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Need solutions for easily tangled hair

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My DD has super thick hair that tangles to no end. I brush it and within an hour it looks like a rat's nest. Brushing it results in many tears. I finally remembered tonight to braid it before she went to bed and pray that makes a difference. Her hair is maybe 3-4 inches past her shoulders.


So short of cutting it are there any suggestions for how to keep her hair from tangling? Solutions for getting it brushed after it's tangled without it resulting in tears?

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My dd6 has the same problem. I have found that using a good serum in her hair after the shower helps. I use Biosilk oil on her hair. Her hair is also wavy, and that makes it worse. It stays untangled longer if I blow dry her hair, but brushing it well a few times as it dries works too. If she brushes her hair more often, it does not get tangled.


The "kids" detangling spray does NOT work for her hair!! I have to use something that makes her hair slick to detangle her hair. I use an Avon hair cream in her hair, and a spray, but I've found that Pantene conditioning spray works wonders!!! I know I've heard bad things about Pantene, but it works to get the knots out. It also makes your floors slippery, so be careful.


On the days that she has a huge ball of knots in her hair, and I don't have the time to brush it all out, I put her hair in a ponytail before we go anywhere. I just slick her hair back, put in a scrunchie and hope no one notices.... :lol:

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Braid... ponies, pig tails, Condition! Condition! Condition!


NEVER brush dry, tangled hair. Get some infusium, put it in a spray bottle or mix some light conditioner with water if you have to try to "go cheap" and spray it wet in the tangled areas, brush starting from a couple inches from the bottom down (actually, wide-tooth comb, then change to a narrower comb, you really shouldn't brush wet hair). Small sections at a time, holding the section firmly in your hand to help keep some of the "force" off the scalp. Work your way up a couple of inches at a time in each section until you reach the top of the head and can comb from top to bottom without tangles.


Do NOT put wet heads to bed... unless braided.


My two older daughters' hair tangles very easilly. I have to braid at night (loosely), brush in the morning, and if we go anywhere in the car... brush again. loose braids are easier on hair than tight ponies or piggies...but that's the best I have. Sorry!

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When our hair starts tangling constantly that usually mean we need a trim- split, dry ends create fantastic messes of tangles- even if the hair is braided. I bought a stupid gadget online called the Split-ender and I use that for my hair. I've always taken the girls to get their hair trimmed, but I may just use that contraption on them tomorrow because their hair has started tangling constantly. I like that it gets ALL of the split ends and not just the ones at the longest part of your hair- BUT, the hair has to be combed VERY well so that it doesn't pull at the hair as it goes through the machine.

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Thanks for all the tips. I am making note of them and will be picking up some new supplies at the store tomorrow.


I feel your pain. DD has similar problems. In addition to good shower care, make sure that the hair is not mussed while drying. Also, when brushing, always start about 1 inch from the ends, brush through then move up another inch. Also, only do a small section at a time.


This is my most recent change. It has helped significantly, but still makes her scream at me.


When our hair starts tangling constantly that usually mean we need a trim- split, dry ends create fantastic messes of tangles- even if the hair is braided.


I am planning to take her for a hair cut. But I really don't want to because the last time she got a cut, her hair looked horrible. It's finally to the stage that I like it best. Which is why I really want to find another solution.

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My DD has super thick hair that tangles to no end. I brush it and within an hour it looks like a rat's nest. Brushing it results in many tears. I finally remembered tonight to braid it before she went to bed and pray that makes a difference. Her hair is maybe 3-4 inches past her shoulders.


So short of cutting it are there any suggestions for how to keep her hair from tangling? Solutions for getting it brushed after it's tangled without it resulting in tears?


My daughter has long, thick hair, and this was a problem for a long time. After trying many hair products, I found Soma leave-in conditioner. After she washes it, she applies this after which she can comb straight through her hair with a wide tooth comb. I was amazed that it worked so well. We have not had major issues/tears since using this.

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My DD doesn't have thick hair but she has fine, curly, baby thin hair that tangles horribly after just a few minutes. My stylist told me to take some conditioner not made for children, and to put it on her hair straight without washing it out. It has helped tremendously! I will take her out of her bath and put the conditioner on wet hair and let it dry and I will also take a glob and run it through her dry hair before we go out if we are in a hurry and it is a mess. It would make my straight, fine hair greasy, but it makes her curls shiny and soft. I've also started washing it with shampoo only about once a week and just condition it wet or dry the other days.

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We finally got my dd's hair figured out. She is 4 and her hair is thick and about your dd's length. We wash it only once/week. On Sat night, I wash/condition/comb/put in curl stuff/put in rag curls. Sunday morning she has gorgeous tight curls. I run my fingers through it.


Those curls last most of the week. Today, her hair still looks really cute and I haven't brushed it.


There are some weeks where we don't curl it. Those weeks, I braid it at night and straighten it so she can wear it down for church. Then, when we come home, it goes UP immediately. Ponytails, french braids, etc. And, ALWAYS in braids at night. She just cannot wear her hair down or it becomes SO tangled it hurts her to brush it out.


She just told me the other day that she wants her hair cut into a bob! I'm am SO excited!!!!!! But, we're going to wait until she has her appointment at the Bippity Boppity Boutique at Disney (they will do her hair up like a princess!).

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My DD has super thick hair that tangles to no end. I brush it and within an hour it looks like a rat's nest. Brushing it results in many tears. I finally remembered tonight to braid it before she went to bed and pray that makes a difference. Her hair is maybe 3-4 inches past her shoulders.


So short of cutting it are there any suggestions for how to keep her hair from tangling? Solutions for getting it brushed after it's tangled without it resulting in tears?


Get a really good conditioner, for one.


And for two - don't let it tangle. ;) Maybe I'm mean, but as long as I was responsible for her hair, I wouldn't let her wear it down. My dd has curly, super-tangly hair, and it's either braided or in ponytails ALL THE TIME. I comb and braid it right out of the shower after conditioning. She sleeps with a braid, and in the mornings I unbraid, comb and do her hair however it will be for the day. Re-braid for bed.


I don't have the patience for rats nests or hair brushing drama. This is also how I handle my own hair, which is very long and EXTREMELY thick.

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is she one of those who wants to wear her hair down all the time? Mine is one of those :glare: which does NOT help with the tangles! I leave it up to her whether she wears it up or down but I do frequently remind her that if she wears it up, it will not have as many knots! I also offer to do her hair many different ways, thinking this would make her want to wear it up more instead of down, rat's nest-style, but to no avail...


I agree w/others on solutions but am mainly just saying...I'm there!!!

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My dd has hair like that. I use a heavy duty conditioner and comb it through while still in the shower to get the knots out. After rinsing and towel drying, I put Moroccan oil in her hair and leave it in. It makes it really easy to comb through. You really gotta braid it at nighttime or it's a nightmare, but the moroccan oil really helps manage the tangles. HTH. :)

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I have been using fructis garnier shampoo and conditioner on her, but I do have pantene which is what I use. I will try that on her and see if it makes a difference. I personally think it makes my own hair softer and more manageable (also easily tangled but I wear it in a ponytail pretty much every day).


The braid worked really well last night. Too bad I forgot tonight and sent her to bed with her hair just in a half ponytail which is how she usually wears her hair. Her hair is so thick and slippery that ponytail holders don't stay in her hair very well. Within an hour they are sliding down her hair and have to be repositioned and that is with using extra thick ponytail holders that are designed for thick hair.

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OK - I'm kinda embarrased asking this. My dd6 has long (to me) hair - about 2 inches below her neckline (when dry) which is quite fine and snarls into these horrid tangles. Like the OP brush/comb time is fraught with tears.


I use adult conditioner with her and usually put her hair up in a pony tail at night. I've tried braiding; but, as I've never had long hair in my life, I really have no idea how to do it so that everything stays put. Her hair is invariably coming free from the braid.


So, um, what is the trick with braiding? How do you keep everything "tight"? Thanks.

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We use biosilk after every shower which seems to really help. I also use pantene conditioning spray after wetting my dd's hair if the knots are bad. On the worst days I have her jump in the shower with a wide tooth comb and condition (no shampoo) then work the comb through the knots in the water.


To prevent knots she only sleeps with a satin pillowcase and I try to make sure her hair is braided (preferably a french braid) or in a bun for any activity (gymnastics, swimming, soccer or just out to play). She also brushes her hair every time she brushes her hair a few times a day to prevent it from tangling.

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OK - I'm kinda embarrased asking this. My dd6 has long (to me) hair - about 2 inches below her neckline (when dry) which is quite fine and snarls into these horrid tangles. Like the OP brush/comb time is fraught with tears.


I use adult conditioner with her and usually put her hair up in a pony tail at night. I've tried braiding; but, as I've never had long hair in my life, I really have no idea how to do it so that everything stays put. Her hair is invariably coming free from the braid.


So, um, what is the trick with braiding? How do you keep everything "tight"? Thanks.


I wouldn't do a pony for bed- that can cause hair to break with the twisting and turning and the elastic.


French braid...doesn't have to be pretty (find a vid online and try it out- dh has done my hair and trust me...it wasn't pretty...but it worked for bed :D). With shorter hair I like two braids to keep it in better. if you do one, it will get a bit messy but still manageable.

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OK - I'm kinda embarrased asking this. My dd6 has long (to me) hair - about 2 inches below her neckline (when dry) which is quite fine and snarls into these horrid tangles. Like the OP brush/comb time is fraught with tears.


I use adult conditioner with her and usually put her hair up in a pony tail at night. I've tried braiding; but, as I've never had long hair in my life, I really have no idea how to do it so that everything stays put. Her hair is invariably coming free from the braid.


So, um, what is the trick with braiding? How do you keep everything "tight"? Thanks.


http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+braid+hair&aq=f I'm sure one of those will help you. :)

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Dd16 has long ringlets....no brushing, ever....wide toothed comb....good quality conditioner in her hair pretty much daily, only lightly rinsed....shampoo only every week or two (shampoo causes tangles, badly). Combing in the shower and then finger dried.

The amount of conditioner that is in her hair all the time keeps it smooth, soft and tangle free.

She braids it sometimes but not always. When dry she only finger combs it.

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