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Birthday Traditions?

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We make pancakes for breakfast, and cook sprinkles into them (or chocolate chips or some such, whatever the kids want), and put a candle in the birthday kid's pancake.


ETA: And of course, whoever's birthday it is gets to pick what they want for their birthday dinner, be that a restaurant meal or a home cooked one.

Edited by NanceXToo
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Sometimes I think we've added too many traditions over the years. Somehow, we've developed a whole routine that involves the whole day.


The birthday kid gets to pick breakfast which is usually either homemade cinnamon rolls or donuts from one of our local bakeries. Then they get to open their presents and they have come to expect three. That tradition started accidently but now the little ones expect it so I try to oblige - sometimes the third present is just a favorite candy bar :) They also get to pick lunch and supper and they get to pick their cake or dessert. Sometimes it's an ice cream cake, sometimes I get to bake and I have a few kids who prefer apple pie.


They also get to go out with Daddy for breakfast at some point, usually within in the next few weeks.


Oh, and probably the one tradition that they enjoy the most is that we get the day of their birthday off from school.

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We decided a couple of years ago to stop having parties and go on a family weekend trip instead. We will go to the mountains, or the beach, or to our favorite college for a couple of baseball games. Each child gets to choose. My parents, siblings, and sometimes my MIL go with us. It's been really fun!

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The birthday person gets their choice for dinner, which is always at home. They get to go do something fun, like a movie and dinner, with a few friends around their birthday, but the actual day is at home with family. At dinner, we go around the table and everyone says what they appreciate about the birthday dinner. After about the second go-round, it turns into a roast. Then they get their presents and we all eat cake and ice cream.

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We basically just let the b-day child pick what to eat for supper and get the day off of school, but my friend's family has an amazing family tradition.


She decorates the entire kitchen/dining room with balloons and streamers and sets out presents the night before after everyone has gone to bed. Then the next morning they eat birthday cake for breakfast and the birthday child opens their presents. The entire day is spent doing family activities and a party with extended family is in the evening.

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Birthday person gets breakfast of choice...... if it is older ds or dh, then it is the closest Saturday, due to college and work..... younger ds and I are in the summer, so canceling school, well, there isn't school then anyways. Dinner is to the restaurant of choice. Two of us usually choose Japanese. Dessert of choice at home afterwards, unless the restaurant has a "to die for dessert", like when older ds chose The Cheesecake Factory. Gifts at home after dinner.

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I scrapbook, and each child has their own scrapbook with the story of their lives. Actually they're all in volume 2 now. On their birthday we get down their scrapbooks and read the whole thing. We all like that. They also choose a restaurant for dinner and pick their dessert. More often than not it is a homemade chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. Sometimes it is a Baskin Robbins cake. Dh prefers pie. For my birthday I usually choose a restaurant with great desserts.

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Birthday kid gets to choose dinner and type of cake/pie (I have a turkey baby and he sometimes chooses pumpkin pie.) During the elementary years said kid also got the day off school. And I usually hide the gifts and kid does a treasure hunt to find them. I give a card with a clue which leads to the next clue and so on (usually about 6 clues) until kid finds the gifts. Our oldest no longer does these, though. He's in high school and we usually offer him a choice of a couple gifts. I think he likes the opportunity to have a say in that.



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We take the day off school. :D


For my ds we have to celebrate with my parents. Logistically that hasn't worked out for the past few years. We just moved closer and my son is extremely happy. He was born on my mom's birthday and they have a special bond. He doesn't care about having friends over for a party, he just wants his Mama there. It's very sweet and she loves it.

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We bake cupcakes too, then we all decorate them together.


Because my dd speaks some Japanese and we host Japanese students, we sing a Japanese birthday song after the traditional "Happy Birthday."


At bedtime, I tell the birthday child the story of his or her birth. It always ends with, "I held you and I nursed you and I named you ____."


Birthday child gets to choose dinner. My 10 y.o. wanted dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. :D


We also have a special 8 y.o. gift tradition: A suitcase, a Bible and a pocketknife. Plus one other personal gift.


And my sons have started their own tradition. Each boy sets the alarm for the time of their birth and wakes up to tell himself Happy Birthday. I told them I love them, and if they want to come tell me it's their birth time I will give them a birthday hug, but I am not getting out of bed at 3 in the morning (or so).



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We bake cupcakes too, then we all decorate them together.


Because my dd speaks some Japanese and we host Japanese students, we sing a Japanese birthday song after the traditional "Happy Birthday."


At bedtime, I tell the birthday child the story of his or her birth. It always ends with, "I held you and I nursed you and I named you ____."


Birthday child gets to choose dinner. My 10 y.o. wanted dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. :D


We also have a special 8 y.o. gift tradition: A suitcase, a Bible and a pocketknife. Plus one other personal gift.


And my sons have started their own tradition. Each boy sets the alarm for the time of their birth and wakes up to tell himself Happy Birthday. I told them I love them, and if they want to come tell me it's their birth time I will give them a birthday hug, but I am not getting out of bed at 3 in the morning (or so).




I really love the highlighted idea! Hope you don't mind me stealing it? :) Thanks for sharing!

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