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More Government Overstepping Bounds (CPS story)

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Apparently, around here CPS tries to take your baby away if you ask too many questions and request a second opinion on a medical procedure for your baby.


You won't believe this story.


Their preemie had incidents of turning blue from his trach getting clogged while in the hospital, but the hospital never told the parents about these incidents. They hospital told them to suction the trach tube to 11mm to keep it clear of clogs but the tube is 14mm long, thus not cleared by only going to 11mm.


So, he turned blue, nearly died at home. At the hospital, the doctor wants to surgically implant another tube lower down (it would be his 9th surgery since he was born a year ago). Not convinced that will fix the issue, the parents ask a lot of questions and request that he be transferred to another hospital for a second opinion. They are told "if you don't sign this consent to operate form, we will report you to CPS" and they did. Even after the parents got the second opinion and did the surgery, CPS still prepares a foster home to take the baby away.

Edited by joannqn
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Apparently, around here CPS tries to take your baby away if you ask too many questions and request a second opinion on a medical procedure for your baby.


You won't believe this story.


Their preemie had incidents of turning blue from his trach getting clogged while in the hospital, but the hospital never told the parents about these incidents. They hospital told them to suction the trach tube to 11mm to keep it clear of clogs but the tube is 14mm long, thus not cleared by only going to 11mm.


So, he turned blue, nearly died at home. At the hospital, the doctor wants to surgically implant another tube lower down (it would be his 9th surgery since he was born a year ago). Not convinced that will fix the issue, the parents ask a lot of questions and request that he be transferred to another hospital for a second opinion. They are told "if you don't sign this consent to operate form, we will report you to CPS" and they did. Even after the parents got the second opinion and did the surgery, CPS still prepares a foster home to take the baby away.


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I hope they sue the state, at least for the cost of fighting CPS. What a nightmare. At least it's over but it's not like they needed legal bills on top of medical bills!




And my cynical self wonders if the hospital didn't want to 'lose' the fees from the surgery and used this as a horrible, threatening tactic thinking the parents would back down.



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And my cynical self wonders if the hospital didn't want to 'lose' the fees from the surgery and used this as a horrible, threatening tactic thinking the parents would back down.



That and the fear that if the parents were questioning, and the second opinion found some mistake they had made, then they would be afraid of a lawsuit. It's easier to think you are god and act as though parents should treat your word as god, then to have to face the possibility that you don't know everything and may have even made a mistake.

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I hope they sue the state, at least for the cost of fighting CPS. What a nightmare. At least it's over but it's not like they needed legal bills on top of medical bills!


And they should sue the hospital for filing a false claim of abuse. I think the purposely left out details that they knew would make CPS reconsider their claim.


Asking a second opinion and lots of questions is NOT abuse by any stretch of the imagination.:glare:

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Well, I lay this at the feet of that doctor. He was the control freak who didn't like answering questions and didn't want a second opinion. If I were the parents, I would be filing a complaint with the medical board and suing if possible. Asking lots of questions and seeking a second opinion are rights.


CPS is not equipped to sort through medical opinions (meaning that if they have a doctor alleging medical neglect, they have to go with that until at least there is a second opinion. They are not equipped to wade through medical details.) They should, however, have been expected to interview the parents (that is protocal in most states) before making a decision. However, this is exactly what we get when people think it's best to "err on the side of protecting the child" as I've seen on this board.

Edited by Laurie4b
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The "It Takes a Village" crowd strikes again.


"We are from CPS we know better than you, we are overstepping our bounds, sit down shut up and let us do what we need to.....by the way do you have any children in this household who have had a Happy Meal?"

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