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My sister just shocked the heck out of me.

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My youngest sister and her 2 girls were over for gift exchange and dinner tonight. A while back my sister stopped calling as much and stopped bringing her kids over as much for me to watch. I asked her "are you mad at me for something?" She kept telling me no.

So we were standing in the kitchen making dinner and she said "remember when you thought I was mad at you? I wasn't mad, I have just been busy. I have met someone"

Good, I say, and I asked if he was nice, to which she answered...

"it isn't a 'he'"

I started laughing (not the best response, I know!) So we discussed "her" and what she does and how nice she is etc and how comfortable my sister is. I honestly didn't know what to really say and how to respond. One of our brothers is gay and I don't have a problem with it. I am Christian and do not think that homosexuality is right according to the Bible but I also believe it isn't my place to judge them either. I guess I am still in shock. My sister has been married twice and divorced twice, has 2 kids, has had male relationships etc, so I never saw this coming.

Another thing she shocked me with is about my 16yo stepdd. She told me that her "friend" has a friend in common with DSD on facebook and that DSD is on there in a picture holding hands with another girl. I have thought for a while that DSD might be gay but I am not about to ask her about it. ....

OK I am going to bed now to process my thoughts.

Please no religious bashing of anyone... I am just putting my thoughts to words.

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My youngest sister and her 2 girls were over for gift exchange and dinner tonight. A while back my sister stopped calling as much and stopped bringing her kids over as much for me to watch. I asked her "are you mad at me for something?" She kept telling me no.

So we were standing in the kitchen making dinner and she said "remember when you thought I was mad at you? I wasn't mad, I have just been busy. I have met someone"

Good, I say, and I asked if he was nice, to which she answered...

"it isn't a 'he'"

I started laughing (not the best response, I know!) So we discussed "her" and what she does and how nice she is etc and how comfortable my sister is. I honestly didn't know what to really say and how to respond. One of our brothers is gay and I don't have a problem with it. I am Christian and do not think that homosexuality is right according to the Bible but I also believe it isn't my place to judge them either. I guess I am still in shock. My sister has been married twice and divorced twice, has 2 kids, has had male relationships etc, so I never saw this coming.

Another thing she shocked me with is about my 16yo stepdd. She told me that her "friend" has a friend in common with DSD on facebook and that DSD is on there in a picture holding hands with another girl. I have thought for a while that DSD might be gay but I am not about to ask her about it. ....

OK I am going to bed now to process my thoughts.

Please no religious bashing of anyone... I am just putting my thoughts to words.



I've been surprised like that, not by someone as close as a sister, but close enough. Interestingly, a lot of other things started making more sense after she told me. Pieces fit together. I understood.

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Merry Christmas!! You might need some Vodka for your OJ tomorrow... or something else of cheer.... besides just chocolate :)


And then peppermint schnapps in the cocoa. . .


and cinnamon schnapps in the hot cider. . .


by dinner you'll be mellow as can be! Just in time to serve the wine.


LOL, I am not at all homophobic. I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all. . . but I still would still be startled if I were in your shoes. It's a lot to digest, to change your vision of someone.


Keep smiling, and don't say anything you might regret. :)

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Lol, I think I would be shocked too.

I am not homophobic at all either and have gay friends, and a gay BIL, but still, it's your sister and you didn't see it coming. I think I might laugh too.

Oh well- at least now you know. I am sure you love each other and thats really all that is important.

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It sounds like you reacted just fine. I know I would be shocked if my own sister came to me with such a revelation. Though, I'm pretty sure she would come to me fairly quickly. We're very much in each others lives and have talked about the need to be extra supportive if any of our siblings turns out to be gay because our parents will be horrified and possibly never speak to the child again. (That's what they say anyway, who knows if they would actually follow through.) So really, not a bad reaction. :p

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My youngest sister and her 2 girls were over for gift exchange and dinner tonight. A while back my sister stopped calling as much and stopped bringing her kids over as much for me to watch. I asked her "are you mad at me for something?" She kept telling me no.

So we were standing in the kitchen making dinner and she said "remember when you thought I was mad at you? I wasn't mad, I have just been busy. I have met someone"

Good, I say, and I asked if he was nice, to which she answered...

"it isn't a 'he'"

I started laughing (not the best response, I know!) So we discussed "her" and what she does and how nice she is etc and how comfortable my sister is. I honestly didn't know what to really say and how to respond. One of our brothers is gay and I don't have a problem with it. I am Christian and do not think that homosexuality is right according to the Bible but I also believe it isn't my place to judge them either. I guess I am still in shock. My sister has been married twice and divorced twice, has 2 kids, has had male relationships etc, so I never saw this coming.

Another thing she shocked me with is about my 16yo stepdd. She told me that her "friend" has a friend in common with DSD on facebook and that DSD is on there in a picture holding hands with another girl. I have thought for a while that DSD might be gay but I am not about to ask her about it. ....

OK I am going to bed now to process my thoughts.

Please no religious bashing of anyone... I am just putting my thoughts to words.



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I'm glad she finally felt comfortable enough to tell you, and I hope you continue to support her, and DSD, too. I really can't say I think homesexuality is wrong, and my heart breaks for friends who have to hide their "friends."


I am not sure if homosexuality is wrong or not, except Biblically speaking. However, I also don't think it is my place to decide that for someone else. You know...throwing stones and all....


I just think it is our place to love each other and understand that we each have our own journey in this world. If I am uncomfortable with someone, I just separate myself from them. If I am comfortable with someone, their race, nationality, religion or sexual orientation has no bearing on the relationship.


You should be happy your sister shared this with you. She must live you bunches to trust you enough to share this.


:grouphug: again.



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My aunt has much, much better taste in women than she ever had in men. You might find the same with your sister, lol.




:D Fun-nay.


Too bad I like men.


J/k. Mostly. :tongue_smilie:


OP - that would be quite a shock. Kudos to you for handling it so well.

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Might I suggest a book?


It is Love is an Orientation and is written by a Christian man who had quite a few friends/family members come out to him in a short amount of time and he wanted to get to know them and their struggle better. He is still Christian, still hetero, those thing never changed, but his understanding of the whole dynamic is much more broad. I highly suggest it.

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