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Is fur in?

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I saw a lady wearing a fur coat today and wanted to Gag. It was a whopping 57 degrees and not really weather for that yet. I figure those that wear fur are either A. really rich and can afford to. B- really poor, someone else gave them the coat and they think they are cool. This wasn't like a sheik fur coat, this is like something that would be in your grandma's closet.

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I saw a lady wearing a fur coat today and wanted to Gag. It was a whopping 57 degrees and not really weather for that yet. I figure those that wear fur are either A. really rich and can afford to. B- really poor, someone else gave them the coat and they think they are cool. This wasn't like a sheik fur coat, this is like something that would be in your grandma's closet.


Well my mother hates the cold and it was the only thing that kept her warm. When she moved to the south, her blood got thinner I guess. Now at 57 degrees my mother is looking for a real coat. By 50 degrees she'd be happy in her fur. Usually she doesn't have that option because it's in storage unless she is traveling north that winter. (Something she avoids in winter if she can help it.) So some people are just cold.


As for who can afford a fur, well, yes, usually you can either afford your own or someone gives it to you. It works that way for most things. If you have it either you bought or someone bought it for you. I guess with furs, you could raise your own minks in your yard or something I guess. That would be a third option of how to get a fur coat.

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Um, I can buy your grandmas fur coat at Goodwill for like $20.


I like fur. I don't buy it new or anything, but a nice fur coat is so warm. I don't know if anything is in...the last person I saw wearing a fur coat was the gangster in charge of BMF on Gangland, LOL.


(I live in FL, so we don't wear lots of fur here, I don't own any, but not because it's gag-worthy)

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I don't think real fur will ever be really 'in' again. Faux fur goes in and out.


I hope it comes back. A nice mink or fox is really attractive.


Eastern Europe still has a large percentage of women wear fur and the silliness we face here really has not caught on. Anyway when it is -20 or -30 degrees F I am told that mink is nice and warm.

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I hope it comes back. A nice mink or fox is really attractive.


Eastern Europe still has a large percentage of women wear fur and the silliness we face here really has not caught on. Anyway when it is -20 or -30 degrees F I am told that mink is nice and warm.


:iagree: I have zero issue with real fur. Or real leather. Or real silk. Or real steak. Or real down(feather) pillows or mattresses. Or many other things. SAMs had a huge bin of what was advertised on the bin as genuine sheepskin fur rugs. I thought my younger cat would go insane with that tho I bet all the pets would love to laze upon that in front of the fireplace this winter.


I guess if sheep were going extinct I'd have a problem with it. So please don't shoot a currently living wild cheetah just for a coat.

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I love real fur. It's beautiful and feels so good. Unfortunately I don't own a mink or anything, but the kids & I have hats lined with rabbit.


The kids also had sheepskin booster seat covers. We wear leather and eat meat.


Fur is a renewable resource, just like meat and trees- so I feel no guilt.

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I love real fur. It's beautiful and feels so good. Unfortunately I don't own a mink or anything, but the kids & I have hats lined with rabbit.


The kids also had sheepskin booster seat covers. We wear leather and eat meat.


Fur is a renewable resource, just like meat and trees- so I feel no guilt.


You know, this is something I've never understood: people are willing to wear "faux" fur, which is made of petroleum products, but not "real" fur, which is made from animals which reproduce. :001_huh:


Maybe they don't realize that polyester is poly ester.




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Probably not so much for the animal which was skinned....just saying.


Just like the meat on your dinner plate belongs inside the animal, not on your plate. just saying..


Cold countries wear real fur, because there's a real need. Hey, I'm wearing fur right now in front of the computer. It saves on the oil in the furnace, and reduces emissions. and btw, real fur should be worn *inside* a coat, not outside.

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