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Muslim "Barbies"

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So there's a bit of a story. My aunt (Mum's sister) never had a daughter, so she's dug out the box of Barbie clothes my mum and grandmother (Dad's mum) made for her, and is getting a new Barbie for my dd for Christmas. Dh isn't impressed with Barbies, but when I explained the story he got a bit sentimental. My brother isn't impressed with Barbies either, but decided it would be ok if he bought a hijab "Barbie" for her to be friends with. I suppose she would need a friend, huh? Don't barbies have to play a lot of tennis or something? Can't do that alone, can you? (Can you tell I was never into Barbies? :lol:)


Anyhow, I was doing a search, because I'd only seen the ones on the NoorArt site, the Razanne brand, and some of the Fulla brand. Where do these dolls look like they are from, anyway? Or are they meant to be generic Muslim, not that I know how you could make generic Muslim. I know they aren't Indonesian because they made the Arrosa brand :)


Anyway, today I found a teacher doll! Scroll down a bit and it's on the left. They look like homeschoolers! :lol:


Ok, that made my morning happy and I felt like sharing :)



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I got a bit of a kick from one of the testimonials - "When playtime is over,Razanne is neatly dressed and put back on the shelf in her place of honor." Umm. What is she doing during playtime that she's undressed?! (And yes, I know that half the fun is putting different outfits on them. . .)


Well, I don't know about Razanne, but Barbie was always kind of a tramp... hanging around in that camper with Ken at all hours! ;)



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I got a bit of a kick from one of the testimonials - "When playtime is over,Razanne is neatly dressed and put back on the shelf in her place of honor." Umm. What is she doing during playtime that she's undressed?! (And yes, I know that half the fun is putting different outfits on them. . .)


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I got a bit of a kick from one of the testimonials - "When playtime is over,Razanne is neatly dressed and put back on the shelf in her place of honor." Umm. What is she doing during playtime that she's undressed?! (And yes, I know that half the fun is putting different outfits on them. . .)


Perhaps they mean she ought to be changed from her house dress to her public garb to sit on shelves? Not that it is any of our business what she does in the privacy of her own home!


(So it's not common for homeschoolers' school rooms to be green and pink then? :lol:)


And shame on you Catwoman, for slandering Razanne's character! That brand doesn't appear to have a man doll, or a campervan, for that matter! I'm glad you are not commenting on the Fulla doll. As far as I can tell, she homeschools her kids and works part time as a dentist. That's all quite respectable.


I can't wait to see if my brother actually buys one of these :)




Edited by Rosie_0801
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And shame on you Catwoman, for slandering Razanne's character! That brand doesn't appear to have a man doll, or a campervan, for that matter! I'm glad you are not commenting on the Fulla doll. As far as I can tell, she homeschools her kids and works part time as a dentist. That's all quite respectable.




Come on now, I didn't case any aspersions on Razanne; I just wondered if she was anything like Barbie... ;)


It's nice to hear that the Fulla doll has such a fulfilling life. Barbie could learn a lesson or two from her! :D



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I got a bit of a kick from one of the testimonials - "When playtime is over,Razanne is neatly dressed and put back on the shelf in her place of honor." Umm. What is she doing during playtime that she's undressed?! (And yes, I know that half the fun is putting different outfits on them. . .)


Well, I don't know about everyone else's house but at my Barbies were only dressed for playtime. The rest of the time they were nekid and their hair was a mess, like Barbies gone wild. Tramps. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I don't know about everyone else's house but at my Barbies were only dressed for playtime. The rest of the time they were nekid and their hair was a mess, like Barbies gone wild. Tramps. :tongue_smilie:


I always say that's how you know you're in a house with little girls - there are nekkid ratty-haired dolls all over! :lol:

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Rosie, why is your brother looking at getting a Muslim barbie? Did he convert??


No. He's a Muslim sympathiser, but not a Muslim. As far as I can tell, (he's a bit of an eccentric :)) he likes the religion, but isn't actually the the type to commit to a religion. He's a bit of a free-spirit/ activist/ anti-apathy/ pro-equal rights for all and sundry type with an addiction to freedom so strongly defined systems of belief with strongly defined systems of behaviour make him feel confined rather than supported. Unless he's made up the system for himself; as I said, he's not the apathetic type. Hmm. I don't know if that really gets the picture across, but it's the best I can do. He's a funny lad. :)


As for the Barbie, he's probably thinking that a Muslim barbie will combat the blonde, American, cultural imperialism of Barbie or something. :lol: Anyway, we have far more Muslims around here that we have Americans, blonde or otherwise. :tongue_smilie:



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I got a bit of a kick from one of the testimonials - "When playtime is over,Razanne is neatly dressed and put back on the shelf in her place of honor." Umm. What is she doing during playtime that she's undressed?! (And yes, I know that half the fun is putting different outfits on them. . .)

I don't think there is a Barbie in this house that has clothes on. Ever since dd's first all Barbies are immediately made naked and ready for the bath.

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  • 1 month later...

Nope. No denim jumpers anywhere.


These are more like the hsers I know:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2493/4227815614_0a5c4285a8.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/my_lovely_pullip/4227815614/&usg=__xrdvMInYis0AwdrmLtBvIVsJNMY=&h=500&w=334&sz=132&hl=en&start=44&zoom=1&tbnid=fqRnifBSh0hvNM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=93&ei=d9EwTaPmEIHqgAf5t7WJCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHippie%2BBarbies%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D596%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1178&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1056&vpy=147&dur=1252&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=140&ty=166&oei=VNEwTfC6D4jqgQfdvM2tCw&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:25,s:44&biw=1280&bih=596







Anyway, today I found a teacher doll! Scroll down a bit and it's on the left. They look like homeschoolers!



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Nope. No denim jumpers anywhere.


These are more like the hsers I know:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2493/4227815614_0a5c4285a8.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/my_lovely_pullip/4227815614/&usg=__xrdvMInYis0AwdrmLtBvIVsJNMY=&h=500&w=334&sz=132&hl=en&start=44&zoom=1&tbnid=fqRnifBSh0hvNM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=93&ei=d9EwTaPmEIHqgAf5t7WJCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHippie%2BBarbies%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D596%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1178&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1056&vpy=147&dur=1252&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=140&ty=166&oei=VNEwTfC6D4jqgQfdvM2tCw&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:25,s:44&biw=1280&bih=596




I think I'm a cross of the Muslin barbie and the hippie barbie.. I'm sporting the turquoise and braids today.

Edited by helena
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Nope. No denim jumpers anywhere.


These are more like the hsers I know:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2493/4227815614_0a5c4285a8.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/my_lovely_pullip/4227815614/&usg=__xrdvMInYis0AwdrmLtBvIVsJNMY=&h=500&w=334&sz=132&hl=en&start=44&zoom=1&tbnid=fqRnifBSh0hvNM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=93&ei=d9EwTaPmEIHqgAf5t7WJCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHippie%2BBarbies%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D596%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1178&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1056&vpy=147&dur=1252&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=140&ty=166&oei=VNEwTfC6D4jqgQfdvM2tCw&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:25,s:44&biw=1280&bih=596




I bet she has a rainbow painted campervan instead of a pink and green schoolroom.




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Yanno the best thing about Muslim barbies, their hair is covered, so it can't get all mussed and manky. Barbies hair goes yuck pretty quick.

Er, no. The scarf doesn't stay on. And it is the cheapest, nastiest hair you can imagine and mats up into a tangly mess, and you can't put it in a high pony tail because (surprise!) there's no hair in the middle, only around the sides. Eventually you'll be glad you have a scarf for her...if you can only find it.


I hate all of them.


What's wrong with a nice teddy bear that can't get tangly?

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