are just at a tough age on top of it. You rock mom!!

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I'm listening intently to others' responses as I'm so tired of my nearly 8yo son whining about EVERYTHING. It started with school, and now it involves anything that doesn't fit into his schedule.


I've implemented a chore chart with an allowance tied to it as well as a morning routine chart. So far, he's complying, but for a stretch we were having breakdowns whenever I asked him to do anything (including school). I'm at my wit's end with him. I feel your pain.

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